
WWE Smackdown! Live Results 8/1 John Cena vs Shinsuke Nakamura Number One Contenders Match & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for WWE Smackdown! Live. Tonight history will be made as in our main event John Cena takes on Shinsuke Nakamura for the first time ever to determine who will face Jinder Mahal at Summerslam! We also have AJ Styles defending his WWE United States Championship against Kevin Owens and much more so be sure to come back here at 8 PM EST for all of the action!

AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens WWE United States Championship Match

Kevin puts AJ in a headlock to start the match before he clotheslines AJ out of the ring when he misses a dropkick. Kevin then clotheslines AJ to the floor on the outside as we go to commercial.

Kevin catches AJ coming in before AJ comes back with a snapmare into a knee drop before beating on Kevin in the corner. AJ stomps Kevin in the corner before whipping him hard across the ring, AJ teasing a Phenomenal Forearm, but Kevin rolls out of the ring. AJ hits a springboard forearm to the outside before Kevin hits a cannonball into the barricade as we go to commercial.

AJ comes back with a flurry of offense as we come back from commercial, hitting a running clothesline in the corner into an ushigaroshi for a near fall. AJ teases the Styles Clash, but Kevin counters it with a back drop and the Phenomenal Forearm with a superkick for a near fall of his own. AJ counters a pop-up powerbomb into a Calf Killer before Kevin headbutts his way out of it. AJ counters a package side slam with a Pele kick before locking in another Calf Killer. Kevin accidentally hits the referee before going for the pop-up powerbomb, but AJ rolls through and gets the pin and the win.

Winner: AJ Styles via pinfall

-After the match the referee talks to Shane and Daniel before Kevin shows up and shoves the referee before saying that it wasn't fair and that he'll get another rematch at Summerslam. Shane then declares himself to be the referee for the match as we go to commercial.

-We have an Fashion Police segment where we see that Fandango is still missing, Tyler surmising that aliens took him. Fandango then shows up with the Ascension, Tyler shown to actually be dreaming as we go to commercial.

Sami Zayn vs Aiden English

They lock up to start the match, then Aiden knocks Sami down with a shoulder block before Sami puts him in a headlock. Sami then hits a series of arm drags before Aiden rolls him up for the pin and the win out of nowhere.

Winner: Aiden English via pinfall

-After the match Mike and Maria come out and mock Sami as we go to commercial.

Naomi & Becky Lynch vs Natalya & Carmella

Natalya and Becky start the match off by exchanging wrist locks and standing switches for a clean break when they get into the ropes. Becky hits an arm drag and a thrust kick before taking Natalya down and tagging Naomi in. They double team her for a quick two count before Natalya signals for a time out and tags in Carmella. Naomi hits Carmella with a series of kicks before Carmella slaps her, Naomi dropkicking her and slapping her before Carmella slams her to the mat by her hair. Carmella then drags Naomi over to her corner by her hair before tagging Natalya back in who gets a quick two count.

Natalya puts Naomi in a headlock that she powers out of, but Natalya hits a spinebuster before knocking Becky off of the apron. Natalya then locks in a sharpshooter before Naomi gets to the ropes for the break, but she's in their corner, Natalya tagging in Carmella immediately after. Carmella then locks in the Code of Silence, but Naomi reverses into a submission of her own for the tap and the win.

Winner: Naomi & Becky Lynch via submission

Rusev vs Chad Gable

Chad tries to take Rusev down early, but he's too strong, Chad backing Rusev into the corner for a clean break before Rusev breaks up another attempt to take him down by getting in the ropes for another clean break. Rusev tosses Chad out of the ring, but he's quickly back in, Chad managing to get Rusev down to the canvas on his third attempt before starting to focus on the left knee and leg of Rusev. Rusev drops Chad with a high knee once he's up before hitting an overhead belly to belly suplex for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Chad hits a series of suplexes as we come back from commercial, including a bridging German suplex for a near fall before hitting a moonsault for another near fall. Rusev then hits a release German suplex into a roundhouse kick for a near fall of his own before Chad counters the Accolade into an ankle lock. Rusev powers out of it, sending Gable out of the ring before dropping him with a kick once he comes back in the ring. Rusev then locks in the Accolade for the tap and the win.

Winner: Rusev via submission

-After the match Rusev gets on the mic and says that he needs competition before Randy Orton comes out to the ring. Randy stalks Rusev at ringside before getting into the ring and saying that Rusev has never beaten him, seemingly setting up a match at Summerslam before Randy hits an RKO out of nowhere as we go to commercial.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs John Cena WWE World Championship Number One Contender Match

They play mind games to start the match before locking up for a clean break, then exchange wrist locks, Shinsuke showing off his athleticism by doing flips to get out of it. Shinsuke tells Cena to bring it before he catches Cena running in with a series of kicks and knees, following up Good Vibrations in the corner. Cena comes back with an STO for a quick two count before putting Shinsuke in a headlock as we go to commercial.

Shinsuke hits a rolling heel kick as we come back from commercial, following up with a series of kicks they drops Cena. Shinsuke then hits his signature double knees in the corner for a quick two count before Cena comes back with a series of moves. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Shinsuke counters into an armbar before transitioning into a triangle choke that Cena powers out of. Shinsuke then hits a suplex before going for the Kinshasa, but Cena counters that with an STF. Shinsuke counters into another armbar before they get back to their feet and Cena turns Shinsuke inside out with a lariat.

Shinsuke comes back with a series of strikes and a knee before Cena side steps the Kinshasa, hitting an AA for a very close near fall. Shinsuke counters another AA into a guillotine choke before Cena powers out of it into another AA. Shinsuke counters yet another AA with a reverse exploder suplex before following up with the Kinshasa for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall

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