
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 5/1/20 Otis vs Ziggler, Mandy Rose vs Carmella

The Master of the Caterpillar faces off against The Showoff tonight at 8pm EST on FOX!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

– We open the show with Daniel Bryan who comes out to the ring and talks about the Money in the Bank match and what it would mean to him to win. Daniel demands that Baron Corbin come out to the ring so they can settle things, Corbin coming out onto the stage before threatening Daniel. Corbin shows a video on the big screen of him defeating Drew Gulak and attacking him with Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro before saying that he’s going to become King Money in the Bank. Daniel then mocks Corbin failing to successfully cash in his money in the bank contract, Corbin saying that he’s stronger and smarter than he was when he previously won as we go to commercial.

Daniel Bryan vs Baron Corbin

Corbin backs Daniel into the ropes for a clean break before backing him into the corner for another clean break. Daniel kicks the leg of Corbin before Corbin backs him into the corner and hits him with right hands. Daniel comes back with kicks and takes Corbin down before dropkicking his knee when he runs the ropes. Daniel hits a dragon screw and goes for a knee bar, but Corbin almost immediately rolls to the ropes for the break. Corbin takes Daniel down with a front face lock before Daniel turns it around and kicks the leg of Corbin.

Corbin hits Daniel with strikes in mount before dropping him with a right hand before Daniel comes back with a flurry of punches and kicks. Corbin capitalizes off of the referee backing Daniel off before knocking him off of the top turnbuckle and down onto the floor before sending him into the post as we go to commercial.

We come back to the action back in the ring with Corbin in control until Daniel comes back with a crucifix for two before rolling him up for another two count. Corbin clotheslines Daniel for two and starts focusing on the left shoulder and arm of Daniel that he sent into the post before the break. Daniel hits a suicide dive and a missile dropkick into kicks to the leg and locks in an ankle lock. Daniel stomps the back of the foot of Corbin and drops him with a roundhouse kick for a trio of two counts. Daniel hits a running dropkick in the corner before Corbin hits Deep Six for two and Daniel locks in a single leg Boston crab before Corbin quickly gets to the ropes for the break.

Daniel then gets caught when he goes for a suicide dive before he kicks the leg of Corbin and the head before Corbin throws a ladder at him for the disqualification.

Winner: Daniel Bryan defeats Baron Corbin via disqualification.

– After the match Daniel locks in the Yes Lock on the ladder in the ring before he’s attacked by Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura before Corbin throws Daniel off of the stage and into several ladders. We then see the Universal champion Braun Strowman and Alexa Bliss backstage before Braun heads out to the ring as we go to commercial.

– We come back to Braun in the ring before he begins to talk and is almost immediately interrupted by Bray Wyatt on the big screen. Bray then proceeds to tell a story about “The Black Sheep” referring to Braun when he was a part of The Wyatt Family before we go backstage to Sheamus training ahead of his match up next as we go to commercial.

Sheamus vs Leon Ruff

Leon dropkicks Sheamus before hitting him with elbows and Sheamus hits him with three backbreakers before tossing Leon out of the ring. Sheamus then grabs Leon from ringside and hits him with clubbing blows in the ropes before hitting the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats a local performer via pinfall.

– After the match we get part four of the series on Jeff Hardy before its announced that he will return to Smackdown on next week’s show. Sheamus leans in on commentary and says that he’ll be there next week to greet Jeff before leaving. We then go backstage to an interview with Otis and Mandy Rose where they talk about their money in the bank qualifiers, Mandy’s up next as we go to commercial.

Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Mandy Rose vs Carmella

Mandy takes Carmella down with a side headlock takeover before Carmella counters in a head scissors and they get back to their feet. They run the ropes before Carmella superkicks Mandy for two and follows up with a straight arm bar before Mandy hits a spinning scoop slam. Mandy locks in a rear headlock before Sonya Deville comes out onto the stage and tries to distract Mandy. Mandy hits a backbreaker and whips her into the corner before Carmella comes back with a clothesline, Sonya’s distraction working in the end as Carmella rolls Mandy up for the pin and the win.

Winner:Carmella defeats Mandy Rose via pinfall to advance to the Women’s Money in the Bank.

– After the match Sonya attacks Mandy and sends her face first into the steps before we get a graphic for Otis and Dolph in our main event before we get a graphic for The New Day versus The Forgotten Sons up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to a trainer checking on Mandy before Dolph leaves and Dolph walks up and asks if she’s okay before leaving. We then go to the ring for our next match.

The New Day vs The Forgotten Sons

The Miz and John Morrison come out to the ring before the match starts and join on commentary before the match starts with E and Cutler. E and Cutler exchange standing switches before Kofi comes in and gets double teamed momentarily before Kofi lays onto Wesley with kicks in the corner. Wesley pulls Kofi down by the hair before tagging in Cutler and Kofi sends him out of the ring once Blake gets the tag before tagging E back in. E suplexes Blake several times before hitting him with clubbing blows with him across the apron. E then hits a back body drop onto the floor to Blake and a jumping splash onto Cutler on the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back to Kofi and E double teaming Cutler before Blake gets the blind tag and TFS hit a double slam to E for two. Cutler beats E down before TFS hit a double backbreaker for two and isolate him, keeping him away from Kofi. E hits a high angle uranage for two before Kofi hits a springboard clothesline and drops Cutler several times before hitting the Boom Drop. Cutler hits a butterfly backbreaker for two and sitting Kofi on the top turnbuckle and Kofi knocks him down before hitting a jumping stomp for two. Cutler hits a back stabber before Blake hits a diving elbow drop for two before Cutler is sent out of the ring and E misses a spear.

Jaxson then sends E into the post before Cutler hit a powerbomb onto the knees of Blake and TFS hit their double team finisher for the pin and the win to Kofi.

Winner: The Forgotten Sons defeat The New Day via pinfall.

– We come back to a breakdown of the Money in the Bank ladder match in which both the men’s and women’s matches will happen at the same time before we get this week’s Progressive Match Flo recapping Lacey Evans defeating Sasha Banks win a spot in the women’s match. We then go backstage to an interview with Tamina before Sasha walks up and they talk before she, Bayley, Lacey and Tamina brawl until they’re separated. We then go to Dolph and Sonya talking backstage ahead of Dolph’s match against Otis up next as we go to commercial.

– We come back to the announcement of Daniel Bryan and Drew Gulak teaming up with a mystery opponent to take on Baron Corbin, Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro as well as the announcement of a women’s tag between Lacey Evans and Tamina and Bayley and Sasha Banks.

Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Otis vs Dolph Ziggler

Otis knocks Dolph out of the ring before bringing him back in and hitting a delayed suplex for two. Dolph comes back with strikes before Otis hits a slingshot into the corner and a side soak for two. Otis accidentally goes shoulder first into the post before Dolph drives him into the barricade before rolling back into the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dolph in control, Otis having gotten back into the ring during the break before Dolph nearly sends Otis back out of the ring with a dropkick. Otis comes back with clotheslines and gets caught with a back elbow before driving Dolph into the corner and running him over. Dolph rakes the eyes of Otis and hits the Zigzag for a near fall before Otis counters a superkick into a fall away slam. Otis then hits the Caterpillar for the pin and the win.

Winner: Otis defeats Dolph Ziggler via pinfall to gain entry to the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

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