
WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2022 – Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins Result

Adrenaline, in my soul, tights were pulled by Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes defeated Seth Rollins for the second time but this time he was a little more nefarious as he utilized the tight to secure his victory at WrestleMania Backlash.

Cody Rhodes vs Seth Rollins

The match began with both wrestlers locking up, with Rhodes going for the falling slap, but Rollins caught it. Rollins kicked Rhodes in the abdomen. Rollins leaped on Rhodes for the Magistral but got a near fall. Rollins smacked Rhodes in the back of the head, but Rhodes responded by slapping Rollins in the face. Rhodes chased down Rollins outside of the ring, but Rollins got back in and hit Rhodes with a low knee to Cody’s head. Rollins hit a knee strike on Rhodes, sending Rhodes to the outside. Outside the ring, Rollins caught Rhodes with a lariat. Both got back in the ring and Rollins got an S-Grip headlock on Rhodes. Rhodes broke the hold by kicking Rollins in the abdomen. Rhodes hit the falling slap before hitting a Standing Facebuster on Rollins. Rhodes hit a disaster kick on Rollins for a near fall. Rhodes went for the Cody-Cutter, but Rolllins caught him in the ropes and tossed Rhodes out of the ring. Rollins rolled out and slammed Rhodes onto the barricade, and slammed the head of Rhodes onto the broadcast table. Rollins and Rhodes got back to the ring, with Rhodes and Rollins exchanging punches. Rollins hit an Irish Whip on Rhodes onto the ring corner. Rollins kicked the back of Rhodes, hit a running knee-drop, and locked in a rear-naked choke on Rhodes. Rhodes broke out of the rear-naked choke, but Rollins hit him with a punch. Rhodes went for a Sunset Flip, but Rollins sat down to get a near fall. Rhodes completed the sunset flip for a near fall. Rhodes hit a Standing Super-plex on Rollins. Rhodes and Rollins exchanged chops before exchanging strikes. Rhodes hit a shoulder tackle, a power slam, and a clothesline to the outside on Rollins. Rhodes went for a splash on the outside, but Rollins rolled back in the ring. Rollins went for a Tope Suicida, but Rhodes caught him. Cody hit Rollins with the Cody Cutter for a near fall. Rollins went for the Pedigree, but Rhodes went under the legs of Rollins to evade the move. Rollins hit a leaping head-kick, followed by a superkick for a near fall. Rollins went for the Curb Stomp, but Rollins caught him in the Scorpion DDT position. Rollins escaped and went for the pedigree, but Rhodes went for his own attempt of the pedigree, but Rollins escaped that and hit a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Rhodes went for the Disaster Kick, but Rollins caught him and hit him with a Buckle Bomb and a Top-Rope Frog Splash for a near fall. Rollins went up for a Phoenix Splash, but Rhodes evaded and hit Rollins with a superkick. Rollins went for another Falcom Arrow, but Rhodes caught Rollins with the Crossroads, but Rollins got a rope break. Rhodes went for the top-rope moonsault but missed Rollins before Rollins hit Rhodes with the Pedigree for another near fall. Rollins hit a series of low-kicks to the head of Rhodes. Rollins hit the Dusty Punches before being caught in a Cross Roads. Rhodes went for the Verta-breaker, but Rollins reversed it with the O’Connor Roll. Rhodes reversed the move with an O’Connor Roll for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Cody Rhodes.

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