
Ciampa Dedicates WWE United States Championship Match On 8/8 WWE Raw To Harley Race

Tommaso Ciampa dedicates his first title opportunity on WWE Raw to one of the most legendary World Champions of all time. 

On Monday, August 8, 2022, Ciampa will attempt to wrestle the WWE United States Championship away from Bobby Lashley, putting his name next to many of the greats that have held that title. The WWE United States Championship, with a lineage including names like Steve Austin, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, John Cena, and more, dates back to the National Wrestling Alliance and its first champion, Harley Race.

On Instagram, Ciampa reflected on his personal history with Harley Race and the time he spent training with him, saying that his WWE United States Championship match is dedicated to Harley’s memory. 

From Ciampa on Instagram:

Tonight is dedicated to Handsome Harley, The King, the first ever United States Champion….or as I always called him “Boss”.

In 2008, when I moved to Eldon, MO to train with Harley Race, I was a lost twenty-two year old kid. I had just been released from my developmental contract, I lacked confidence, and I was battling depression.

The decision to leave home, step outside of my comfort zone, and start fresh in a new territory was horrifying to me…but it’s a risk I needed to take.

When I reflect on my career today, it’s extremely clear to me just how big of an impact Harley had on me…personally and professionally.

Harley is a no nonsense man. His mere presence demands respect…this I could tell from the moment I met him. However, as the days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months, I came to discover that Harley had a heart of gold. He cared about his students, not only in the ring but outside as well.

Harley’s confidence in me as a man and as a performer allowed me to regain confidence in myself. He allowed me to make mistakes, and he helped guide me to fix those mistakes.

Before class every day, I would try to get to the school early and I would ask Harley to watch tapes with me. Sometimes he “politely” said, “not today kid”. But sometimes the answer was yes…and I’ll tell you this, not many things compare to tape study sessions with Harley Race.

My best memory from my time training at the Harley Race Academy actually took place away from the ring. It was Thanksgiving of 2008 and I (along with many others) could not afford to travel home for the holiday. Harley invited a bunch of his students to his place for a home cooked Thanksgiving feast. He treated us as family. It was incredible!

I’m grateful for the time I spent with Harley in ’08… I wouldn’t be the man or performer I am today without him.

Harley passed away almost exactly three years ago from today. And still, I can hear his voice clear as day, “you done good kid, you done good”.

Thank you, Boss. Thank you for everything. 

Previously, Ciampa cut an impassioned promo about how much becoming Champion would mean to him. Learn more here.


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