
X-Pac On Sasha Banks’ Return: She F*cked Up Natalya & Becky Lynch

The return of Sasha Banks on WWE television and subsequent attack on Natalya and Becky Lynch caught the eye of X-Pac.

The former WWE star spoke on Banks’ return for the first time since WrestleMania 35 and was impressed with the segment that started with Natalya cutting a promo before Banks interrupted her with the surprise return. X-Pac said on his “X-Pac 1,2,360” podcast that the entire segment stood out to him and noted that, despite Banks attacking both Natalya and Lynch, he thinks there will be some that will still root for the former WWE Women’s Tag Team champion.

“The other thing from last night that stood out to me, Natalya coming out. She lays it on thick right… for better or worse it’s coming from a real authentic place with her. And so she’s out there, and she’s talking about her father, it’s hard to boo somebody when they’re talking about their father passing and then when Sasha comes out, it was just really good shit. The intensity, she f*cked her up, then Becky came out and she fucked her up…. For anyone that’s in charge of writing or creative or whatever, don’t assume that the people are all just gonna jump on the Becky train on this. Cause some people are going to be for Sasha,” X-Pac said.

You can watch the full podcast by clicking on this link.

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