
Kevin Sullivan Compares The Dungeon Of Doom To Getting Six Shots In The Ass

Former WCW booker and legendary wrestler "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan spoke to Wrestling Epicenter's Interactive Wrestling Radio for a recent interview. You can see highlights below, and the full interview at this link

Sami Callihan saying "Booker Man" ala Pillman at Superbrawl VI on Impact:
"WOW! I'm very familiar wth Sami Callihan. Sami hit me in the head with a chair and I had a lump that looked like an alien coming out! Sami's a very talented guy. That match (Superbrawl VI), probably the biggest compliment I ever got in my life. Kevin Nash told me when he was with WWE, a bunch of them went to a hotel room and bought our pay per view because they wanted to see me and Pillman."


Sullivan sending Pillman down to ECW while still working for WCW to sell the angle:
"Well, Brian worked us all. He was such a great performer and a mastermind. He actually had wanted to go to WWE so he worked a thing where he got fired by us, supposedly, he was being paid by us and we sent him to ECW to make it look legit. He was getting paid by ECW while working there. And, he was getting paid by Vince McMahon! He was getting three pay checks! He was such a brilliant guy!"


The Dungeon of Doom / Hulkamania vignettes that get made fun of these days:
"Well, that wasn't my character driven usual person. Look at who I had. I was using guys that Hogan was comfortable with. I was using cartoonish guys he had worked with and was comfortable with. I was doing this so he would be comfortable with me because of my mind. When he first got there, I knew he wouldn't draw money as a baby face. You've got to realize. I'm going to go ask Hulk Hogan who revolutionized the wrestling business to turn heel and give up all his merchandise and all his extra curricular activities that he's making money on? Who am I? So, I'd better make him comfortable because he's bringing in guys that are his friends. So, why don't I lump them together instead of putting them in every other segment? You know what I mean? There was (John) Tenta, (Brutus) Beefcake… I could go on down the line. Isn't it better to put them all in one segment and get it over with? Wouldn't it be? I mean, you could go to the doctor and get one shot in your ass or you could get six shots. You get it over with! But, it was strategically designed to get him comfortable with me and trust me."

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