
WWE Smackdown! Results 3/28 The Last Stop On The Road To Wrestlemania!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown Live! We are just 5 days away from The Ultimate Thrill Ride; Wrestlemania where Randy Orton will challenge Bray Wyatt for his WWE World Championship, but first tonight Bray has to face his former follower and a man he considered at one time to be his family; Luke Harper. We also have a contract signing for AJ Styles and Shane McMahon and more "lost footage" from Total Bellas so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for what should be a great show!

-We start with the contract signing with AJ and Shane with Daniel Bryan standing by to make sure they don't fight. Shane and AJ come out and sit down, then Shane talks about the philosophy behind Smackdown! Live! and that no matter what happens at Mania, he thinks he's one of the greatest talents to ever be in a WWE ring and in that respect he is phenomenal. AJ says he knows he is and he agrees, Shane talking about the impact AJ has made since he debuted last year and that over time he became arrogant and it cost him against John Cena and Randy Orton. Shane says that he always manages to bring out the best in everyone he faces and that if AJ doesn't give him his best, he will lose the match before signing the contract. Shane passes the contract over to AJ after signing it and AJ asks Shane if he knows they're having a normal match and it's not no disqualification or a hell in a cell and Shane has never been in one.

AJ says that once you get in the ring with him you enter the world of AJ Styles and he's untouchable in the ring. They jump up and get face to face after AJ pushes the table away, Daniel saying that they should shake hands, but AJ leaves the ring before doing so as we go to commercial.

Becky Lynch vs Carmella

The match starts and Carmella stalls for time, but Becky goes right after her, Carmella using her aggression to her advantage. Mickie and Alexa brawl at ringside, then get into the ring as the referee calls for the bell. Mickie takes out Alexa with a Mick Kick, then she squares off with Becky as we go to commercial.

Winner: No contest

Mickie James & Becky Lynch vs Alexa Bliss & Carmella

Alexa and Mickie start it off with Mickie dropping her repeatedly, following up with a snapmare dropkick for a quick two count. Mickie tags Becky in and Becky hits a running leg drop, an elbow drop and another leg drop for a quick two count before tagging Mickie back in. Alexa tags in Carmella and has to push her into the ring before Mickie hits her with a series of kicks, then knocks Alexa off of the apron and to the floor. Carmella drops her with a forearm, then beats on her before trying to pin her several times, tagging Alexa back in after she's satisfied. Mickie comes back with a roll up for a near fall, then Alexa slams her to the mat by her hair before standing on her hair and doing all she can to keep her from tagging Becky in. Natalya comes out to her music and interrupts the match as we go to commercial.

Natalya joins commentary as Alexa and Mickie are in the ring, Mickie hitting a huricanrrana and a neckbreaker before tagging in Becky; Alexa tagging in Carmella immediately after. Becky hits a forearm in the corner, then a springboard thrust kick before Natalya gets on the apron, but gets taken out. James pulls her foot and she falls to the mat, then Carmella rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Carmella & Alexa Bliss

-After the match everyone brawls, then Naomi comes out and beats up everyone. She gets on the mic and says that she's back and is going to win the title at Wrestlemania this Sunday. We then have Tyler dressed like Nikki talking to Daniel backstage, Daniel making a ten-man tag match and the winning team gets to be in the Andre the Giant Battle Royale.

-We come back to an overview of the WWE Network for this week, then The Miz and Maryse come out and we get more "lost footage" of Total Bellas. We have Miz and Maryse at dinner, still acting like Cena and Nikki, then they play Brie and Daniel Bryan. Cena says he made steaks and Daniel says he's a vegan and Brie babies him, Miz going into a convoluted list of requirements for how everyone has to eat. Miz scolds her for breaking rules, then Nikki asks Cena if she'll marry him as the footage ends. We cut back to Miz and Maryse as we go to commercial.

-We come back to "Cena" denying "Nikki"'s marriage proposal, then says that he doesn't love her and that you can't see him because there's nothing there to see. They then undress before Miz says that they have nothing left besides WWE and that after Mania everyone will know that his entire life is bullshit as we cut back to Miz and Maryse in the ring. Cena and Nikki come out next and Cena says that it was funny and that it was one of the few good things he's done. Cena says that he stopped acting like Cena and started being himself again and that they're delusional and asks Miz if he's high for his thinking that he's using the WWE for a launching pad. Cena says that he's doing a movie and names off the list of people who've done movies and came back, then says that Miz is using Maryse and insults Miz's manhood. They tease a confrontation, but Miz and Maryse leave as we go to commercial.

10-Man Tag Team Match

Jason and Dolph start it off, the two doing grappling before they exchange dropkicks, then Jordan tags in Gable who starts focusing on the left arm of Dolph. Slater, then Rhyno come in and continue to focus on the arm of Dolph while playing to the crowd, then Rhyno teases a gore, but Dolph is drug out of the ring by Breeze and Tyler as we go to commercial.

The Usos and Fandango beat on Gable in their corner as we come back from commercial, Mojo gets tagged in and takes out the entire other team before he its Tyler with a facebuster for a near fall that Jimmy breaks up before he, Jordan and Gable go over the top rope. Rhyno then comes in and takes out Dolph and Fandango before Tyler sends him out of the ring with an enzugiri, then Mojo hits him from behind with a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mojo Rawley via pinfall

Bray Wyatt vs Luke Harper

They start off exchanging strikes, then Bray knocks Luke down with a running cross body before Luke dropkicks him out of the ring. Luke goes right after Bray and they brawl around ringside before Luke hits a running forearm and sends Bray into the crowd before standing on the announce table as we go to commercial.

Bray is in control as we come back until Luke hits a deep six and Bray hits a uranage into a senton for a quick two count as we see that Bray hit a superplex during the commercial. Bray plays to the crowd, then Luke teases a Sister Abigail before Bray rolls out of the ring. Luke then dives through the ropes repeatedly until Bray is sent over the announce table, hitting a lariat for a near fall as soon as he rolls him back into the ring. Luke superkicks Bray, then drops him with another lariat for a near fall, Bray getting his hand on the rope at the last second. Bray then hits Luke with Sister Abigail out of no where for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bray Wyatt via pinfall

-We then get a video package for Randy and Bray as we go off the air.

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