
Dark Side Of The Ring Creators Discuss Their Experience Interviewing WWE Lawyer Jerry McDevitt

Evan Husney and Jason Eisner open up about interviewing Jerry McDevitt for season three of Dark Side of the Ring.

Season 3 of Dark Side of the Ring is the longest season yet with 14 episodes. one of the topics covered this season will be the WWF steroid trial from the mid-90s which saw the federal government bring Vince McMahon to court.

In that episode, WWE the longtime lawyer, Jerry McDevitt, will grant a rare interview. Speaking about this episode on the most recent Talk is Jericho podcast, Evan Husney and Jason Eisner, the creators of the series, open up about why they think they were able to get Jerry for an interview and whether or not they think the perception of their series has changed in the eyes of WWE.

“Jerry’s a great guy. First off, and it is kind of miraculous that we have him for the show, and man, we thank him for that. Because, first and foremost, the steroid trial is probably one of the more significant out of the ring events of the 90s in wrestling. It’s always been on our radar since we actually tried to make it for season one. But you know, there was just we couldn’t get people to talk to us for it and again, the fans of our show, the viewers of our show, really want to see it. So we tried again to put it together for season three and there I don’t think that there was a way for us to tell this story legitimately, without someone like Jerry McDevitt to kind of build it around and that’s what we’ve done with this episode. Because this is a masterclass of Jerry McDevitt as an incredible, unbelievable attorney, that’s what this is, you know, even though you look in the, when you look into the weeds of the story, you see that the prosecution’s case against Vince McMahon was pretty thin, but still, McDevitt is, you know, annihilates in this trial, and I think that has a lot to do with why you know, from the WWE perspective, that it’s okay to tell the story because  they came out on top, you know, they won and they are the babyfaces of this story, you know, and a lot of ways and it was just it was awesome.” 

The season three premiere, featuring the life story of Brian Pillman garnered more than 200,000 viewers on Thursday, May 6, 2021. Learn more at this link.

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