
Zelina Vega Shares Conversations She Had With Triple H And Vince McMahon Prior To SmackDown

On Tuesday, WWE released a video interview with Zelina Vega, who detailed losing her father on September 11, 2001 in the terrorist attacks. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a must watch.

Today, WWE posted part two of Renee Young’s interview with Vega, in which Vega speaks about working SmackDown on Sept. 11 and honoring her fathers memory. You can view the video above. To start, Vega shared the conversation she had with Triple H once she arrived to the arena.

“When I walked in today, everyone met me with so much love and support,” said Vega “I walked past Triple H and he said, ‘How are you doing?’ I said, ‘I’m doing ok, I’m just really honored to be here. This was (my father’s) dream too, so to be living both of our dreams today, of all days, is incredible.’ He said, ‘Well, I know he’s really proud of you because I’m really proud of you.’ I said, ‘Thank you for this opportunity to be here.’ He said, ‘I didn’t do anything. You deserve to be here and I know he’s super proud of you.’ Then he gave me the best hug ever and I was like, ‘Oh my God, this is amazing.’ That meant so much to me. Whether he knows it or not, that meant the world to me.”

Vega accompanied Andrade “Cien” Almas to the ring on SmackDown for his match with R-Truth. Prior to walking out, Vega shared another hug with Vince McMahon. 

“Right before Andrade and I went out, Vince McMahon gave me, what felt like a hug that lasted two minutes. I didn’t even want to let him go, I was just so happy. I didn’t know what to say,” Vega continued “I said, ‘My biggest thing is to make sure that you know how important this is to me and my family.’ It was incredible. I said, ‘I’m honored to be here and to be working on this day in honor of my father.'”

Vega stated that she took a moment at the top of the ramp during the entrance to say a few words to her father. Almas was victorious in his bout against R-Truth. 

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