
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 10/29/21 Nakamura & Boogs vs Corbin & Moss

It’s a special Halloween edition of Smackdown Live on FOX at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown on FOX!

– We open tonight’s show with the entrance of Smackdown Women’s champion Charlotte Flair before she gets on the mic and says that order has been restored to Smackdown and that the women in the locker room need someone to guide them and to mentor them before she’s interrupted by Sasha Banks. Sasha gets into the ring and mocks Charlotte before Sasha asks when her title shot is coming before Charlotte says that it’s a new era and that a new face should get an opportunity before Shotzi comes out to ringside in her tank before Charlotte accepts a title opportunity match right now.

Charlotte Flair vs Shotzi

Charlotte takes Shotzi down to the mat before Shotzi gets two off of a sunset flip and dodges a boot by Charlotte before they exchange standing switches and Charlotte hits a basement dropkick before Shotzi hits a head scissors into a dropkick for one. Shotzi goes up top before Charlotte rips her down for two before choking Shotzi in the ropes and Shotzi counters a suplex into a small package for two before Charlotte clotheslines her and Shotzi drops Charlotte with an enzuigiri into an inverted cannonball for a near fall. Charlotte then hits Shotzi when she goes for a dive before Charlotte gets distracted by Sasha and Shotzi hits a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Shotzi in control before Charlotte comes back with a boot that knocks Shotzi off of the apron before landing on her feet when she misses a slingshot cross body before Shotzi superkicks her and tosses her back inside for two. Charlotte gets two off of a crucifix before countering an enzuigiri and Shotzi counters a figure four into a pin for two before Shotzi hits a variation of a dragon suplex for two before Charlotte hits a backbreaker into a flat liner into the turnbuckle before hitting a standing moonsault for two. Sasha then distracts Charlotte before Shotzi nearly hits Sasha and stops herself before Charlotte hits her with Natural Selection for the pin and the win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair defeats Shotzi via pinfall.

– After the match Shotzi blames Sasha before attacking her and laying her out with a diving senton she calls the Ball Pit.

– We get a backstage interview with Jeff Hardy before he’s interrupted by Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss.

– We get a taped segment by Adam Pearce earlier today where he announces that Brock Lesnar has been fined one million dollars as we see Paul Heyman watching on a monitor backstage before turning and being interviewed about how he thinks Brock will respond.

Drew McIntyre vs Mustafa Ali

Drew tosses Ali into the corner before Ali escapes and chops Drew which only angers him before Drew drops him with a chop and Ali rocks Drew with a kick before hitting a dropkick and several kicks before Drew tosses Ali into the corner and stomps him. Drew hits an overhead belly to belly into a jumping neckbreaker before Ali counters the Future Shock DDT and Drew posts himself before Ali lands on his feet when he misses a 450 and dodges a Claymore. Drew then takes Ali down and locks in a double wrist lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre defeats Mustafa Ali via submission.

– After the match Mustafa gets on the mic and says that the WWE Universe are racist and that they only cheer against him because of his foreign sounding name.

– We go to the ring where King Xavier knights Kofi Kingston before they’re interrupted by the Smackdown Tag Team champions Usos who cheap shot Kofi and leave up the ramp.

Trick or Street Fight Match

Shinsuke Nakamura & Rick Boogs vs Happy Corbin & Madcap Moss

Everyone brawl before Shinsuke and Rick double up on Madcap before Happy hits Rick with a kendo stick when he’s playing guitar as Shinsuke hits Good Vibrations before 24/7 champion Reggie comes out of nowhere and he and the parade of challengers run around the ring before Reggie flees to the back. Rick and Madcap then struggle over dunking each other’s faces in apple before Shinsuke hits Madcap with a kendo stick and they dunk his head in the bucket as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Happy and Madcap in control before Shinsuke briefly comes back and kicks the post before Madcap drops Shinsuke and he and Happy beat on Shinsuke in the ring. Shinsuke rolls out of the ring before Rick saves Shinsuke from going through a table before clotheslining the pair back in the ring and Shinsuke lays them out with a kendo stick before they double up on Happy for a near fall that Madcap breaks up. Rick suplexes Madcap before everyone hits a move until Happy and Madcap take out Shinsuke before Happy posts himself and Shinsuke and Happy go into the time keeper’s area. Rick then hits Madcap with a suplex before Madcap hits a neckbreaker onto a pumpkin after Rick is attacked by two masked ghouls for the win.

Winner: Madcap Moss and Happy Corbin defeat Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs via pinfall.

– After the match the masked ghouls reveal themselves to be Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza.

– We get a backstage interview with Sonya Deville ahead of Naomi’s match against Shayna Baszler before they’re interrupted by Sami Zayn who says that he should be on the show tonight.

Special Guest Referee Match
Naomi vs Shayna Baszler

Before the match Sonya comes out and announces that the referee has been injured and she’s going to take their place before the match starts and Naomi fights off a submission before Shayna goes for a knee bar and Naomi kicks her away. Naomi hits a head scissors into a splash in the corner before hitting a bulldog into the corner and an enzuigiri before hitting an enzuigiri and going for the cover, but Sonya just stands there before Shayna rolls her over and Sonya quick counts for Shayna for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shayna Baszler defeats Naomi via pinfall.

– After the match Shayna chokes Naomi out with the Kirifuda Clutch when she’s arguing with Sonya.

The Usos vs New Day

Jimmy and Kofi start the match off before the Usos send Kofi into the time keeper’s area and play to the crowd as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to the Usos still in control before Kofi gets the hot tag to Xavier who hits Jey with a side Russian leg sweep into a dropkick for two before Jimmy gets the blind tag and Kofi takes out Jey and Jimmy hits Kofi with a spine buster for two. The Usos then hit Kofi with a double superkick for a near fall before New Day counter a double splash and Jimmy rolls Kofi up for two before Xavier gets the blind tag and pins Jimmy when he’s trying to pin Kofi for the win.

Winner: New Day defeat The Usos via pinfall.

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