
Xena Praises Cheerleader Melissa, Says She Virtually Trained Her During COVID

Xena talks learning from Cheerleader Melissa.

Over the duration of her 20 year career, Cheerleader Melissa has often been named as a huge influence to some of the current stars in the world of women’s wrestling. Alongside Tom Howard and Allison Danger, Melissa even had a hand in training WWE’s Zoey Stark.

While speaking to Fightful for a new interview, Xena talked about how Melissa would critique her matches during COVID times and give her a bit of virtual training.

“So we couldn’t do anything wrestling wise during COVID. So me and my friend, Jay, he introduced me to her at the time and we’ll send matches over to her and she’ll jump on a FaceTime call and like critique it and like, ‘Oh, you should do this, do that.’ So it was like virtual training and she’s never met me so she didn’t have to go out of her way to do all that, you know what I mean?”

Xena went on to talk about how she was also trying out for various TV shows during that time.

So every time everyone’s like, ‘Oh, who showed you how to—’ I’m like, ‘Cheerleader Melissa. Like this lady put her time and day into like showing me what to do in the ring.’ Besides that at the time I was trying to do like Ninja Warrior. I tried out for like TV shows. So I was trying to keep myself busy and sane during COVID and then I think December is when I got in contact with Stardom to come over. But I did manifest that, I’ll just say that.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Xena talked about working with Anna Jay. Learn more about those comments here.

Also, check out Fightful’s full interview with Xena in the video linked above. 

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