
WWE SmackDown Results (6/3/22): The Usos Defend Tag Titles Against Riddle & Shinsuke Nakamura + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for Friday Night SmackDown (6/3/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card as we’re just 48-hours away from Hell In A Cell!


  • The Usos (C) vs. Riddle & Shinsuke Nakamura — Undisputed Tag Team Championship
  • Raquel Rodriguez vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Shotzi vs. Xia Li vs. Aliyah vs. Natalya — SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contender Match
  • Madcap Moss Confronts Happy Corbin

Live Coverage

The show begins and our commentary team of Michael Cole and Pat McAfee welcome us to tonight’s show from Columbus, Ohio. Cole and McAfee run down tonight’s card and out come the New Day!

 Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods of the New Day make their way down to the ring. We then see a video package highlighting New Day and Drew McIntyre’s win over Sheamus, Ridge Holland and Butch from last week’s show. Kofi and Woods start an ‘O-H! I-O!’ chant then make fun of the ‘Brawling Brutes’ stable name and Kofi says they’ve been thrown in the ringer by Sheamus, Holland and Butch but last week, they finally got a win back, thanks to Drew McIntyre, who makes his way down to the ring. McIntyre shouts out Big E and says he knows what it’s like to be injured and at home away from the fans. McIntyre starts a ‘Big E!’ chant. McIntyre turns his attention to Roman Reigns and says he’s going to win the WWE Championship at Clash at The Castle but in the meantime, Kofi and Woods can always rely on their boy, ‘Big D’. McIntyre says Big D always goes in but Kofi and Woods cut him off and give McIntyre a gift but before the gift is revealed, Sheamus, Holland and Butch interrupt. Butch rushes the ring, he’s quickly tossed out and Sheamus and Holland hold him back and we head to a commercial break.

Drew McIntyre & New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs. Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Butch)

Sheamus and Woods start this one off. Sheamus wallops Woods with forearms to the chest and makes the tag to Butch, who does the same. Woods escapes long enough to make the tag to Kofi, who slams Butch and goes for the cover but Butch kicks out. Kofi makes the tag back to Woods and they hit a double leg drop and Woods goes for the cover but Butch kicks out once again. Ridge makes the self tag and clobbers Woods with a shoulder tackle. Ridge sends Woods to the corner and makes the tag to Sheamus, who unloads a number of strikes on Woods before making the tag to Butch, who applies a head lock and stomps on Woods’ hands and makes the tag back to Sheamus.

The former WWE Champion goes for a slam but Woods lands on his feet and makes the tag to Kofi, who cleans house and goes for a flying forearm but Sheamus catches him and sends him to the corner. Sheamus goes for a corner splash but Kofi moves, Sheamus goes shoulder-first into the ring post, Kofi goes up top and nails Sheamus with a diving cross body and then a cover but Sheamus kicks out. Butch trips Kofi from the outside, McIntyre takes Butch out at ringside and Kofi sends Sheamus to the floor over the top rope. Kofi and Woods hit Sheamus and Ridge with simultaneous dives over the top rope and to the outside. New Day celebrate on the announce table, McIntyre cheers them on from the apron and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Sheamus is working over Kofi whilst back in the ring. Sheamus tosses Kofi to the corner and makes the tag to Butch, who unloads some strikes and makes the tag to Ridge, who slams Kofi to the mat, Sheamus makes the self tag and goes up top and hits Kofi with a diving knee and goes for the cover but Kofi lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Kofi hits Sheamus with a meteora out of nowhere on Sheamus and makes the hot tag to McIntyre and Sheamus tags in Ridge. McIntyre cleans house and sends Ridge to the corner and launches him across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex. McIntyre goes to the outside and wallops Sheamus with a clothesline before getting back in the ring and plants Ridge with a neck breaker. Sheamus interferes after McIntyre looks for a claymore but McIntyre sends him to the outside as Ridge makes the tag to Butch. McIntyre makes the tag to Woods, who nails Butch with a Samoan Drop and goes for the cover but Ridge breaks it up. A brawl breaks out on the outside, Sheamus cracks McIntyre with the Brogue Kick. Back in the ring, Woods rolls up Butch, who kicks out, Sheamus distracts Woods, Butch uses the distraction to hit a flatliner and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners – Brawling Brutes

 We then see a video package highlighting the feud over the past few weeks between the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions, The Usos and Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura.

Riddle and Shinsuke Nakamura are then shown backstage with Kayla Braxton. Riddle says while Shinsuke is no Randy Orton, he’s got some good qualities. Shinsuke says while Riddle is no Rick Boogs, he’s a decent guy. Braxton then shows footage of Riddle and Orton losing to The Usos, two weeks ago. Riddle says he’s going to hurt The Usos twice as bad as they hurt Orton and tonight’s not only about the titles, it’s about getting revenge. Riddle says tonight is for Orton and we head to a commercial break.

— Back from the break and Max Dupri walks into Adam Pearce’s office. Dupri says he has found his first client, a diamond in the rough and it’s a man who’s going to walk away from millions of followers on Instagram and into the ‘bright lights’ of WWE. Dupri says the first client of Maximum Male Models will be unveiled, next week.

 Michael Cole and Pat McAfee then hype up this Sunday’s Hell In A Cell card and we see an in-depth video package highlighting the feud between Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins, who will fight inside of a Hell In A Cell, during Sunday’s premium live event.

Humberto (with Angel) vs. Jinder Mahal (with Shanky)

Humberto goes on the attack early with some strikes in the corner then chokes Mahal with his boot but Mahal grabs the bottom rope to force the break. Mahal launches Humberto with an overhead back-body drop and unloads on Humberto with some stomps. Humberto kicks Mahal back but Mahal rolls him up for the three-count!

Winner – Jinder Mahal

After the match, Shanky starts dancing and ring announcer, Samantha Irvin joins him as McAfee sings them on.

 We then see a highlights from last week’s show that’s lead to tonight’s six pack challenge to determining a number one contender for Ronda Rousey’s SmackDown Women’s Championship.

— SmackDown Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey makes her way down to the ring and she’ll sit ringside for the aforementioned number one contender’s match. Everyone makes their entrances but Aliyah is locked in the locker room so it looks as if Aliyah may not compete in the match. We then head to a commercial break as Shotzi looks at the big tron in hysterics, seemingly confirming that she’s the culprit.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Shotzi vs. Aliyah vs. Natalya — SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contender Match

The fight immediately spills the outside. Shotzi is sent into the barricade by Natalya, Aliyah’s taken out by Shayna and everyone else gets back into the ring. Raquel lays everyone one, Shotzi comes back in and dives on Raquel but Raquel catches her and launches her into Xia. Shayna leaps on Raquel’s back and applies a rear-naked choke but they both fall to the outside. Natalya sends Shotzi to the outside, Xia plants Natalya with an overhead suplex then a sliding kick to the face and goes for the cover but Aliyah breaks it up.

Shotzi drills Aliyah with a DDT, Xia takes out Shotzi with a spin kick, Natalya wallops Xia with a super kick and Raquel knocks Natalya back with a forearm. Natalya trips Raquel face-first into the middle turnbuckle and rolls her up but Raquel kicks out and slams her to the mat. Raquel lifts an attacking Shotz and slams her on top of Natalya then hits them both with a corkscrew dive off the middle rope. Raquel plants Shotzi with a power bomb, Shayna latches onto Raquel with a choke and Natalya pins Shotzi behind their backs for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Natalya (Becomes #1 Contender For The SmackDown Women’s Championship)

After the match, Ronda Rousey gets in the ring and comes face-to-face with Natalya.

 We then see a video package highlighting the feud between Madcap Moss and Happy Corbin and we head to a commercial break.

 Back from the break and Madcap Moss then makes his way down to the ring. Moss says Happy Corbin thought he ended Madcap Moss when he dropped the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal on his head…and he was right. Moss said he buried Madcap Moss and every time Corbin yelled at him to tell a joke he wanted to smash his face in and all he could think about is how much the fans would want to see that. Moss tells Corbin’s ‘human fedora rack ass’ to come down to the ring, which he does. Corbin says Moss isn’t there to fight and the real reason he’s there is because Moss misses him and the structure that he brought to his life. Adam Pearce comes down to the ring and says a match between Moss and Corbin actually sounds like a great idea and the match is official. Corbin argues with Pearce and the match will go down, after the break.

Madcap Moss vs. Happy Corbin

Corbin won’t enter the ring but eventually does and Moss immediately tosses him out and sends him into the steel steps then the ring post. Moss gets Corbin back into the ring but Corbin rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair. Moss ducks a chair shot from Corbin then grabs the chair and whacks Corbin with it and gets disqualified.

Winner – Happy Corbin (via DQ)

 After the match, Moss continues the attack with the chair then goes outside and grabs the steel steps and puts them in the ring. Moss drills Corbin with the chair and chokes him with it. Moss puts Corbin’s neck in the chair and grabs the steel steps but WWE officials rush down to the ring and stop the attack and Corbin retreats.

 We then see Kayla Braxton backstage and she’s with the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions, Jimmy and Jey Uso. The Usos mock Riddle saying their match is for Randy Orton and say tonight’s match is for the Undisputed WWE World Champion, Roman Reigns and after tonight, The Bloodline will remain with all the gold. Commentary then announces that the title match, our main event of the evening will go down, after the break.

Ahead of our main event, Happy Corbin approaches Adam Pearce, backstage and says that Madcap Moss is surely suspended after his attack on him. Pearce says not only is there no suspension coming, Corbin will face Moss in a no-holds barred match this Sunday at Hell In A Cell.

Commentary then announces that GUNTHER will challenge Ricochet for the Intercontinental Championship next Friday night on SmackDown.

We then see backstage promos from Intercontinental Champion Ricochet and GUNTHER, alongside Ludwig Kaiser, hyping up their match for next week.

— Commentary then runs down this Sunday’s Hell In A Cell card and it’s time for our main event of the evening.

The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) vs. Riddle & Shinsuke Nakamura — Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship

Riddle and Jey start this one off. Jey slams Riddle and makes the quick tag to Jimmy, who unloads stomps on Riddle’s back and goes for the cover but Riddle lifts the shoulders after a two count. Jimmy applies a headlock, Riddle fights out and cracks him with a front kick and makes the tag to Shinsuke as Jimmy tages Jey back in. Shinsuke sends Jey to the corner and unloads stomps and chokes Jey with his boot but Jey grabs the bottom rope to force the break. Shinsuke wallops Jey with a kick to the mid section and goes for the cover but Jey kicks out. Shinsuke makes the tag to Riddle then the fight spills to the outside. Shinsuke lines Jimmy up for the Kinshasa on the steel steps but Jey pushes Jimmy out of the way and Shinsuke goes knee first into the steps. The Usos slam Shinsuke onto the outside knee first and Shinsuke’s selling the knee injury pretty heavily and the referee calls for WWE medical personnel to come check on Shinsuke. Medical personnel escort Shinsuke to the back and Riddle’s now all alone. Riddle attacks The Usos and he and Jimmy trade strikes but Riddle clears the ring and hypes up the crowd and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Riddle’s being double teamed by The Usos whilst back in the ring. Jimmy drops Riddle with a slam and goes for the cover but Riddle kicks out. The double team continues for The Usos and Jimmy makes the tag to Jey, who starts punching the mat, mocking Randy Orton but Riddle cracks him with a flying knee to the face. Riddle sets up Jimmy and Jey in opposite corners and unloads kicks and punches to both then he plants Jey with a German suplex and hits sentons on each Uso. Both Usos roll to the outside and Riddle flies over the top rope and takes them both out with a Floating Bro. Riddle gets Jimmy back in the ring and hits him with a slam and Orton’s patented middle rope DDT. Riddle sets up Jimmy for the RKO but Jimmy shoves him aside and Riddle rolls him up but Jimmy kicks out and plants Riddle with a Samoan Drop and goes for the cover but Riddle kicks out at two and a half! Riddle hits Jimmy with the Super RKO from the top rope but Roman Reigns’ music hits and Riddle doesn’t see that Jey made the self tag behind his back. Jey comes crashing down onto Riddle with a splash and gets the three-count!

Winners – The Usos (STILL Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

After the match, Sami Zayn’s shown in production and Zayn is the one who started Reigns’ music to cause the distraction. Zayn comes down to the ring and celebrates with The Usos. Riddle attacks but he’s quickly taken out by The Usos and Zayn and Riddle yells at the big tron that this isn’t over as the show goes off the air!

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