
WWE SmackDown Results (6/24/2022): Intercontinental Title Rematch, MITB Qualifier Matches + More

Results for 6/24/2022 edition of SmackDown, live on FOX.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/24/2022 edition of WWE Friday Night SmackDown on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– The broadcast began with a video package highlighting the match of Roman Reigns vs Riddle for the WWE Undisputed Championship from the 6/17/2022 edition of SmackDown. Reigns won, but Brock Lesnar made his WWE return to attack Reigns and The Usos. After the recap video, Pat McAfee and Michael Cole welcomed the audience to the show.

– Drew McIntyre came to the ring to cut a promo to the audience, addressing his involvement in the Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match and his aspirations to win the Undisputed Championship. McIntyre addressed Lesnar’s WWE return, saying that he will be watching the Last Man Standing Match for the Undisputed title and will be waiting for the winner. The Brawling Brutes (Butch, Ridge Holland & Sheamus) interrupted McIntyre, with Sheamus saying that he does not belong in the match. Of all people, Special Counsel of The Bloodline and former ECW Owner, Paul Heyman, interrupted both to tell them that they do not have a chance at beating Roman Reigns due to cash-in. Adam Pearce informed Sheamus and McIntyre would not be in the Money in The Bank Ladder Match, saying that they will re-gain their spots if they beat the WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions, The Usos, in a match later in the night.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn.

Before the match, Sami Zayn was interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Zayn dedicated the match to Roman Reigns and the Bloodline, saying that he will prevent a cash-in on Lesnar.

Nakamura got Zayn in an arm bar, which Zayn rolled out of. Nakamura hit a series of kicks on Zayn before hitting the sliding German Suplex on Zayn. Nakamura hit a leaping mule kick on Zayn for a near fall. Zayn rolled out of the ring before he slammed Nakamura into the ring corner. Zayn hit an exploder suplex on Nakamura in the barricade. Nakamura beat the count-out at 9. Zayn got a near fall on Nakamura via small package before hitting lariat on Nakamura. Zayn tossed Nakamura out of the ring before the commercial break. Zayn tried to go for a top rope move, but Nakamura hit an inseguri kick on Zayn for a near fall. Zayn hit a Michinoku Driver on Nakamura for a near fall. Zayn went to the top rope, but Nakamura met him on top. Zayn took him down, but Nakamura pushed him off the turnbuckle. Nakamura went for the Kinshasa, but Zayn took a side step and caught Nakamura in a roll-up for a rope-assisted near fall. Zayn argued with the referee, but Nakamura hit a knee strike to Zayn’s neck for a near fall. Nakamura hit a roundhouse kick on Zayn. Zayn rolled out of the ring before hitting him with a Kinshasha outside the ring. Nakamura sent Zayn back in the ring. While sliding back in the ring, Zayn caught Nakamura with a Helluva Kick for the pinfall win. Zayn joins Seth Rollins and Omos in the Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match.

Winner: Sami Zayn

New Day New Dance Challenge.

The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) vs Jinder Mahal & Shanky

– The New Day told Jinder and Shanky that no one was interested in a rematch because they do not do rematch after rematch after rematch. The New Day asked the crowd if they wanted to see dancing Shanky, to which the crowd said “YES”. Shank y started dancing, but Jinder stopped him. Shanky pushed Jinder and proceeded to continue dancing. The dancing stopped as a loud horn was heard, revealing the return of The Viking Raiders on the big screen. The raiders attacked Shanky and The New Day from behind before hitting Kofi Kingston with a double powerbomb. Ivar hit Xavier Woods with an Avalanche World Strongest Slam. The Viking Raiders stood tall. The dancing challenge ended in a no contest.

New Day New Dance Challenge Result: No Contest.

– Adam Pearce was confronted by Sonya Deville, who complained to Adam Pearce for not giving her a match since her return to SmackDown. Sonya told NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Adam Pearce, that she does not fault for his career being a failure. Pearce revealed that Deville would face Raquel Rodriguez & Lacey Evans in a match later in the night.

Raquel Rodriguez & Lacey Evans vs Sonya Deville (w/ Xia Li & Shayna Bazsler).

Evans and Deville locked up

before Evans took down Deville for a near fall. Baszler distracted Rodriguez, to which Deville took advantage with a roll-up for a near fall. Xia Li distracted Evans, which Deville took advantage of with a chop-block and a running knee for a near fall, broken up by Rodriguez. Evans hit a kick on Deville before tagging in Rodriguez. Rodriguez hit a shoulder tackle on Deville, followed by a scoop body slam on Deville. Raquel tossed Deville’s head on the turnbuckle. Raquel went for the Tejano Bomb, but Deville escaped thanks to a distraction from Basler. Rogriguez tossed Deville into Evans, who hit her with the Woman’s Right for the pinfall win. Li and Baszler attacked them from behind, but Rodriguez hit Baszler with a bodyslam while having Li on her back. Raquel and Evans stood tall to end the segment.

Winners: Raquel Rodriguez & Lacey Evans.

– Street Profits walked around backstage, interacting with os lotharios, Drew Gulak, and Madcap Moss.

– Natalya made her way to the ring with a baby stroller and dressed up as Ronda Rousey to cut a promo (as originally reported by Fightful Select). Natalya did a very poor Rousey impression before the real SmackDown Women’s Champion, Ronda Rousey, made her way to the ramp. Rousey said that Natalya thought the was owed the title, but the closest she would get to being the main attraction would be dressing up as her. Natalya hit Rousey with the stroller before running out of the ring.

– Sheamus and Drew McIntyre were interviewed backstage by Megan Morant, but they spent most of the interview arguing with each other. Butch confronted McIntyre before walking out of the scene.

Intercontinental Championship Match.

Gunther (c) (w/ Ludwig Kaiser) vs Ricochet.

Ricochet hit a dropkick on Gunther to start the match. Ricochet hit multiple kicks on Gunther, but Gunther caught one of his kicks before hitting a body slam. Gunther hit a big boot on Ricochet, followed by a chop. Ricochet went for a takedown, but Gunther reversed it into a single-leg crab, quickly transitioning into a crossface before Ricochet got a rope break. Ricochet hit a inseguri kick on Gunther. Ricochet flipped out of a German suplex before hitting another inseguri and a leaping knee. Gunther hit a lariat and a series of nasty chops before hitting a running missile dropkick on Ricochet. Gunther hit a powerbomb on Ricochet for the pinfall win, retaining the Intercontinental Championship quickly and dominantly.

Winner & Still Intercontinental Champion: Gunther (w/ Ludwig Kaiser).

– Paul Heyman was interviewed by Kayla Braxton. Zayn interrupted the interview, slandering Braxton for twisting his words earlier in the night. Zayn said that he would never cash in on Reigns, but would do so on Lesnar. Heyman gave him a death stare before Zayn walked out of the interview.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifier Match

Shotzi vs Tamina.

Shotzi got Tamina in a sleeper hold, but Tamina tossed her to break the hold. Tamina hit a back elbow on Shotzi, followed by a power slam on Shotzi for a near fall. Shotzi got Tamina in a rope-assisted leg-headlock on Tamina. Shotzi hit a discus punch followed by an inseguri on Tamina. Shotzi hit a side-splash on Tamina. SHotzi went to the top rope for a move, but Tamina caught her with a super kick for a near fall. Tamina went for a spear, but Shotzi stepped aside. Shotzi hit the Never Wake up for the pinfall win.

Winner: Shotzi.

– The Viking Raiders cut a promo backstage, saying that no one is safe.

– Max Dupri was going to introduce his Maximum Male Models, but Dupri lambasted Pearce for giving his models lackluster locker rooms. The Models are set to debut on the 7/1/2022 edition of SmackDown.

– Pat McAfee cut a promo on Happy Corbin, calling him bitch-ass Corbin. McAfee said that he enjoys every single moment in WWE, saying that he feels alive since he joined the commentary team in the Thunderdome Era. McAfee officially challenged Corbin to a match for a match on SummerSlam 2022.

– All the current Money In The Banks participants are scheduled to appear on the 7/1/2022 edition of SmackDown.

Drew McIntyre & Sheamus (w/ Butch & Ridge Holland) vs The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso).

The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) joined the commentary team for the match. McIntyre & Sheamus argued before Butch got in the ring. Jimmy Uso attacked McIntyre from behind. McIntyre hit a lariat on Jimmy Uso. Sheamus and McIntyre hit a double-arm drag on Jimmy Uso. Jey tagged in and hit a leaping forearm on Sheamus. Sheamus hit the 10 Beats of the Bell on Jey Uso before hitting a rolling senton on Jey Uso. Sheamus went for a Claymore kick but Jey rolled out of the ring. McIntyre tossed Butch on the barricade before both Usos hit stereo topes suicida on Ridge, Sheamus, and McIntyre on the outside. Sheamus hit elbows strikes on Jey’s abdomen before hitting Irish Curse on Jey but Jimmy hit a super kick on Sheamus for a near fall. Jimmy punched down Sheamus before stomping him down. Sheamus punched Jimmy, but Jimmy hit a spinning inseguri kick on Sheamus. Jimmy hit the Hip Attack on Sheamus. Sheamus hit the Brogue V-Trigger on Jimmy before tagging McIntyre tagged in. Drew hit two clotheslines, a back elbow, an over-head suplex, and went for a neck breaker, but Jey tossed Drew into the ring corner. The Usos hit double super kicks on McIntyre, followed by a splash for a near fall. Drew hit neck breakers on both Usos. Butch and Ridge distracted the referee. Zayn tried to hit a Helluva Kick on Drew, but Dawkins hit him with the pounce. The Street Profits and The Usos confronted each other before Drew hit a tope con giro on everyone. McIntyre got back in the ring, but got hit with a super kick by Jimmy Uso. They both ran the ropes before Drew McIntyre hit a claymore on Jimmy Uso for the pinfall win, reinstating himself and Sheamus into the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Sheamus and Drew co-existed successfully and celebrated the win as the show went off-air.

Winners: Drew McIntyre & Sheamus (w/ Butch & Ridge Holland).

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