
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 11/19/21 The Last Stop Before Survivor Series

It’s the final edition of Smackdown on FOX before Survivor Series this Sunday night on Peacock!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

– We open tonight’s show with Smackdown Tag Team champions, the Usos in the ring before introducing the Universal champion, Roman Romans who comes out to the ring alongside Paul Heyman before addressing Roman’s Champion vs Champion match against the WWE champion Big E of Monday Night RAW. Roman and company are then interrupted by King Woods who challenges Roman to a singles match tonight before Roman and the Usos destroy Woods robe, throne, and scepter before Jey hands the crown to Roman who repeatedly asks Woods if the crown and everything that comes with it means anything to him before Roman teases stomping it. Woods then rushes the ring to save the crown before the Usos lay Woods out and restrain him before Roman stomps the crown and declares himself the only crown and that he doesn’t need props.

Sheamus vs Jinder Mahal vs Cesaro vs Ricochet

The four pair off before we get a brief reunion of The Bar before Ricochet gets two off of a sunset flip before Cesaro lays into Sheamus with strikes in the corner before Sheamus and Jinder beat Cesaro and Ricochet down before dumping Cesaro out of the ring. Sheamus and Jinder exchange strikes and run the ropes before Sheamus clubs Jinder in the ropes and knocks him off of the apron before fighting off a swing by Cesaro before Ricochet clears the ring and hits a flipping senton and taking everyone out as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Sheamus hitting a superplex to Jinder as Ricochet hits a frankensteiner to Cesaro before Sheamus hits a clothesline in the corner and Ricochet hits a DDT into a standing shooting star press for two before Jinder hits a gut buster. Cesaro swings Jinder and locks in a sharpshooter before Jinder gets to the ropes for the break and Ricochet takes out Shanky at ringside before kicking Cesaro in the chest and dropping him with an enzuigiri before countering the Khallas into a jumping flat liner. Ricochet then hits a 630 senton before Sheamus hits him with a Brogue Kick and covers Jinder for a near fall that Cesaro breaks up before knocking Sheamus out of the air and getting distracted by Ridge Holland who runs down to the ringside before Sheamus Brogue Kicks Cesaro for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats Cesaro, Ricochet, and Jinder Mahal via pinfall to earn a spot on the Smackdown Men’s Survivor Series team.

– We get a backstage interview with Jeff Hardy ahead of his participating in the Smackdown Men’s Survivor Series match Sunday night before Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss show up and laugh before Adam tells Happy to get serious and makes a match between Madcap and Jeff as we go to commercial.

– We come back from the break to an extended video package for the Champion vs Champion match between the Smackdown Women’s champion Charlotte Flair and the RAW Women’s champion Becky Lynch.

– Backstage Sheamus is interviewed after his victory earlier tonight alongside Ridge before the two leave together to go celebrate.

Aliyah & Naomi vs Shayna & Natalya

Aliyah and Natalya start the match off before Naomi and Aliyah take out both Shayna and Natalya before Shayna locks in a sleeper and Natalya gets the blind tag before Naomi takes out Shayna with the Rear View. Shayna then slams Naomi to the mat by her hair before Natalya pins her and the referee does a fast count before disappearing to the back for the win.

Winner: Natalya and Shayna defeat Naomi and Aliyah via pinfall.

– Backstage Sami vents to Sonya who announces a battle royal in honor of The Rock for Survivor Series before the referee who made the quick count tries to talk to Sonya only for Sonya to yell at her to leave and act like she has no idea who she is.

Jeff Hardy (w/ Drew McIntyre) vs Madcap Moss (w/ Happy Corbin)

Moss takes Hardy down with a double leg and knees him in the midsection before dropping him with a right hand and Jeff hits a jawbreaker into an inverted atomic drop and a leg drop into a front drop and a Twist of Fate. Jeff then goes up top before he’s distracted by Happy before Drew sends Happy across the announce table and Moss crotches Jeff before Jeff pins him with an inside cradle for the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy defeats Madcap Moss via pinfall.

– After the match Drew lays Happy out with a Claymore before Jeff hits him with a Swanton Bomb and the two celebrate.

– Backstage Paul is on the phone before he’s ambushed by an interviewer and he gives a brief statement about what Roman’s decision will be to King Woods challenge before leaving and resuming his phone call.

Shinsuke Nakamura (w/ Rick Boogs) vs Los Lotharios (Angel Garza (w/ Humberto Carrillo)

Angel and Shinsuke start the match off fast before Shinsuke hits a diving knee off of the apron and Humberto grabs Shinsuke’s ankle when he tries to get back inside before Rick grabs Humberto and shakes him before slamming him onto the floor. Shinsuke then dodges a running move by Angel and rolls him up before he lets go and hits a Kinshasa back in the ring for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Angel Garza via pinfall.

– Backstage Shotzi and Sasha Banks have words before Sonya shows up and separates the two before Sasha comes out to the ring first and Shotzi second for their match up next as we go to commercial.

Sasha Banks vs Shotzi

Shotzi backs Sasha into the corner for a clean break before Sasha locks in a standing side headlock and Shotzi slams her down by her hair before Sasha hits a head scissors into an arm drag and the two shove each other before grabbing each other’s hair. Sasha and Shotzi exchange strikes before Sasha hits a trio of suplexes and goes up top before landing on her feet and Shotzi sends her out onto the apron before missing an enzuigiri. Sasha rocks Shotzi with a high knee before sending Shotzi through the ropes and Shotzi dodges a dive off of the apron before sending Sasha into the steps and traps her hand before kicking it against the steps. Shotzi then rolls Sasha back inside for two before Sasha gets two off of a roll up and hits a meteora off of the apron as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Sasha in control before Shotzi fights off a Banks Statement and hits a swinging facebuster onto her knee for two before Sasha rolls Shotzi up for two and sends her face first into the middle turnbuckle before hitting a running meteora in the corner. Sasha goes up top and hits a diving meteora for a near fall before Shotzi goes after her injured arm and hits a shiranui for a near fall before Sasha hits a jawbreaker and Shotzi snaps her arm in the ropes. Shotzi then sends Sasha into the post and down onto the floor before tossing her back inside and hitting The Ball Pit before Sasha rolls out of the ring before Shotzi tosses Sasha back inside and Sasha locks in a cross face for the tap and the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks defeats Shotzi via submission.

– After the match Sasha tries to shake hands with Shotzi before the two shake hands and Sasha hits a back stabber before leaving as Sonya looks on from the stage.

– We get a new comic book themed video package for Xia Li ahead of her debut which is coming soon.

– We get a backstage interview with Toni Storm ahead of her taking Aliyah’s place in the Smackdown Women’s Survivor Series match before Charlotte shows up and tells Toni that she’s next on her list and will give her a title match after she destroys Becky Sunday night.

– Roman and Paul then come out to the ring to answer Woods’ challenge before the Usos are thrown out from behind the curtain and Big E comes out and brawls with Roman before New Day attack Roman and Roman hits E with a Superman punch before Roman escapes the Big Ending and New Day hold the ring as we go off the air.

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