
WWE Smackdown Results For 2/18/22 Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn Intercontinental Championship Match

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– The show kicks off with Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcoming the viewer to WWE Smackdown. Adam Pearce is already in the ring; he introduces the teams of Sonya Deville and Charlotte Flair to the ring. After Flair and Deville are in the ring, Pearce introduces Naomi and Ronda Rousey for a contract signing to make their match official for Elimination Chamber.

Pearce tells the four competitors that he needs them to sign the contract. The four go back and forth and insult each other. Finally, Rousey tells Deville to “sign the contract.” Sonya then tells Naomi and Rousey that there is a new stipulation for their tag-team match, and that is that Rousey has to fight with one hand tied behind her back.

Rousey and Naomi sign the contract, Rousey says that she “will have her hand behind her back tomorrow, but she has two hands tonight.” Rousey attacks Flair, and Naomi kicks Deville in the face.

– Highlights are shown of last week’s Ricochet vs. Ridge Holland match. Sheamus and Holland have a backstage segment, and Sheamus asks Holland if he is retaining any of the information he gives him. Sheamus tells Holland to watch what he does to Ricochet tonight.

Sheamus ( w/ Ridge Holland) vs. Ricochet

Ricochet goes right after Sheamus; however, Sheamus catches a leaping Ricochet and tosses him down. Ricochet is up quickly, and he sends Sheamus to the outside. Ricochet dives through the middle rope and takes him out.

The action goes back into the ring, and Sheamus hits Ricochet with a backbreaker. Sheamus is in control during most of the match. Ricochet gets a couple of shots in, but Sheamus slams Ricochet into the canvas. Ricochet hits Sheamus with some more strikes that send Sheamus to the outside. Ricochet goes for another dive; however, Sheamus catches him and tosses him over the commentary desk.

They head out for a commercial break; Sheamus hits Ricochet with a big clothesline. Sheamus then hits Ricochet with the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Ricochet is back up, and he launches himself and hits Sheamus with a crossbody and then hits Sheamus with a standing shooting star press.

Now, Ricochet hits a springboard moonsault. Ricochet goes for the cover; however, Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus hits Ricochet with an Alabama Slam and goes for the pin, but Ricochet kicks out at two.

Sheamus goes to the top rope; Ricochet hits Sheamus with a Spanish fly. Ricochet goes for the pin, but Sheamus kicks out.

Ricochet is going to the top rope; Holland gets on the ring canvas to distract Ricochet. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Ricochet moves and Sheamus misses him. Ricochet hits Sheamus with knees to the face. Ricochet pins Sheamus to get the victory.

After the match, Sheamus is yelling at Ridge Holland. Sheamus then shoves Holland down on the canvas.

Winner: Ricochet

– We get highlights of the feud between Sami Zayn and Shinsuke Nakamura.

– Kayla Braxton is backstage interviewing Sami Zayn. Zayn says, “I never lost the Intercontinental Championship,” and he continues and talks about the conspiracies that have haunted him over the past year.

– WWE announces that The Undertaker will get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. They then show a highlight video of The Undertaker featuring different moments of Undertaker’s career.

– A Goldberg and Roman Reigns video is shown how their feud came to be.

Jey Uso ( w/ Jimmy Uso) vs. Ivar ( w/ Erik)

Jey Uso goes right at Ivar with a few strikes; however, Ivar comes back with some of his own, and he takes Uso down with ease. Jey hits Ivar with a superkick, he goes to pin Ivar, but Ivar kicks out at two.

Jey has Ivar in a hold, but Ivar gets out of it. Jey hits Ivar with an enzuigiri, but Ivar comes back with a devastating clothesline.

Ivar goes to the top rope and dives onto Jey; he goes for the pin. The count is almost three; however, Jimmy Uso interferes, and the referee calls for the bell. Ivar wins by disqualification.

Winner: Ivar ( w/ Erik)

– Drew McIntyre comes out for a promo. Drew cuts a promo and talks about how he lived in Louisianna and celebrated down on Bourbon Street when the New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl. McIntyre says that has caused him to do some reflecting.

Then a clip is shown of Madcap Moss and Happy Corbin attacking him at Day One. McIntyre says to Moss that he can do whatever he wants in their match at Elimination Chamber since it is a Falls Count Anywhere match.

Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss come out, and they tell Sheamus that they will finish McIntyre off at Elimination Chamber. Drew McIntyre says, “at Elimination Chamber, it will be the night that the laughter dies.”

– Kayla Braxton is backstage interviewing Shinsuke Nakamura, and he says that “if Sami Zayn thinks he can beat me, then he is InZayn.”

– Michael Cole announces that Big E will be driving the Pace Car at the Daytona 500 this weekend.

Intercontinental Championship
Sami Zayn vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (C)

The bell rings, and Sami Zayn immediately goes to the ropes to keep Shinsuke Nakamura. Zayn does it again, drawing the ire of Nakamura. Zayn and Nakamura go to the corner, and Zayn lays some strikes on Nakamura.

Nakamura is irritated and hits Zayn with multiple kicks and then hits a running knee. Then, Nakamura goes for another big knee; however, Zayn moves out of the way, and Nakamura lands on his knee as we go to another commercial break.

We return from the break with Zayn holding Nakamura in a headlock. Zayn hits Nakamura with some chops, and Zayn lays out Nakamura with a clothesline. Zayn goes for the pin, but Nakamura kicks out. Zayn goes after Nakamura; however, Nakamura locks in an armbar on Zayn.

Zayn and Nakamura exchange elbows; Zayn hits Nakamura with a Michinoku Driver. Sami goes for the pin, but Nakamura kicks out at two. The action goes outside the ring, and Nakamura goes for another big knee on Zayn, but he misses and hits the steel steps. They head out for another commercial break.

We return from the break, and Nakamura will try and end it; however, Zayn takes Nakamura out at the knees. Zayn hits Nakamura with the Blue Thunder Bomb, Zayn goes for the pin, and Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura gets back up, and he nails Zayn with a kick to the side of the head. Nakamura will try and finish it again, but Zayn rolls out of the ring. Zayn grabs the leg of Nakamura, which takes him down. Nakamura goes to kick Zayn; Zayn blocks it and then kicks the back of Nakamura’s leg. Zayn then goes for the pin by rolling him up, and Zayn pins Nakamura to become the new and now three-time Intercontinental Champion.

Winner and New Intercontinental Champion: Sami Zayn

– We get a video featuring WWE honoring Black History Month.

– Aliyah congratulates Ricochet on his win against Sheamus. Sami Zayn shows up after Ricochet leaves and brags to Aliyah that he won the Intercontinental Championship.

– There is a clip showing how the Men’s Elimination Chamber match came to be.

– Roman Reigns is out with Paul Heyman, and Reigns tells New Orleans to “acknowledge me.” Then, Heyman begins talking about how seeing Roman Reigns in person can be compared to seeing Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, and Tom Brady. Heyman takes a shot at Drew Brees and the New Orleans Saints.

Bill Goldberg makes his entrance, and he enters the ring. Reigns tells Goldberg that he “was going to give him one more chance to acknowledge me.” Reigns tells Goldberg “that he is entering his ring now.” Goldberg says, “tomorrow at 12:00, I need to apologize because you’re not next; when it comes to the Universal Championship, I’m next.”

– The show goes off the air with Michael Cole promoting Elimination Chamber.

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