
WWE SmackDown Results (7/1/2022): Raw vs SmackDown 6 Woman Tag Match, New Day vs Viking Raiders

Results for 7/1/2022 edition of SmackDown, live on FOX

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/1/2022 edition of WWE SmackDown, live on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– Pat McAfee and Michael Cole welcomed the audience to the broadcast. 

– Seth Rollins, Omos (w/ MVP), Riddle, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, and Sami Zayn was in the ring filled with ladders to cut a promo ahead of their involvement in the Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Rollins welcomed the crowd to SmackDown, saying that the best time to cash in would be after the Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Undisputed Championship Match between champion, Roman Reigns, and challenger, Brock Lesnar. Riddle and Zayn refuted his claim. MVP responded to Zayn that his idiocy is unbelievable, saying that Omos would win. McIntyre reminded the crowd that he had beaten Lesnar in 5 minutes before being interrupted by, of all people, The Miz. The Miz said he was the only 2-time Money In The Bank Winner on the roster, even though Edge held the briefcase twice too. Ezekiel, Happy Corbin, and Madcap Moss interrupted to have their claim in the match. Adam Pearce came to the ring and told everyone to remove the ladders for a good old-fashioned Battle Royal. 

Battle Royal

Ezekiel vs Happy Corbin vs Madcap Moss vs Drew McIntyre vs Sami Zayn vs Riddle vs Seth Rollins vs Omos (w/ MVP)

Moss and Sheamus double-teamed Omos, but Omos shook them off. Zayn tossed Riddle out of the ring, but Riddle remained in the ring. McIntyre tried to eliminate The Miz, but The Miz gauged his eyes. Omos tossed Ezekiel out of the ring, eliminating him from the match. Omos eliminated Moss too eliminating The Miz. Riddle attacked Omos, but Omos tossed him o the ground. McIntyre and Omos exchanged strikes before Omos got McIntyre in a  choke before hitting him with a headbutt. Omos hit a back elbow on Sheamus before hitting an elbow strike on Zayn’s neck. Omos confronted Rollins, but Rollins did not want any of it and eliminated himself from the match. Riddle hit an RKO on Rollins outside of the ring. Riddle, McIntyre, and Sheamus teamed up to eliminate Omos before the commercial break. Riddle hit a series of kicks on Sheamus before Sheamus hit him with a clothesline. Zayn and Sheamus tossed Riddle over the top rope, but Riddle hang on. Zayn hit a running forearm strike on a stinging McIntyre. Sheamus hit a short-lariat on Riddle. Zayn punched down McIntyre, and Sheamus and McIntyre viciously attacked Zayn. Corbin hit a chokeslam backbreaker on Riddle. Riddle hit the Bro-To Sleep on Sheamus before hitting a running Senton. Riddle hit a power slam on Sheamus. Riddle tried to climb the top rope, but Sheamus caught him with a brogue knee to eliminate him from the match. Corbin and Zayn double-teameMcIntyrere before Zayn accidentally hit a Helluva Kick on Corbin. McIntyre hit a neck breaker on Zayn. Sheamus hit McIntyre with the brogue’s knee before tossing him over the top rope, but McIntyre remained in the apron. McIntyre hit two Belly-To-Belly Suplexes on Sheamus before hitting one on Zayn. McIntyre hit the Future Shock DDT on Sheamus. McIntyre hit the Claymore Kick on Zayn before eliminating him from the match. Sheamus and McIntyre tried to eliminate each other, but Corbin got them from behind and eliminated them from the match, winning the Battle Royal. Corbin mocked Pat McAfee after the match, laughing at him for some odd reason. 

Winner: Happy Corbin.

– Kayla Braxton interviewed Happy Corbin, with Corbin saying he was farting rainbows. Braxton asked him about McAfee’s challenge for SummerSlam, but Corbin remained silent. 

– There was a video package highlighting the feud between SmackDown Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey and Natalya to build to their match on Money In The Bank 2022. 

– Natalya was interviewed backstage by Megan Morant, saying that she saw Rousey’s movies and understands why Rousey is not in Hollywood right now. Natalya said that she will be the first person to make Rousey tap out in WWE and become the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.

– Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods came to the ring to cut a pre-match promo, with Kingston saying that they were happy to be in Phoenix in June. Woods told him that June was over, to which Kingston responded with “July-ing”. Woods gave Kingston Five Dollars. They address the brawl they and The Viking Raiders had on the 6/24/2022 edition of SmackDown before calling them out for their scheduled match. The New Day and the Viking Raiders brawled before the Viking Raiders used the shields to lay down the New Day. The biking Raiders hit a double-power bomb on Kingston before piling Woods on top of Kingston. 

– The Miz, Madcap Moss, Happy Corbin & Ezekiel talked over each other before Adam Pearce made an impromptu Fatal Four Way to determine the final member of the Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match for later in the night.

– Becky Lynch joined the commentary team for the match. Lynch said that she would sit this one out, saying that she will make sure no one of the participants in the match takes out.

Raquel Rodriguez, Lacey Evans & Shotzi vs. Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan & Asuka

Shotzi and Asuka started the match, but Asuka scared down Shotzi to the point that she tagged in Evans. Evans and Asuka locked up before they evaded each other’s offense. Raquel tagged in and hit a running splash, which Evans followed up with a senton on Evans for a near fall. Raquel went for an elbow drop, but Asuka evaded and tagged in Alexa Bliss. Bliss tried to run away from Raquel, but Raquel got her and hit her with a running splash and an Irish whip on Bliss. Raquel hit a shoulder tackle on Bliss. Bliss and Morgan hit a double dropkick on Raquel for a near fall. Morgan hit Tijeras’s before hitting an elevated DDT on Raquel. Shotzi hit a senton on Morgan before hitting a running side senton on Morgan for a near fall. Morgan kicked Shotzi into the corner. Shotzi rolled out of the ring. Evans confronted Shotzi before Morgan hit both of them with a Tope Suicida. Bliss hit a running Cannonball on Raquel on the outside of the ring before the commercial break. Bliss hi a series of strikes and a low-missile dropkick on Raquel. Bliss went for a crossbody, but Raquel caught her. Shotzi tripped Raquel, slamming Bliss in a world’s strongest slam for a near fall. Shotzi got Bliss in a leg-scissor headlock before the rope break. Shotzi hit a buckle suplex on Bliss. Bliss went for a Code Red but turned it into a sunset bomb for a near fall. Shotzi got Bliss in a Boston Crab, but Bliss kicked Shotzi away before tagging in Asuka. Asuka hit some kicks on Shotzi, a hip attack on Evans, and a lariat on Shotzi. Shotzi hit a step-up enziguri kick, but Asuka caught her in an ankle lock and a German Suplex for a near fall. Asuka hit a kick, which Morgan took advantage of with a code breaker for a near fall. Asuka and Bliss hit missile dropkicks on Raquel. Evans hit a Women’s Right on Bliss, but Asuka hit a back fist on Evans before Shotzi tossed her out of the ring. Morgan hit a rope-assisted flat liner on Shotzi for the pinfall win. Becky Lynch hit a Uranage on Asuka before heading to the ramp.

Winner: Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan & Asuka.

– Sonya Deville informed Adam Pearce that she filed a formal complaint against him before slapping him right in the mouth. 

– Kayla Braxton hosted the first-ever ATA (Ask Them Anything), with The Usos and The Street Profits participating. When asked about fearing the Street Profits, Jimmy Uso said that they are not afraid because The Bloodline runs the show. Braxton asked Ford and Dawkins why are not getting along, to which the Street Profits got the question from the Dirt Sheets, before saying that they respect the Samoan Tag Teams The Usos learned from. Ford told The Usos that they will get the WWE Undisputed Tag Titles from them. Jey Uso said that they like the Street Profits, but he told them that they want the smoke. Street Profits responded by telling The Usos that they were the twos and that they would become the ones, returning Jey the favor and stealing The Usos’ catchphrase. 

– Max Dupri was informed by Adam Pearce that the introduction to Maximum Male Models was the next segment.

– There was a video package highlighting the match between Ricochet and Gunther from the 6/24/2022 edition of SmackDown.

– Max Dupri was in the ring to introduce the Maximum Male Models. Dupri’s first his first male model was none other than Maçé (the man formerly known as Mace). Mace strut down the ramp and posed for the camera. The next member of Maximum Male models was none other than Månsôör̃ (formerly known as Mansoor), who was wearing a fanny pack. Dupri told the crowd to not bother if you don’t have the swagger of Maçé & Månsôör̃. Pat McAfee said he was titillating from their introductions. It was announced that they will introduce the Tennis Sportwear Colletion on the 7/8/2022 edition of SmackDown.

– Ronda Rousey was interviewed by Megan Morant, saying that Natalya did not know math and that she can count on making Natalya tap out. 

Money In The Bank Qualifiyng Match

Madcap Moss vs. Ezekiel vs. The Miz vs. Happy Corbin

Ezekiel and Corbin brawled before Moss hit a lariat on Corbin. Ezekiel hit a sunset flip, which led to Moss hitting a german suplex on The Miz, for a near fall. Ezekiel hit a bodyslam on Moss, but Moss hit a shoulder tackle on Ezekiel. Moss hit a top rope lariat on Corbin. Corbin and Miz double-teamed Moss before Corbin hit a lariat on The Miz. Ezekiel clotheslined Corbin over the barricade. Ezekiel and Moss double-teamed on The Miz before Corbin slammed Moss on the stairs. Corbin hit a back suplex on The Miz onto the apron before he choke slammed Ezekiel onto the broadcast table before the commercial break. The Miz and Moss exchanged strikes before Moss hit him with a shoulder tackle. Moss hit a pancake lariat on The Miz for a near fall. Moss catapulted The Miz into Corbin’s nards before hitting Corbin with Punchline for a near fall. Ezekiel went for a crossbody, but Moss caught him and hit a Fall-Away slam, but The Miz caught him with a Psycho knee for a near fall. The Miz hit the it-kicks on Moss and Ezekiel before hitting Moss with a neck breaker for a near fall. Corbin hit a deep six on The Miz for a near fall. Ezekiel and Corbin exchanged punches before Ezekiel hit a mule kick and a lariat on Corbin. Ezekiel hit running splashes on Moss and The Miz before hitting a leaping knee on Corbin for a near fall. Ezekiel hit a spine buster on Moss. The Miz hit Ezekiel with the Skull Crushing Finale, but Corbin pulled The Miz out of the ring to break the pin. Corbin hit Ezekiel with End of Days, but Moss tossed Corbin into the ring post. Moss pinned an unconscious Ezekiel for the win, becoming the final participant to enter the Men’s Money In The Bank. Pat McAfee continued to call Corbin a bum while Moss celebrated in the ring to end the broadcast.

Winner: Madcap Moss.





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