
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 1/24/20 Last Stop on the Road to the Royal Rumble

It’s the final edition of Smackdown on FOX before the Royal Rumble this Sunday night!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX kicked off by a six man tag between The Usos and Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode!

The Bloodline vs Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode

Jey and Dolph start things off with Dolph backing Jey into the corner before The Usos hit a double elbow drop for two. Roode comes in and locks up with Jimmy before stomping him in the corner and sending him out of the ring. Dolph then sends Jimmy into the steps before he’s taken to the back by medical personnel as we go to commercial.

We come back to Roman and Dolph in the ring before Jey comes in and Corbin drops him before Jey comes back momentarily before Corbin hits the Deep Six for two. Roode sends Jimmy into the apron and hits a neckbreaker for two before Jey is isolated as Roman chomps at the bit to enter the match. Jimmy then drops Roode with an enzuigiri before Corbin pulls Roman from the apron and sends him into the steps as we go to commercial.

Corbin is in control of Jey until he sends him into the post and finally gets the tag to Roman, Corbin immediately tagging out. Roman takes out Roode and drops Dolph with a clothesline before hitting him with clubbing blows in the corner and dropping him with a boot. Roode distracts the referee while Corbin distracts Roman and Dolph hits a superkick for a near fall before Jey is sent over the announce table and Corbin and company take turns dishing out punishment to Roman. Roman counters a superkick with a superman punch before Jimmy hobbles back down to the ring and tags in before hitting Roode with a Samoan drop and knocking Corbin off of the apron before hitting a suicide dive. Jimmy hits a diving splash for a near fall that Corbin breaks up before Jimmy counters The End of Days and Roman sends Corbin out of the ring and over the barricade as they brawl in the WWE Universe.

Jimmy then hits a diving splash to Roode for the pin and the win.

Winner:The Bloodline defeats Robert Roode, Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin via pinfall.

-We get a recap of Daniel Bryan‘s attack on The Fiend with the help of Kane last week before we get a graphic for the Strap Match contract signing later tonight as we go to commercial.

-Michael Cole interview Lacey Evans on the ramp about her match against Bayley for the Smackdown Women’s Championship at the Royal Rumble before she’s attacked from behind by Bayley. Bayley is then taken away by officials before we go backstage to an interview with Carmella and Dana Brooke who are going to be in the women’s royal rumble match before the camera goes to Lacey getting her revenge on Bayley off camera as we go to commercial.

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross vs Fire N’ Desire

Sonya takes Nikki down before Bayley and Lacey rush the ring and all six women brawl for the disqualification.

Winner: No contest due to double interference.

-We then see Braun Strowman walking up to Elias before they make their way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

-We return to Elias in the ring where sings a song about the royal rumble before Braun comes out to the ring and sings while Elias plays guitar before they’re interrupted by Cesaro, Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn.

Elias & Braun Strowman vs Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura w/Sami Zayn

Elias hits Cesaro with a diving meteora before they exchange and Sami distracts Elias before Cesaro tosses him over the top rope and down onto the floor. Shinsuke then attacks Elias before Braun runs him over as we go to commercial.

We come back to Elias fighting out of the corner before Cesaro knocks Braun from the apron and Elias drops Shinsuke when he goes for a Kinshasa. Elias gets the tag to Braun who runs over Shinsuke and knocks Cesaro from the apron before Shinsuke hits a flying knee and he and Cesaro send Braun into the post. Shinsuke and Cesaro then hit a double side Russian leg sweep into a PK by Shinsuke for two before Elias sends Shinsuke into the post and Braun hits a running powerslam into a diving elbow drop by Elias for the pin and the win.

Winner: Elias and Braun Strowman defeat Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall when Elias pins Cesaro with a diving elbow drop.

-We go backstage to Big-E oiling himself up before Kofi shows up as we go to commercial.

-We come back to a video recapping the six man tag earlier tonight before Baron Corbin is interviewed and we get a video package for the numbers breakdown of the Royal Rumble.

-We get a video package narrated by Sheamus ahead of his match against Chad Gable at the Royal Rumble this Sunday night.

Kofi Kingston w/Big-E vs John Morrison

John backs Kofi into the corner before they roll around and dodge each other before John backs Kofi into the corner again and thrusts his hip into his midsection. Kofi comes back and dodges a tope by John before hits a flipping senton that takes John out at ringside before he’s distracted by The Miz. John then sends Kofi into the ring post as we go to commercial.

John is in control as we return to the ring before Kofi rolls out of the way of Starship Pain and hits a springboard clothesline into a dropkick. Kofi hits a huricanrrana into a jumping meteora for two before hitting a PK into the Boom Drop before playing to the crowd. John counters the Trouble in Paradise with a wheel kick for a near fall before setting Kofi on the top turnbuckle and Kofi shoves him off. John shoves the referee and pokes Kofi in the eyes before hitting a Spanish fly for a near fall and Kofi hits the SOS for a near fall.

John then gets a near fall off of a leverage pin with his feet on the ropes that E breaks up before Miz shoves him and John hits Kofi with Starship Pain for the pin and the win.

Winner: John Morrison defeats Kofi Kingston via pinfall with Starship Pain.

-Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring before Bray Wyatt appears on the screen and says that he tried to fax him the contract, but can’t get the machine to work before The Fiend appears in the ring for the contract signing for the Strap Match at the Royal Rumble for the Universal Championship. The Fiend attacks Daniel and chokes him with a strap he’s brought before hitting Daniel with Sister Abigail and ripping his shirt off before whipping him. The Fiend then signs the contract with a bloody hand print before throwing it at Daniel’s feet and disappearing as we go off the air.

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