
WWE Smackdown! Results for 7/30/19 AJ Styles vs Kofi Kingston, Ali vs Shinsuke Nakamura

The King and the Queen of Stratusfaction return to Smackdown! Live!

Good evening Fight Fans. We hope you’re ready for tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown! Live and if you’re interested in exclusive content such as podcasts, news that breaks before anywhere else and more check out Fightful Select and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-We open the show with a phone video of Shane McMahon who says that he won’t be at Smackdown! Live tonight and that he’s going to be ready to end the career of Kevin Owens at Summerslam.

-We get an announcement for tonight’s main event between RAW’s AJ Styles and the WWE champion Kofi Kingston before we’re told about Daniel Bryan making his announcement tonight as Kevin Owens comes out to the ring. Kevin says that Shane really isn’t there and that it’s great news because maybe the show will be about the talent and not him. Kevin then talks about their match before saying that Shane doesn’t belong in the ring with him and that he will know that Smackdown! Live is the Kevin Owens show before he goes to leave and is interrupted by Drew McIntyre. Drew says that Kevin talks too much and that he has a match against Drew before attacking him and sending him into the ring post and the announce table as we go to commercial.

Kevin Owens vs Drew McIntyre

Kevin hits Drew with right hands before Drew sends him across the ring with a shoulder block before stomping him in the corner and a snap suplex for a quick two count. Drew locks in a straight armbar before Kevin gets to his feet and immediately drops him with a back elbow before chopping and stomping the French Canadian. Drew hits an overhead suplex for a two count before Kevin sends him into the ring post and a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Drew then catches Kevin on the top turnbuckle and Kevin knocks him down before hitting a frog splash for another near fall as we go to commercial.

Kevin gets a near fall off of flipping senton before Drew counters a stunner and hits a spinning sit-out uranage for a near fall before Kevin superkicks Drew and hits a pop-up powerbomb for a near fall before Drew hits an air raid crash for yet another near fall. Drew then clears the Spanish announce table before he goes to put Kevin through it and Kevin hits a stunner before they get back in the ring and Kevin hits a superkick into a stunner for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kevin Owens defeats Drew McIntyre via pinfall with a stunner.

-Dolph Ziggler is interviewed backstage about what happened last week between him, The Miz and Shawn Michaels before saying that Shawn made a huge mistake and talks about how great he is before we cut to Ember Moon in the locker room before Bayley enters and they discuss their tag match up next before Bayley leaves as we go to commercial.

-Aleister Black cuts a promo in his dark room about how different he is and his addiction to fighting before we cut to clips of him facing Cesaro while he talks over it.

Bayley & Ember Moon vs Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Ember and Alexa get things started before she drags Alexa to the corner and Bayley comes in and hits a snake eyes into a running dropkick through the turnbuckle before Ember hits a suicide dive to Nikki as we go to commercial.

Alexa is in control of Bayley as we return to the action, Alexa and Nikki isolating her in their half of the ring for several minutes, until she sends Nikki out of the ring and fights Alexa off. Ember gets the tag and hits a fall away slam into a running back elbow in the corner before hitting Nikki with The Eclipse, Alexa sending Ember into the ring post before hitting Twisted Bliss for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross defeat Ember Moon and Bayley when Alexa pins Ember with Twisted Bliss.

-After the match Bayley hits Ember with a belly to belly suplex before she leaves and we go backstage to Sami Zayn being interviewed before he mocks Aleister Black ahead of their match at Summerslam.

-We come back from commercial to Daniel Bryan being interviewed, but he doesn’t day a word and leaves.

-Jerry Lawler comes out to the ring for The King’s Court and introduces his guest Trish Stratus before he asks her about her match against Charlotte at Summerslam before Charlotte comes out to the ring and complains about not having a match at Summerslam before officially setting the match up between the two of them.

-We go backstage to the OC where AJ talks about his match against Kofi Kingston before we get a segment of The Firefly Fun House in which Rambling Rabbit talks about how much he likes Finn Bálor before talking about The Fiend and that Finn doesn’t understand what the Fun House really is before leaving as Bray shows up. Bray then just laughs and says to let him in while we see The Fiend as we go to commercial.

-We get a video recapping the vicious attack of Brock Lesnar on Seth Rollins last night on RAW.

Dolph Ziggler vs Finn Bálor

Finn rushes Dolph and hits a sling blade for a near fall before Dolph hits the famouser for a near fall of his own before Finn counters a superkick into a sling blade and a jumping stomp before he clotheslines Dolph over the top rope. The lights then go out before The Fiend appears in the ring and disappears by the time the lights come on before Dolph superkicks him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler defeats Finn Bálor via pinfall with a superkick.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Ali

Ali immediately kicks Shinsuke out of the ring before hitting a diving cross body for a two count and hits a rolling sit-out facebuster before Shinsuke comes back with an exploder suplex. Ali then superkicks Shinsuke when he goes for the Kinshasa before he misses a 450 and Ali counters another Kinshasa before rolling Shinsuke up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ali defeats Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall.

-We get an extended video package for Randy Orton‘s career ahead of his title match against Kofi Kingston at Summerslam.

Kofi Kingston vs AJ Styles

AJ puts Kofi in a side headlock before dropping him with a shoulder block and mocking him before they take each other down with a side headlock takeover. Kofi drops AJ with a jumping back elbow and a dropkick before clotheslining AJ over the top rope, AJ hitting a flying knee off of the apron before sending him into the ring post and tosses him into the ring bell area as we go to commercial.

AJ hits a running backbreaker and locks in a rear chin lock before he sets Kofi up top and Kofi knocks him down before Kofi hits a tornado DDT and a dropkick. Kofi hits a jumping leg drop before hitting a jumping stomp for a near fall and AJ counters the Trouble in Paradise before Kofi hits the SOS for a near fall. AJ hits an enzuigiri before Kofi hits one of his own and a diving splash before Gallows and Anderson drag AJ out of the ring. The OC then take out New Day before AJ hits an ushigaroshi and Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise in midair when AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm as we go to off the air.

Roman Reigns is then seemingly un-phased when equipment falls on him as we go off the air.

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