
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 9/18/20 Samoan Street Fight

The Tribal Chief teams up with his cousin to take on the Celtic Warrior and The King at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of Smackdown on FOX!

– We open tonight’s show with the Dirt Sheet where Miz says that he sent Mandy away to RAW on behalf of Otis. Miz says that Otis will get over it and that Mandy already has before he and John reference Dolph Ziggler being over on RAW. Otis storms the ring and attacks Miz and Morrison before clearing the ring of Miz and Morrison and chairs. Tucker keeps Miz from escaping over the barricade before Otis suplexes Miz and hits him with the Caterpillar into a Vader bomb.

– We get a graphic for our main event as well as an exclusive interview with Sasha Banks later tonight before we go back to the ring where Otis strips Miz as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Miz and Morrison backstage where John says that they just made Otis angrier before Miz tells him that it was all part of the plan. Miz then gets a phone call mid-interview before they leave without explaining the plan of who he was speaking with.

Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik w/Kalisto & Lince Dorado) vs Cesaro w/Shinsuke Nakamura

Cesaro rushes Metalik before catching him when he goes for a dive and slamming him before rocking Metalik with an uppercut in the corner. Metalik comes back with a head scissors and several forearms before Cesaro runs him over. Cesaro takes the high flying luchadore down with a straight armbar with a chin bar before Metalik gets to his feet. Metalik then gets distracted by Lince and Kalisto arguing on the apron before they’re both ejected as we go to commercial.

We come back to Metalik superkicking Cesaro before Cesaro drops him and Metalik hits a diving head scissors for two. Metalik then goes for a moonsault before Cesaro gets his boots up and hits the Neutralizer for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cesaro defeats Gran Metalik via pinfall.

– We go backstage to an interview with Jey Uso ahead of his tag team street fight where he’ll team up with Roman Reigns to take on Sheamus and Baron Corbin. Jey says that Paul Heyman told him that they had a miscommunication last week and that he’s focused on tonight rather than Clash of Champions.

– We get a graphic for A Moment of Bliss which is up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a linguistics lesson by Matt Riddle before we go to the stage for A Moment of Bliss.

– Alexa introduces her guest for tonight’s edition of A Moment of Bliss, her best friend and partner Nikki Cross. Alexa congratulates Nikki on her winning a shot at Bayley’s title at Clash of Champions. Alexa asks Nikki about her strategy for her title challenge while mentioning that Nikki hasn’t beaten Bayley in a year. Nikki says that she can focus on Bayley now that Sasha Banks is out of the picture before telling Bayley through the camera that she’s going to win the title. Nikki asks Alexa what’s going on and why she hit her with Sister Abigail last week, Alexa saying that she can’t explain or control it.

Lacey Evans then interrupts the two and mocks them before saying that Nikki doesn’t the mean streak that Bayley has. Lacey then tells Nikki that she’s too short and doesn’t have a backbone before Nikki attacks Lacey and Lacey heads to the ring for their match as we go to commercial.

Nikki Cross vs Lacey Evans

Lacey immediately slides out of the ring and applies hand sanitizer before sweeping Nikki, but missing a slingshot and landing awkwardly. Nikki jumps on Lacey’s back before rolling Lacey up for two and Lacey focuses on her arm, specifically the elbow joint. Lacey drives the face of Nikki into the top turnbuckle before kicking her into the corner and hitting a hand stand splash for two. Lacey chokes Nikki before taking her down to the mat and hyper extending her arm until Nikki rolls her up for two. Lacey clotheslines Nikki and slams the back of her head into the mat and beating on her.

Lacey hits a standing moonsault for a near fall before squirting hand sanitizer in Nikki’s eyes. A blinded Nikki Cross hits a dropkick into a running splash in the corner before hitting a monkey flip and stomping the hand of Lacey. Nikki then hits a tornado into a draping corkscrew neck breaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Nikki Cross defeats Lacey Evans via pinfall.

– Lacey crawls to the announce table after the match before Alexa hits her with Sister Abigail after Lacey mentions The Fiend.

– We see Sasha Banks getting ready for her interview wearing a neck brace as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video package for the Anoai family culminating with Jey Uso and Roman Reigns narrated by Paul Heyman.

– We go to Sasha via satellite where she talks about the attack by her former best friend Bayley two weeks ago. Sasha starts by saying that Bayley used her and now she’s useless to her and that they achieved everything in their careers together. Sasha says that Bayley is naive and am idiot and that Bayley is nothing without her. Sasha says that she’s going to take the Smackdown Women’s Championship from Bayley some day before Bayley attacks her out of nowhere. Bayley is then pulled off by several personnel and wrestlers at the PC as we go to commercial.

– We come back to see Sasha sitting up while waiting for medical assistance before we go back to the ring.

AJ Styles vs Sami Zayn

AJ attacks Sami from behind when he’s arguing with the ring announcer for not introducing him as the Intercontinental champion. In the ring AJ gets a quick two count before Sami hits a DDT and locks in a rear headlock. AJ then sends Sami out of the ring and hits a slingshot forearm over the top rope and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back to Sami in control until AJ hits a neck breaker into a Pele kick before falling to the mat. AJ and Sami get to their feet before countering each other’s suplex attempts and Sami hits a blue thunderbomb for two. Sami counters the Calf Crusher and suplexes AJ into the corner before AJ dodges the Helluva Kick. Sami then rolls AJ up with the tights before arguing with the referee and AJ does the same thing back to him for the pin and the win.

Winner: AJ Styles defeats Sami Zayn via pinfall.

– Sami attacks AJ after the match before Jeff Hardy comes out and takes out the both of them. Jeff grabs a ladder and hits AJ with it before hitting Sami with a Twist of Fate before setting the ladder up. Jeff climbs the ladder before Sami rolls out of the ring before Jeff gets on the mic and says that he’s sick and tired of being called a fraud and a cheat. Jeff then says he’ll face the both of them before proposing a triple threat ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship.

– We go backstage to a frustrated Otis talking to Tucker before he’s served court documents for a law suit by Miz and Morrison as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Tucker reading off everything Miz and Morrison are suing Otis over before Tucker saying that Otis has a week to decide if he forfeits the Money in the Bank contract or be taken to court.

– Big-E lures Sheamus to the parking lot and attacks him before Sheamus flees and E attacks the security guard who helped Sheamus attack him. E puts the security guard through a windshield of a car like Sheamus did to him a few weeks ago. E then puts the guy in the trunk of the car before Adam Pearce shows up and makes him leave.

Samoan Street Fight Tag Team Match

Roman Reigns & Jey Uso vs Sheamus & Baron Corbin

Roman single handedly clears the ring before the action spills to the outside and Roman sends Sheamus over the barricade. Jey superkicks Sheamus before Corbin hits him with a Deep Six before Corbin rolls Roman into the ring and brings a chair. Roman kicks Corbin in the midsection and hits him with the chair before going out to grab a table and getting dropped by Sheamus out of nowhere. Corbin beats on Roman in mount before Sheamus and Corbin take turns beating on the Universal champion before sending him over the announce table. Back in the ring Sheamus and Corbin set up the table before Jey comes back momentarily only to be crotched on the top rope.

Sheamus and Corbin put Jey through a table for a near fall before Roman launches a desk chair at Corbin. Sheamus knocks Roman over and clears the announce table before Roman counters White Noise into a Samoan drop onto the table. Corbin attacks Roman and gets sent into the post before spearing Sheamus through the barricade. Corbin attacks Roman from behind before sending Jey over the barricade and Jey hits him with the Universal title. Roman then spears Corbin before Jey hits him with a splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jey Uso and Baron Corbin defeat Baron Corbin and Sheamus via pinfall.

– Jey tosses Roman his title after looking at it before they hug and Jey leaves as we go off the air with Roman staring Jey down from inside the as Jey celebrates up the ramp.

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