
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 8/14/18 New Day vs SAnitY, Aiden English vs Andrade Almas

AJ Styles and Samoa Joe clash ahead of their WWE Championship match at Summerslam this Sunday night and New Day go head to head with SAnitY on tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown! Live!

Welcome to tonight’s coverage for WWE Smackdown  Live  Enjoy the show and while you’re here you can leave a comment below and check out our forums, also don’t forget to hang around after for the post-show podcast!

-Becky Lynch and Charlotte come out to start the show before Carmella comes out and talks about how she’s going to keep her title Sunday night. Paige then comes out and makes a tag match between Becky and Charlotte and Sonya and Mandy as we go to commercial. 

Becky Lynch & Charlotte vs Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose

Becky is in control of Mandy to start the match before Charlotte comes in and they tag team Mandy for a quick two count. Mandy pulls Charlotte down by her hair before tagging in Sonya only for Charlotte to send her out of the ring. Back in the ring Charlotte gets a quick two count off of a roll up before Sonya and Mandy double up on Charlotte in their corner and Mandy plays to the crowd as we go to commercial.

Sonya is in control of Becky as we come back to the action, Sonya tagging in Mandy who chokes Becky in the corner and hits a scoop slam. Becky comes back with an enzuigiri before Mandy comes in and tries to stop her from tagging Charlotte. Becky then takes out Sonya on the apron before Mandy rolls her up for a near fall and Becky locks in the Disarmer for the tap and the win.

Winner: Becky Lynch and Charlotte defeat Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose via submission when Becky submits Mandy with the Disarmer. 

Three on Two Handicap Match

Triple Threat vs Bludgeon Brothers

The brothers send one guy out of the ring before clotheslining another in the ring and take out the third at ringside. The Smackdown! tag team champions then send the one outside into the barricade before pinning the one in the ring for the win.

Winner: The Bludgeon Brothers defeat three local performers via pinfall.

-We get a video package for the rivalry between Daniel Bryan and The Miz ahead of their match at Summerslam showing their days in NXT together in part one of their saga. 

New Day vs SAnitY

Kofi and Big-E double team Eric as the match begins before Eric sends Kofi into the ropes and Wolfe pulls the rope so Kofi flies out of the ring and into the announce table. Wolfe gets the tag before he quickly tags Dain in as we go to a quick commercial for Summerslam. Dain hits a shotgun dropkick when Kofi goes to tag in E before Dain hits a fisherman suplex and tags Wolfe in who hits a blockbuster off of the second turnbuckle for a quick two count as we go to a full commercial.

Dain is in control Kofi as we come back until he tags in Xavier who sends Dain out of the ring and drops Wolfe with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Xavier hits an enzuigiri into a tornado DDT before Eric breaks up a pin attempt with an elbow drop, then Eric hits a DVD onto the knees of Wolfe with Xavier for a near fall before Dain gets back in and hits a running cross body for a near fall that E breaks up. E hits a series of suplexes before Kofi dives out of the ring and takes out Wolfe and Eric. New Day then hit the Midnight Hour on Dain for the pin and the win. 

Winner: New Day defeat SAnitY via pinfall when E and Xavier hit Dain with the Midnight Hour.

-We get another video package for Daniel Bryan and the Miz showcasing Daniel as the general manager of Smackdown! Live and his feud with The Miz that began with Talking Smack.

Aiden English vs Andrade Almas

The match starts during the break before we come back to Aiden getting a quick two count off of a roll up before Almas hits a hip toss into the corner, then Aiden hits a splash off of the top for a quick two count as Almas rolls out onto the apron. Almas gets back in and sends Aiden into the corner with a European uppercut before hitting a running knee attack in the corner. Almas then hits a hammer lock DDT for the pin and the win. 

Winner: Andrade Almas defeats Aiden English via pinfall with a hammer lock DDT.

-After the match Rusev and Lana come out onto the stage and talk about their match at Summerslam this Sunday on the kick-off show.

-We get the third part of the Daniel Bryan and Miz video package which shows how Daniel was cleared to compete and his matches up to now and how Miz was drafted to Smackdown! In this year’s Superstar Shakeup.

Jeff Hardy vs Shelton Benjamin

Shelton is in control as we see that the match started during the commercial before we cut to a commercial for Summerslam, then Jeff hits a Whisper in the Wind and a leg drop into a basement dropkick for a quick two count. Jeff hits a mule kick that sends Shelton into the corner before hitting a twist of fate, Shelton then catches Jeff when he goes to the top before hitting a superplex for a near fall. Jeff then hits a slingblade into another Twist of Fate for the pin and the win. 

Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats Shelton Benjamin via pinfall with a Twist of Fate. 

-After the match ends Shinsuke Nakamura comes out and hits a back stabber to Jeff before Jeff catches him coming in when he goes for a Kinshasa and hits a Swanton Bomb. We then see Randy Orton watching him from the side of the stage as we go to commercial. ​​​​​

-AJ Styles comes out to the ring and talks about his title defense against Samoa Joe where he talks about everything he’s learned in his career and the lesson he learned after becoming the WWE champion. AJ says that Joe is a mastermind and says that Joe stabbed AJ in the back and the heart. Joe comes out to the stage and reads a letter from a supposed fan before he reveals that it was written by AJ’s wife.

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