
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 7/16/19 Smackdown! Live Shane McMahon to Host a Town Hall Meeting

The Best in the World Smackdown! Live general manager Shane McMahon takes the democratic approach with a town hall meeting.

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of Smackdown! Live! Be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast and 205 Live! Enjoy the show!

-We open the show with a recap of last week’s show before we go to Shane and security waiting for Kevin Owen earlier today where Shane explains the town hall and tells Kevin that he has the night off and that he’s no longer allowed in the building before Kevin leaves. We go to Shane in the ring with the entire roster minus Kevin on the ramp for the town hall before we go to a recap of the tag match where Roman Reigns teamed up with The Undertaker to take on Shane and Drew McIntyre. Roman gets on the mic and says that no one respects Shane and he can kiss his ass before Shane tells him that he’ll be fined before Charlotte gets on the mic next and praises Shane and the McMahons before Liv Morgan calls her out and they go back and forth until Shane moves on to Buddy Murphy. Buddy says that he doesn’t need Kevin to fight his battles and that Kevin needs to keep his name out of his mouth. Apollo is next and says that everything Kevin said was true before Zelina and Andrade say that he’s pandering to the WWE Universe.

Elias comes out of nowhere and gets on the mic before he’s interrupted by New Day, Kofi saying that he doesn’t like Kevin, but he’s made some valid points before he says he isn’t giving anyone any opportunities before his mic is cut and Shane ends the discussion. Kevin then comes into the ring and hits Shane with a stunner before leaving as we go to commercial.

Aleister Black vs Cesaro

They exchange strikes to kick things off, Aleister getting the upper hand immediately and sending Cesaro out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Cesaro is in control until Black comes back with elbows and a sliding knee into an Asai moonsault for a two count before Cesaro hits a running uppercut in the corner into a boot for a two count of his own. Cesaro locks in a cross face before Aleister sends him into the ring post and hits a bicycle knee before he knocks Cesaro out with a Black Mass kick that knocks the mouth piece out of Cesaro Cesaro’s mouth for the pin and the win.

Winner: Aleister Black defeats Cesaro via pinfall with the Black Mass.

-We go backstage to Shane talking to Dolph before Dolph says that he can get Kevin back to the arena for a match tonight before we cut to Charlotte coming out for her match against Liv Morgan up next as we go to commercial.

-We get an interview with Daniel Bryan distraught about losing the Smackdown! Tag Team Championship to New Day.

Charlotte vs Liv Morgan

Charlotte shoves Liv across the ring before Liv hits her with forearms and a huricanrrana into a dropkick before Charlotte drops her with a back elbow when she goes for a German suplex. Charlotte chokes Liv in the ropes and plays to the crowd before she chops Liv and Liv comes back with an enzuigiri before hitting a jumping stomp in the corner for a two count. Charlotte then counters a huricanrrana into a powerbomb and locks in the Figure Eight for the tap and the win.

Winner: Charlotte defeats Liv Morgan via submission with the Figure Eight.

-Dolph meets with a referee backstage in hopes of getting Kevin back to the arena as we go to commercial.

Ember Moon & Bayley vs Fire & Desire

F&D attack Ember and Bayley from behind and double team Bayley with bicycle knees for a two count before Mandy chokes Bayley in the ropes and Bayley comes back with a back suplex and tags in Ember. Ember then hits a shotgun dropkick into The Eclipse for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ember Moon and Bayley defeat Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville when Ember pins Mandy with the Eclipse.

-Ember and Bayley are interviewed after the match before Bayley is asked who her next challenger is and sets up a title match with her and Ember for Summerslam.

-Shinsuke Nakamura is interviewed backstage before he turns around and Ali congratulates him before leaving as we go to commercial.

-We get a recap of everything that has happened between Shane and Kevin tonight before we’re told that Kevin is making his way back to the arena before New Day come out to the ring to celebrate their winning the Tag Team Championship at Extreme Rules and Kofi retaining his title against Samoa Joe. New Day then say that they accept Daniel’s rematch request before he asks for one and Daniel and Rowan come out to the stage before leaving without saying a word. Daniel and Rowan then come halfway down the ramp before they stop and leave again for a second time, the two returning a third time before Daniel drops the mic and they leave.

-Samoa Joe comes out onto the stage next and says that he deserves a rematch against Kofi and challenges him to a match later tonight. Daniel is then interrupted by Elias who says that he is ready for a title shot before he’s interrupted by Randy Orton and Elias says that they should team up to take on New Day which New Day accept.

New Day vs Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and Elias

Kofi jumps over Elias several times before dropkicking him for a quick two count and Elias drives Kofi into his corner where Joe beats on him and whips him into the opposite corner before Kofi hits a meteora for a one count. Kofi hits a PK before Xavier hits a sliding lariat and Big-E hits a jumping splash for a quick two count, Elias coming in and E applies an abdominal stretch before dropping him with a back elbow. E uses Xavier as a weapon and wheel barrows him into Elias for a two count before X hits a rolling clothesline for a quick two count. Randy slams Xavier down to the mat by his hair from the apron before Elias beats him down in the corner and drops him with a back elbow for a one count. Elias then dumps Xavier out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Elias is in control as we return to the action before Xavier gets the tag to Kofi and Elias tags in Randy who gets dropped repeatedly and hits a boom drop before they counter each other and Kofi hits a diving cross body for a near fall that Elias breaks up. Joe and Elias then take out Big-E and Xavier at ringside before Kofi hits Elias with the Trouble in Paradise and Randy hits him with an RKO for the pin and the win.

Winner: Randy Orton, Samoa Joe and Elias defeat New Day via pinfall when Randy pins Kofi with an RKO.

-We go backstage to Carmella with R-Truth in a box before she helps him out of it.

Women’s Tag Team Championship Match

The Iconics (c) vs The Kabuki Warriors w/Paige

Kairi and Peyton start the match off with Peyton and Kairi exchanging open hand strikes and Asuka hits a code breaker before Kairi hits a running blockbuster for a two count. Billie drops Asuka with a boot for a quick two count before Asuka drops her with a roundhouse kick and sends her out of the ring before Billie stays out of the ring until she’s counted out for the win.

Winner: Kabuki Warriors defeat The Iconics via count out, but The Iconics retain their titles due to champions advantage.

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs Apollo Crews

Andrade attacks Crews as soon as he gets in the ring before the match starts and Andrade hits a running knee as soon as it does. Andrade then drops Apollo with a back elbow before hitting double knees in the corner and Apollo counters a pin attempt into a crucifix for the pin and the win.

Winner: Apollo Crews defeats Andrade via pinfall.

-We get a recap of the return of Bray Wyatt to RAW last night where he attacked Finn Bálor after his match with Samoa Joe.

Dolph Ziggler vs Kevin Owens

Kevin immediately goes for a stunner before Dolph gets out of the ring and Kevin hits a flipping senton to the outside before he goes for a diving senton, but Dolph gets his knees up. Dolph hits a famouser for a two count before he locks in a cross face and claws at the face of Kevin before hitting a neckbreaker for another two count. Dolph hits a DDT and gets another two count before he misses a splash and Kevin superkicks him before hitting a diving senton for a near fall. Shane comes down to ringside with a plethora of Superstars before Dolph hits the Zigzag for a near fall and sends Kevin shoulder first into the ring post before Dolph beats on him in the corner. Kevin then counters a superkick into a stunner before Shane pulls him out of the ring and Kevin stuns Shane before he’s chased backstage.

Winner: Kevin Owens defeats Dolph Ziggler via disqualification when Shane McMahon interferes.

-We end the show with Shane being interviewed where he says that Kevin will pay before leaving as we go off the air.

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