
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 11/15/19 WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Rematch

The Smackdown Tag Team Championships are on the line, Bayley faces Nikki Cross and Daniel Bryan joins Miz TV tonight at 8PM EST on FOX!

Hey there Fight Fans, it’s time for Smackdown on FOX! We hope you enjoy the show and be don’t forget to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-We open the show with a video recapping the last two weeks of Smackdown before Baron Corbin comes out to a ring on a throne and is greeted by Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler who helped him defeat Roman Reigns last week in England. Corbin says everyone should pledge loyalty to him and his kingdom and that he has the responsibility to tell the harsh truth and that he was right about Roman Reigns being a shell of his former self before he says that he is the new captain of Team Smackdown for Survivor Series. Dolph agrees with Corbin that Roman is a step behind and that the only reason Ali and Gable got on the team is because they’re friends with Roman and that he and Robert are going to beat up Ali and Gable and take their spot on Team Smackdown. Corbin invites Roman to the ring before his music hits and a person in a bulldog costume comes out to the ring and bows to Corbin as we go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs Mustafa Ali & Chad Gable

Roode and Gable kick things off for their respective teams by exchanging wrist locks before Chad takes Roode down and drops him with a shoulder block before hitting several arm drags into a straight armbar. Roode hits a scoop slam before Dolph hits a jumping elbow drop and Ali wrenches the arm of Dolph who backs into the ropes for a clean break. Ali hits a huricanrrana and an enzuigiri into a rolling sit-out facebuster for a two count before Roode and Ziggler double up on Ali and Ali gets distracted at ringside by Corbin before Roode knocks him from the apron and into the announce table. Roman Reigns then comes out to the ring and evens the odds as we go to commercial.

Ali sends Dolph out of the ring and Roode into the ring post before he crawls to the corner and Dolph stops him with a famouser before knocking Gable from the apron for a near fall before Chad gets the tag. Chad then hits a German suplex before Ali hits a 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mustafa Ali and Chad Gable defeat Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler via pinfall to be added to the Smackdown Survivor Series team.

-We get a video recapping The Fiend attacking Daniel Bryan last week ahead of Daniel’s appearance on Miz TV before we get a Firefly Fun House segment where Bray turns the Universal Championship from red to blue as we go to commercial.

-We come back to Corbin talking with Roode and Ziggler after their loss before we get the Progressive Match Flo of the week in which Tyson Fury and Braun Strowman defeated the B Team in a tag team match last week.

-Braun Strowman comes out to the ring and takes out The B Team before Drew Gulak escapes before we go backstage to the New Day being interviewed about their tag team championship rematch against the former champions The Revival up next as we go to commercial.

-Shinsuke Nakamura and Sami Zayn stop Daniel Bryan backstage and Sami tries to recruit him again before Daniel denies them yet and they’re interrupted by Braun Strowman and Sami drags Shinsuke away as we go to New Day in the ring.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match

New Day (c) vs The Revival

Dash and Kofi start the match off by running the ropes before Scott drops Kofi across the top rope for a quick two count before suplexing him. Kofi blocks a superplex and hits a missile dropkick before Dash drops him as we go to commercial.

Dash tags in Chad who misses a diving elbow drop and E comes in before hitting a series of suplexes and a jumping splash before Dash hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. New Day clear the ring before The Revival send Kofi into the ring post and E into the announce table before hitting the Shatter Machine for a near fall that Kofi breaks up. The four are then dragged out of the ring and attacked by the Undisputed Era.

Winner: No contest due to double interference by Undisputed Era, but New Day retain their titles due to champions advantage.

-Undisputed Era are then ran off by various members of the men’s roster including Heavy Machinery as we go to commercial.

Heavy Machinery vs Local Team

Otis slams one of his opponents on top of the other and sends him out of the ring before Tucker hits a double running cross body and a running splash in the corner. Otis then hits the caterpillar before HM hit the Compactor for the pin and the win.

Winner: Heavy Machinery defeat a local team via pinfall.

-We get an interview by Bayley with Sasha Banks where Bayley talks about the triple threat match at Survivor Series and her match against Nikki Cross up next before a six man tag match between Reigns, Ali, Gable and Corbin, Ziggler and Roode is announced for next week’s show.

Bayley comes out to the ring for her match with Nikki Cross before she sends Nikki into the ring steps before Shayna Baszler shows up and Bayley tries to leave through the crowd before she’s stopped by several of the NXT women and Sasha attacks Shayna from behind before the Smackdown women’s team clear the ring and set up an eight woman tag match as we go to commercial.

Team NXT vs Team Smackdown Eight Woman Tag Team Match

Nikki and Dakota start the match with Kai dropping Cross with a boot before Yim comes in and Carmella gets distracted by Nox on the apron. Kai and Knox double up on Carmella for a two count before Sasha and Rhea come in and square off before they grapple and all eight women brawl as we go to commercial.

We return to the action in the ring where Nikki hits a diving cross body to Rhea before everyone hits each other with a kick and Nikki hits a twisting fisherman’s neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Team Smackdown defeats Team NXT via pinfall when Nikki Cross pins Tegan Nox with a twisting fisherman’s neckbreaker.

-After the match team Smackdown run Team NXT off before we see Daniel Bryan making his way out to the ring for Miz TV as we go to commercial.

-The Miz comes out to the ring to start Miz TV before introducing his guest Daniel Bryan, Miz asking Bryan about him being attacked by The Fiend last week before saying that Daniel isn’t the same person he was a decade ago and questions which version of Daniel Bryan he is. Miz says that he thinks The Fiend wants to end Daniel Bryan before Daniel says that Miz TV does and always has sucked before saying that he’s not the same person he was ten years ago and agrees that he’s mentally unstable. Daniel says that he still has the passion he’s always had alongside the mental instability and how dangerous the two make him before comparing himself to Bray Wyatt and saying that they’re both mentally unstable before they’re interrupted by Bray on the big screen. Bray calls Daniel out for talking about him behind his back and that he thinks The Fiend did what he did to scare Daniel or that he might want to play with him. Bray gets out the Smackdown championship and says that if he wants to play he just needs to let him in and Daniel gets into a back and forth with the various creatures in the Firefly Fun House.

Daniel then challenges Bray to a fight and a title match before Bray says yes imitating the Yes chant Daniel is known for before the screen goes off and Daniel leaves as we go off the air.

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