
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 2/12/19 Six Man Gauntlet Match Main Event

It’s a packed edition of Smackdown! Live tonight when all six men involved in the Elimination Chamber match face off to see who will enter last!

Good evening Fight Fans! Welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown! Live. Enjoy the show and if you’re interested in exclusive podcasts and news before it breaks elsewhere, please consider our premium service Fightful Select!

-Charlotte comes out to the ring and says that it’s her destiny to main event Wrestlemania as we’re told that a member of New Day will replace Mustafa Ali in the Elimination Chamber match Sunday. Charlotte says that she dedicates her upcoming victory to her best friend Becky Lynch and tells Ronda that she’ll be scouting her title match before leaving. 

Women’s Triple Threat Tag Team Match

Mandy and Carmella start the match off, Mandy dropping Carmella while yelling at Naomi before she tags Sonya in. Carmella hits a drop toe hold and Naomi tags in before Sonya backs her into the corner and Naomi rocks her with a knee. Naomi hits a split legged kick for a quick two count and tags in Carmella who gets immediately dropped by Sonya. Carmella hits a huricanrrana and Naomi and Mandy get the tag before Carmella cuts her off as she runs around ringside. Naomi then hits a diving cross body to the outside as we go to commercial.

Carmella and Sonya hit each other with a running cross body and Carmella drags Sonya to her corner before Mandy knocks Naomi off of the apron. Mandy gets the tag as Naomi does who hits a flying cross body and a jawbreaker into a springboard roundhouse kick. Naomi then hits Mandy with a split legged moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Carmella and Naomi defeat The Iconics and Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville when Naomi pins Mandy with a split legged moonsault.

-The Iconics attack Carmella and Naomi after the match as we go to commercial.

-The Miz and Shane McMahon come out to the ring for McMiz TV as we go to commercial.

-The Miz and Shane introduce their guests and opponents this Sunday night at Elimination Chamber, The Usos. They go back and forth and The Usos issue the tag team test to Shane and The Miz. Shane and Miz pass the test themselves after The Usos do it before they talk about Maryse and quiche and WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi. The two sides then go toe to toe before The Usos superkick Shane and The Miz before leaving as we go to commercial.

Six-Man Gauntlet Match

Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi and Daniel start the match off with Daniel avoiding Kofi until Kofi tries to pin his shoulders to the mat and Daniel muscles his way to his feet. Daniel drops Kofi with a shoulder block and locks in a bow and arrow submission, Kofi countering into a pin attempt before Daniel rolls out of the ring. Daniel gets back in the ring and he and Kofi twist each other’s wrists before Daniel rocks Kofi with a European uppercut. Kofi hits a couple of arm drags before Daniel hits several kitchen sinks and puts Kofi in a surfboard stretch. Kofi gets free and Daniel hits an Irish whip, but Kofi skins the cat and sends Daniel out of the ring before hitting a tope to the outside as we go to commercial.

We come back to the action with Daniel in control, Daniel hitting a diving knee drop with Kofi hung over the top rope before missing a diving splash. Kofi comes back with clotheslines and a diving cross body before Daniel hits a drop toe hold that sends Kofi into the middle turnbuckle. Daniel puts Kofi in the tree of woe and kicks him before hitting a sliding dropkick for a near fall. Daniel then hits an avalanche fall away slam as we go to commercial.

We come back to the two exchanging strikes before Daniel headbutts Kofi and drops him with a buzzsaw kick for a near fall. They each get near falls before Daniel locks in a submission, but Kofi gets to the ropes for the break before rolling out of the ring. Daniel hits a diving shining wizard off of the apron and rolls Kofi back into the ring before he goes for a diving headbutt and Kofi dropkicks him in midair. Rowan takes out Big E before Kofi his a wrecking ball dropkick and takes out Rowan. The referee ejects New Day from ringside before Daniel gets a near fall off of a roll up and Rowan tosses Kofi into the time keeper’s area while the referee is busy with Daniel.

Rowan is then barred from ringside before Daniel tosses him back into the ring and Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise when Daniel runs at him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston defeats Daniel Bryan via pinfall with Trouble in Paradise. 

Jeff Hardy vs Kofi Kingston

We come back from commercial to the match already in progress with Kofi sending Jeff out of the ring and hitting a tope before Jeff hits a running dropkick off of the ring steps. Jeff misses a Swanton Bomb and drops Kofi with a double ax handle before hitting an inverted atomic drop into a leg drop for a quick two count. Kofi hits a diving cross body before hitting Jeff with s.o.s. for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston defeats Jeff Hardy via pinfall with the SOS.

Samoa Joe vs Kofi Kingston

Joe beats Kofi down as we come back to the match in progress, Joe locking in an abdominal stretch before Joe turns him inside out with a lariat for a near fall. Joe puts Kofi in a rear chin lock, Kofi getting free and sending Joe out of the ring before hitting a springboard cross body. They get back into the ring at the count of nine and Joe hits Kofi with another lariat for a surprising one count. Joe hits an inverted atomic drop and a running senton for a near fall before Kofi goes for a springboard move and Joe knocks him off and down to the floor. Kofi gets back into the ring at the count of nine and Joe tries to unscrew his head from his shoulders before Kofi comes back with a dropkick.

Joe then locks in the Coquina Clutch before Kofi rolls back into a pin for the win.

Winner: Kofi Kingston defeats Samoa Joe via pinfall.

-After the match AJ Styles saves Joe when he puts Kofi in the Coquina Clutch. 

Kofi Kingston vs AJ Styles

AJ tries to get the referee stop the match before Kofi shoves him and gets in AJ’s face. AJ drops Kofi with a right hand and stomps on him in the corner before hitting a backbreaker for a near fall. AJ starts focusing on the leg of Kofi and Kofi rolls him up repeatedly for a near fall before AJ hits another backbreaker. Out on the apron Kofi runs into the ring post and gets back into the ring at the count of eight. AJ whips Kofi into the corner and hits a running clothesline before Kofi hits a diving cross body to the back of AJ for a near fall. AJ then locks in Calf Killer for the pin and the win.

Winner: AJ Styles defeats Kofi Kingston via submission with the Calf Killer. 

Randy Orton vs AJ Styles

Randy Orton immediately hits AJ with an RKO to win the gauntlet match just in time as we go off the air.

Winner: Randy Orton defeats AJ Styles via pinfall with an RKO to win the gauntlet match. 

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