
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 12/6/19 Roman Reigns vs Dolph Ziggler

The Big Dog goes one on one with the Showoff and Daniel Bryan responds to the vicious attack by The Fiend to end last week’s show!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for Smackdown on FOX which features a match between Roman Reigns and Dolph Ziggler as well as Daniel Bryan‘s response to Bray Wyatt‘s title challenge at TLC!

-We open the show with a video package recapping The Fiend’s attack on Daniel Bryan at the end of last week’s show where he seemingly ripped all of Daniel’s hair out of his head before we open the show in the arena with The Miz and Miz TV. The Miz says he was supposed to start the show off with Miz TV with Daniel Bryan as his guest before saying that Daniel has disappeared since the attack last week and that he knows how much Daniel means to everyone including the guys in the locker room and the WWE Universe. Miz says that he doesn’t like Daniel, but he will find out what happened before Bray shows up on the big screen with a new framed photo on the wall, this time with Daniel and his eyes marked out. Bray says that The Fiend might not be finished with Daniel before Miz says that he’s not playing games with Bray before we see a split second flash of The Wyatt Family before holding up a photo of Miz and his wife and daughter and asking Miz if he wants to play now. Miz then makes his way up the ramp and to the back as the Firefly Funhouse ends as we go to commercial.

-We return to The Miz backstage on the phone with his wife Miz and tells her to lock the door as a precautionary measure.

Mandy Rose w/Sonya Deville vs Alexa Bliss w/Nikki Cross

Alexa takes Mandy down before hitting a drop toe hold once she gets back to her feet and Mandy rolls out of the ring before catching Alexa with a boot when she goes out after her. Mandy rolls Alexa back into the ring for a quick two count before ripping off Alexa’s eyelashes and dropkicking her before Alexa counters a butterfly suplex. Mandy yells at Alexa and shoves her before Alexa comes back with right hands and a basement dropkick before stomping her in the corner. Sonya distracts Alexa before Nikki takes her out at ringside and Mandy rolls Alexa up for a near fall before Alexa drops Mandy and hits Twisted Bliss for the pin and the win.

Winner: Alexa Bliss defeats Mandy Rose via pinfall with Twisted Bliss.

-We go backstage to Dana Brooke in catering talking to 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick about her date with Dave Batista before they’re interrupted by Elias who sings a song about Drake and implies that he slept with Drake’s wife. Drake then slaps Elias before walking away, Elias telling Dana that he didn’t actually sleep with Drake’s wife, but something will indeed happen to Drake as we go to commercial.

-Drake Maverick is in the ring as we come back from commercial where he says that everyone thinks he is a joke before addressing Elias and saying that no one makes a mockery of him, his wife or his marriage before challenging Elias to a Street Fight as Elias comes out to the ring with Dana Brooke. Elias holds Drake back with one hand and easily side steps Drake before Elias slams him down and bends him over his knee before spanking him. Elias tosses Drake out of the ring before he tries to avoid Elias and rolls out of the opposite side of the ring. Dana then grabs Drake and tosses him back into the ring where Elias hits him with the Drift Away and Dana mockingly covers him with her foot while Elias makes the count.

-We see Miz backstage before red lights appear and Miz enters the room to see a picture of his family before he’s attacked by Bray Wyatt who then laughs and sings a Christmas carol as we go to commercial.

-We come back to The Miz being treated by medical staff before we are told about this years Tribute to the Troops before we get a tweet montage by various Superstars of all WWE brands about Tribute to the Troops before The New Day come out to join on commentary.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Number One Contender Fatal Four Way Elimination Match

Chad Gable & Ali vs Lucha House Party(Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado) w/Kalisto vs The Revival vs Heavy Machinery

Chad and Metalik kick off the match for their respective teams, Chad taking the high flying luchadore Metalik down with his collegiate wrestling prowess before Ali comes in and they run the ropes and flip. Ali and Metalik exchange arm drags before Tucker tags himself in and dropkicks Lince who enters for LHP. Tucker uses Lince as a battering ram before Otis catches Metalik and Heavy Machinery hit The Compactor and pin him, subsequently eliminating Lucha House Party as we go to commercial.

Chad has Tucker in a straight armbar before we see picture in picture that The Revival took out Otis during the commercial break before Tucker hits a fall away slam and Scott tags himself in. Otis comes in and runs Scott over before hitting a spinning scoop slam and hits a fall away slam into a running splash in the corner before Dash tags himself in, but Otis knocks him off of the apron. Otis hits Scott with the caterpillar before Wilder rolls Otis up out of nowhere for the pin and the elimination of Heavy Machinery before The Revival and Chad Gable and Ali face off. Ali and Gable clear the ring before The Revival chop Chad and Ali at ringside before The Revival exchange words with New Day at ringside and Chad and Ali toss The Revival over the announce desk and on top of New Day before the champions and Ali and Gable get in each other’s faces as we go to commercial.

Scott has Chad in a Gory stretch as we come back to the action before Chad comes back with a suplex and crawls to the corner, but Dash cuts him off before Chad hits a double German suplex. Ali gets the tag and superkicks Scott before Chad hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall before Dash turns Ali inside out and catches him coming off of the top rope with a DVD for a near fall. Ali rolls Dash up for a near fall before hitting a tornado DDT and lands on his feet when he misses a 450 before The Revival toss Ali into the time keeper’s area. Chad then locks in an ankle lock to Dash before Dash sends him into the ropes and Scott hits him with a forearm from ringside before The Revival hit The Shatter Machine for the pin, elimination and the win.

Winner: The Revival defeat Ali & Chad Gable, Heavy Machinery and Lucha House Party via pinfall when they pin Chad Gable with the Shatter Machine to gain a shot at New Day’s Smackdown Tag Team Championship at TLC next weekend.

-After the match The Revival says that they’re going to take things back to the old days and that they’re going to revive vintage tag team wrestling and bring normalcy to the division before we get this week’s Progressive Match Flo featuring Roman Reigns versus Robert Roode and the aftermath where Roman pushed the announce table over on top of Roode and sent him to a local medical facility. We then have Roman Reigns interviewed backstage where he says that a man bigger and stronger than him shouldn’t need back up, but they Corbin can’t handle him before saying that he’ll embarrass Corbin in their match at TLC as we go to commercial.

CM Punk is announced to be returning to WWE Backstage before we get a promo by Sheamus who’s in darkness before he walks into the light and says that he’s come home to Smackdown and that he’s ready to take out anyone who gets in his way.

Lacey Evans vs Local Talent

Lacey takes her opponent down before driving her into the corner and choking her in the corner before knocking her out with the Woman’s Right for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lacey Evans defeats a local performer via pinfall with the Woman’s Right.

-After the match Sasha Banks comes out onto the stage and says that she’s not letting Lacey leave and that they have business to take care of as we go to commercial.

-Sasha says that she’s the leader of the locker room and that Lacey is a Mary Poppins knockoff before Lacey says that she’s a mother and a United States Marine and that the Marines instilled leadership before telling her that she’ll drop her where she stands. Sasha falls to the mat when Lacey feigns the Woman’s Right before she leaves and Bayley attacks her from behind before Sasha and Bayley stand over the fallen Evans.

-We get a recap of earlier tonight where Bray Wyatt made veiled threats to The Miz and his wife and daughter before Bray attacked him from behind and it’s announced that The Miz will face Bray at TLC as well as Roman and Corbin in a TLC match as we go to commercial.

-We’re told about Shane McMahon being on NCIS Los Angeles before we get a video package for Tribute to the Troops.

Roman Reigns vs Dolph Ziggler

Dolph tries to take Roman down, but he’s too strong, Dolph kicking at the knee of Roman before hitting a neckbreaker for a quick two count. Dolph locks in a chin bar with a straight armbar before Roman gets to his feet and Dolph slams him down by his hair before they end up at ringside and Dolph counters a drive by before sending Roman into the ring steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to Dolph dropkicking Roman before following him out of the ring and sending him into the barricade and back into the ring for a quick two count before applying a rear headlock. Roman goes for a superman punch off of the steps before Dolph superkicks Roman in midair and Baron Corbin comes out to the ring on his portable throne as we go to commercial.

Dolph and Roman counter each other before Dolph hits a DDT for a two count as Baron Corbin looks on on the ramp on his throne before Dolph gets a sunset flip for a two count. Roman hits a superman punch for a two count before Dolph catches Roman with a knee when he goes for a spear. Dolph sends Roman into the ring post and hits the Zigzag for a near fall before Corbin comes down to ringside and gets onto the apron before Roman punches him off of the apron. Roman then spears Dolph for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns defeats Dolph Ziggler via pinfall with a spear.

-After the match Roman hits Corbin with a drive by before he’s attacked by the men who helped Corbin on his throne and Roman dispatches of them before Corbin drops him. Corbin sends Roman into the ring post, but Roman is ready before Roman sends Corbin over the announce table before Roman goes to powerbomb Corbin through the table and Dolph superkicks him. Corbin and his security as well as Dolph then handcuff Roman to the ring post and beat on him before pouring dog food all over Roman as we go off the air.

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