
WWE Smackdown! Live Results 5/8 Daniel Bryan vs Rusev, Money in the Bank Qualifying Matches & More!

WWE Smackdown! Live tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE Smackdown! Live. Tonight we begin the road to Money in the Bank with a series of qualifying matches headlined by Daniel Bryan taking on Rusev after Daniel submitted Big Cass this past Sunday at Backlash. Be sure to come back here at 8pm EST for all of the action and to stick with us afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-Paige comes out to address the show and address the crowd before giving a rundown of tonight's show before Jeff Hardy comes out for his match against The Miz.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Jeff Hardy vs The Miz

They lock up to start the match before exchanging wrist locks, then Jeff sends Miz out of the ring before hitting a running wheel kick off of the steps before they get back in the ring as we go to commercial.

Jeff is in control as we come back from commercial until Miz hits a neckbreaker, then they go back to the outside and Jeff hits a diving clothesline off of the barricade. They get back in the ring and Jeff hits a basement dropkick for a quick two count before Jeff hits a stunner, then goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Miz rolls out of the way, then Miz drops Jeff across the apron when he goes out after Miz as we go to commercial.

They exchange right hands until Jeff hits a side Russian leg sweep into a pin for a near fall before hitting Whisper in the Wind for another near fall. They counter each other until Jeff dropkicks Miz off of the apron and rolls him back into the ring, then Miz catches Jeff on the top before Jeff hits a sunset flip powerbomb for a near fall. They counter each other's finishers until Jeff hits Hardiac Arrest, then another Twist of Fate before finishing with a Swanton Bomb for a very close near fall. Miz then immediately counters into a back slide for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Miz defeats Jeff Hardy via pinfall to gain entry into the Money in the Bank match.

Women's Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Charlotte vs Peyton Royce

Charlotte is in control to start the match before taking Peyton down and tossing her out of the as we go to commercial.

Peyton is in control as we come back from commercial, Peyton seemingly having laid Charlotte out at ringside during the break before tossing her back into the ring and putting her in a stretch submission in the ropes all the while playing to the crowd. Charlotte comes back with a series of chops before taking Billie out at ringside only for Peyton to hit her with a neckbreaker onto the floor. They get back in the ring and Peyton hits a spin kick for a near fall  then Charlotte drops her with a boot before Peyton counters a moonsault into a jumping knee for a near fall. Charlotte then comes back with a spear before locking in the Figure Eight for the tap and the win.

Winner: Charlotte defeats Peyton Royce via submission with the Figure Eight to gain entry to the Women's Money in the Bank match.

Cesaro vs Xavier Woods

Cesaro is in control early, Xavier trying to come back several times only for Cesaro to overwhelm Xavier with his superior strength as we go to commercial.

Cesaro is in control as we come back from commercial until Xavier comes back with a series of kicks into a rolling facebuster for a near fall. They exchange near falls before Xavier hits a shining wizard, then Xavier gets distracted by Sheamus before Cesaro catches him in midair with a European uppercut for the pin and the win.

Winner:Cesaro defeats Xavier Woods via pinfall with a European uppercut.

Becky Lynch vs Mandy Rose

Becky sends Mandy out of the ring to start the match before Mandy gets back in and drops Becky for a quick two count, then Becky fights out of a side headlock only for Mandy to slam her back down to the mat by her hair. Becky goes for the Disarmer, but Mandy is quick to get to the ropes before Becky hits an exploder suplex. Mandy then sends Becky face first into the middle turnbuckle before rolling Becky up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mandy Rose defeats Becky Lynch via pinfall with a roll up.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Daniel Bryan vs Rusev

Daniel immediately takes Rusev down and tries to lock in several submissions before he starts focusing on the arm of Rusev and kicks it repeatedly. Daniel then sends Rusev out of the ring before Rusev catches him when he goes for a tope and tosses him over the announce table as we go to commercial.

Rusev is in control in the ring as we come back from commercial until Daniel drops Rusev with a leaping lariat and a series of running dropkicks in the corner. Daniel hits a frankensteiner off of the top before hitting the Yes Kicks, then they counter each other until Rusev hits a roundhouse kick for a near fall. Daniel locks in the Yes Lock  but Rusev is quick to get to the ropes for the break before Daniel drops him with a roundhouse kick. Aiden drags Rusev out of the ring before Daniel hits a tope to the outside, then once they're back in the Daniel hits a shotgun missile dropkick. Rusev then knees Daniel before hitting the Machka Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner:Rusev defeats Daniel Bryan via pinfall with the Machka Kick to gain entry to the Money in the Bank match. 

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