
WWE WrestleMania 36: John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jimmy Uso Ladder Match For Smackdown Tag Titles

Smackdown Tag Team Championships
Ladder Match
John Morrison (c) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jimmy Uso

The match begins with an all out brawl between all the competitors in the match, everybody leaves the ring and they bring ladders back into it. They all set up the ladders and then climb up all of them, everybody exchanges strikes while trying to grab the belts. Uso gets shoved down and he crashes into the ropes, Uso returns and he knocks Morrison off a ladder. Kingston leaps off a ladder and he takes out Uso, Morrison climbs a ladder and Kingston gets him down before eating a knee strike. Morrison knocks some ladders over before attacking Uso, Kingston gets up and he attacks Morrison. Kingston and Morrison have a back and forth while Uso climbs a ladder, Kingston also climbs the ladder and he knocks Uso off of it. Morrison climbs the ladder and he battles Kingston, Morrison knocks Kingston off the ladder and he reaches for the belts until Uso gets him down. Morrison drops Uso before landing a few kicks, Kingston goes for a dive before getting dumped to the arena floor by Morrison and Uso.

Uso misses a ladder shot and Morrison shoves a ladder at him, Morrison then sets up a ladder in the corner before attacking Uso’s injured knee with another one. Uso fights back and he gets Morrison on the top rope before smashing his face into a ladder, Uso climbs the ropes and Morrison knocks him onto a ladder. Morrison hits Uso with a twisting splash while Uso was trapped on the ladder, Morrison eventually knocks Uso out of the ring. Morrison climbs a ladder and Kingston takes him down with a springboard hurricarana, Kingston climbs the ladder and he gets off to battle Uso. Kingston knocks Uso out of the ring before taking out Morrison with a suicide dive, Uso looks to dive off the barricade and Kingston throws a ladder at him. Kingston grabs another ladder and he bridges it between the ring and the barricade, Kingston places Uso on the ladder while landing some strikes. Kingston then crotches Morrison on the top rope, Kingston goes to the top rope and Morrison walks across the top rope to land a Spanish fly.

Uso returns and he nails Morrison with a top rope splash, Uso starts climbing the ladder and Kingston tries stopping him. Kingston climbs up the ladder with Uso and Uso knocks him off, Kingston climbs the ladder from the inside to knock Uso off of it. Kingston gets near the belts and Morrison climbs the ladder to attack him, Kingston knocks Morrison off the ladder and Morrison quickly returns before eating a double stomp from the top of the ladder. Kingston knocks Morrison out of the ring and he battles Uso for control of another ladder, Morrison bridges a ladder between one ladder and the ropes. Kingston leaps off the bridged ladder and Uso kicks him before throwing him face first into a ladder, Morrison jumps off a ladder and Uso nails him with a super kick. Uso places Morrison on the bridged ladder before climbing another ladder, Morrison gets free and he shoves Uso off the ladder and to the arena floor. Morrison climbs the ladder and Kingston meets him up there as they brawl, Uso returns and he sets up another ladder before climbing it, a three way brawl breaks out between all the competitors.

All three competitors get the belts down and Morrison falls off the ladder with the belts in his possession to win the match.

Winner: John Morrison, still the Smackdown Tag Team Champions w/The Miz


You can see our full live coverage of WrestleMania 36 night one at this link, and our post-show podcast at this link.

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