
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 1/3/20 Reigns & Bryan vs Corbin & Ziggler

The Big Dog and The American Dragon square off against The King and The Showoff tonight at 8pm EST on FOX!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

-We open the show with a recap of the Universal Championship Triple Threat Number One Contender match that Daniel Bryan won to earn a shot at The Fiend’s title at the Royal Rumble. We then throw to Daniel Bryan getting ready backstage before The Miz walks up and says that he needs to avenge what The Fiend did to his family before saying that he’s going to try to figure out what to do next before telling Daniel to defeat The Fiend at the Royal Rumble for him and everyone on the roster.

Sasha Banks & Bayley vs Lacey Evans & Dana Brooke vs Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

Lacey and Sasha kick things off for their respective teams before Nikki comes in and Lacey gets a series of two counts before Dana gets the tag and hits a scoop slam for two. Nikki tags in Alexa who takes Dana down with a side headlock takeover before they exchange wrist locks and Dana rocks Alexa with a forearm. Bayley pulls Dana out of the ring and beats on her at ringside before knocking Alexa off of the top rope and Sasha hits running knees in the corner. Bayley capitalizes for two before she and Sasha isolate Alexa until everyone other than Alexa ends up at ringside and Nikki hits a diving cross body before Sasha sends her into the stairs as we go to commercial.

We return to Dana in control of Bayley and Sasha before hitting a twisting senton for a near fall that Alexa breaks up and Bayley slams Dana by the hair when the official has his backed turned before coming in legally. Bayley mocks Lacey and keeps Dana away from her corner before Sasha comes in and gets two and chokes Dana in the ropes. Sasha and Bayley continue with frequent offense and tags until Bayley knocks Lacey off of the apron and suplexes Dana as Bayley knocks Bliss and Cross off of the apron for a near fall. Dana counters a superplex into a suplex of her own and gets the tag to Lacey who drops Bayley repeatedly and hits a standing moonsault and a PK into a head stand splash and a goes for a moonsault off of the top but misses when Sasha pulls Bayley out of the ring. Bayley hits a belly to belly suplex for a near fall that Alexa and Nikki break up before Dana gets the blind tag and Lacey hits her with the Woman’s Right. Dana then hits a swanton bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dana Brooke and Lacey Evans defeat Sasha Banks and Bayley and Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross via pinfall when Dana pins Sasha with a swanton bomb.

-We get a recap of Dolph Ziggler destroying the fruit cake Otis gave Mandy Rose last week before they meet backstage and talk as we go to commercial.

-We come back to New Day with a platter of pancakes in the shape of the number 2020 before The Miz walks up and talks to them about The Fiend before smacking the pancakes out of Kofi’s hands. They then have an exchange before Miz walks away and we go to Elias in the ring where he sings about the new year.

-We get a recap of the Miracle on 34th Street Fight before we go to The Revival backstage where they talk about the respect they deserve and that they aren’t clowns before Chad Gable shows up and tells them to embrace who they are. The Revival mock him and call Chad Baby New Year, but Chad isn’t phased, saying that he can do anything before setting up a match between Chad and Dash as we go to commercial.

Chad Gable vs Dash Wilder w/Scott Dawson

Chad shows off his superior speed and his impressive strength for a quick two count before Dash catches Chad on the top turnbuckle and hits an avalanche back suplex for two. Dash locks in a rear chin lock before Chad comes back with a flurry and a t-bone suplex before clotheslining Dash over the top rope and down onto the floor. Chad rolls Dash back into the ring and hits a diving cross body, but Dash rolls through for a near fall before Chad locks in an ankle lock, but Dash rolls through. Chad then reapplies the ankle lock and forces Dash to tap for the win.

Winner: Chad Gable defeats Dash Wilder via submission with an ankle lock.

-After the match The Revival attack Chad before Sheamus returns and runs them off only to turn Chad inside out with a Brogue Kick.

Kofi Kingston vs The Miz

Kofi hits a jumping splash for an early two count before dropping Miz with a shoulder block and sending him across the ring with a monkey flip before Miz slaps Kofi’s hand away and Kofi drops him with a back elbow. Miz sends Kofi out of the ring and misses a wrecking ball dropkick before Kofi teases a suicide dive and Miz takes his time getting back into the ring before kicking Kofi and countering the Trouble in Paradise. Miz hits Kofi in the corner and hits several running knee lifts before Kofi hits an enzuigiri and a diving ax handle into the Boom Drop. They then counter each other’s finishers before Kofi wins with a sunset flip.

Winner: Kofi Kingston defeats The Miz via pinfall.

-After the match Miz attacks Kofi before E runs him off.

-Roman and Daniel are interviewed backstage ahead of their match against Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

-We come back to see the return of John Morrison who comes out of The Miz’s locker room.

Otis Dozovic w/Tucker Knight vs Drew Gulak

Before the match Drew goes to show one of his famous PowerPoint presentations before Otis attacks him as Mandy and Sonya look on from a monitor backstage. Otis overpowers Drew easily. Otis counters a suplex into a military press before Drew kicks out Otis’ knee as Dolph interrupts Mandy and Sonya backstage before Otis hits several scoop slams and a running splash in the corner. Otis then hits the caterpillar and a Vader bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Otis Dozovic defeats Drew Gulak via pinfall with a Vader bomb.

-We get this week’s Progressive Matchflo featuring last week’s six man tag match in which New Day and Braun Strowman were victorious over the team of the Intercontinental champion Shinsuke Nakamura, Cesaro and Sami Zayn before Braun comes out to the ring for his match against Cesaro.

Braun Strowman vs Cesaro w/Shinsuke Nakamura & Sami Zayn

They lock up several times before Cesaro locks in a standing side headlock and rocks Braun with strikes before Braun drops him with a shoulder block. Braun tosses Cesaro across the ring and lays into him in the corner before hitting a running clothesline in the corner and Cesaro snaps his neck across the top rope. Braun knocks Cesaro off of the apron and scares Sami off of it on the opposite side of the ring before playing to the crowd as we go to commercial.

We return to Cesaro in control with the help of Sami Zayn distracting the referee and Shinsuke hitting Braun with an enzuigiri from ringside before Cesaro gets on his back and chokes the Monster. Braun gets Cesaro off of him and drops him with several shoulder blocks and a running splash in the corner before knocking Shinsuke off of the apron. Cesaro rocks Braun with a running uppercut before Braun drops him with a running clothesline and running around ringside by running over Cesaro and Shinsuke as Sami hides under the ring. Braun tosses Cesaro back into the ring and goes for a running powerslam, but he’s distracted by Shinsuke and Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer. Braun then out muscles Cesaro and hits the running powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman defeats Cesaro via pinfall with a running powerslam.

-After the match Shinsuke attacks Braun before he and company escape to the ramp.

-Sasha Banks versus Lacey Evans is announced for next week’s show.

Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs Baron Corbin & Dolph Ziggler

Corbin attacks Roman from behind and stomps him in the corner before Roman comes back with mounted punches in the corner and a Samoan drop before Corbin rolls out of the ring. Roman hits a drive by dropkick and rolls Corbin back into the ring before Corbin capitalizes on the distraction by Dolph and Roman drops Dolph with a boot before tagging Daniel in. Daniel hits a wrecking ball dropkick to Corbin at ringside before sending Dolph out of the ring and playing to the crowd before the lights flicker as we go to commercial.

Roman is in control of Corbin as we come back to the action in the ring before he knocks Dolph off of the apron and Corbin hits the Deep Six for two. Corbin sends Roman out of the ring and into the stairs before smashing his face into the announce table and roiling him back into the ring. Dolph comes in and mocks Roman before Roman drops him with a right hand and Dolph kicks his knee out before hitting a neckbreaker. Dolph grapevines Roman’s legs and Corbin stomps him before sending Roman into the ring post, first one shoulder, then the other several times. Roman comes back with a clothesline and Daniel enters the match for the first time and hits Dolph with right hands and a flying clothesline. Daniel hits a running dropkick in the corner and the Yes Kicks before hitting a frankensteiner and more Yes Kicks before Dolph ducks a buzz saw kick and rolls Daniel up for a near fall. Daniel goes for the LeBell Lock, but Corbin is right there to break it up before Daniel hits a flying knee and the lights go out and The Fiend appears at ringside. Daniel hits a suicide dive to The Fiend and sends him into the ring post before The Fiend sends him through the time keeper’s area and the referee is forced to call for the disqualification.

Winner: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns defeat Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler via disqualification when The Fiend interferes.

-After the match Corbin and Ziggler attack Roman when he’s checking on Daniel before handcuffing him to the ropes and get out dog food only to be interrupted by the returning Usos who send Dolph and Corbin packing and rescue Roman as we go off the air.

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