
WWE WrestleMania 36: Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens; Owens Does Insane Dive

Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins

The match begins with Rollins hiding in the ropes before attacking Owens with some strikes, Owens chases Rollins out of the ring before landing strikes of his own. Rollins gets back in the ring and Owens follows him in there before avoiding the stomp, Owens then nails Rollins with more strikes. Rollins fights back before Owens lands a clothesline and senton bombs, Rollins leaves the ring again and Owens follows him out there to land more strikes. Owens then throws Rollins right into the barricade a few times, Owens gets Rollins back in the ring before meeting him on the ring apron. Owens looks for a pile driver and Rollins counters by landing a back body drop on the ringside edge, Rollins follows up by nailing Owens with a falcon arrow on the ringside edge. Rollins keeps the pressure on Owens by nailing him with a series of suicide dives, Rollins goes for another dive and Owens counters by landing a right. Owens gets back in the ring and Rollins nails him with a sling blade followed by some strikes, Rollins misses the stomp multiple times and Owens nails him with a DDT.

Rollins misses a charge in the corner and Owens nails him with a super kick followed by a cannonball, Owens then hits Rollins with a swanton bomb for a near fall. Owens goes for a pop up power bomb and Rollins avoids it, Owens goes for a stunner and Rollins counters with an enziguri. Owens fights back and he nails Rollins with a clothesline, Rollins goes to the ring apron and Owens drags him to the top rope. Owens looks for a superplex and Rollins blocks it by raking his eyes, Rollins gets free and he nails Owens with a buckle bomb followed by a super kick. Rollins the nails Owens with a thrust kick, Rollins looks for the stomp and Owens counters with a pop up power bomb for a near fall. Rollins tries leaving the ring and Owens follows him out there, Rollins hits Owens with a ring bell to cause a DQ.

Winner: Kevin Owens, by DQ

After the match, Kevin Owens gets on the microphone and he insults Seth Rollins before saying he wants a No DQ Match with Rollins right now and Rollins accepts.

No DQ Match
Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins

The match begins with Rollins nailing Owens with a knee strike before throwing him out of the ring, Rollins follows Owens out there before throwing him into the barricade. Rollins keeps Owens down while stomping away on him, Rollins again grabs Owens and throws him into the barricade. Rollins grabs the ring steps and he attacks Owens with them, Rollins grabs a steel chair and he attacks Owens with it. Rollins then clears off the announce table before Owens hits him with multiple ring bell shots, Rollins falls onto the announce table and Owens climbs the ‘Mania sign before leaping off and putting Rollins through the table. Owens gets up first and he gets Rollins back into the ring, Owens then nails Rollins with the stunner for a three count.

Winner: Kevin Owens

You can see our full live coverage of WrestleMania 36 night one at this link, and our post-show podcast at this link.

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