
WWE Smackdown on FOX Results for 10/18/19 Nakamura vs Reigns for the Intercontinental Title

The Artist and The Big Dog vie for the Intercontinental Championship and we have a six-woman match to determine who faces Bayley at Survivor Series!

Good evening Fight Fans! It’s time for Smackdown on FOX! We hope you enjoy the show and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast!

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs Roman Reigns

They tie up for a clean break to start the match as Sami Zayn joins on commentary before Shinsuke knees Roman in the rubs and hits a jumping knee drop before Roman catches him with a boot. Roman drops Shinsuke with a back elbow and sends him face first into the top turnbuckle before hitting a Samoan drop for a quick two count as Sami leaves the commentary and regroups with Shinsuke at ringside. Sami then pulls Shinsuke out of the way of a drive by and Shinsuke drops Roman with a kick as we go to commercial.

Shinsuke has Roman in a sleeper that he powers to his feet to get free and counters an exploder suplex and a diving knee before clotheslining Shinsuke and hitting him with clubbing clotheslines in the corner. Roman goes for a superman punch, but Shinsuke locks in a flying armbar before locking in a triangle choke and Roman muscles Shinsuke up and hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Sami distracts Roman and Shinsuke hits a sliding German suplex before Roman hits a superman punch when he goes for a Kinshasa for a near fall. Baron Corbin then shows up out of nowhere and attacks Roman for the disqualification.

Winner: Roman Reigns defeats Shinsuke Nakamura via pinfall, but Shinsuke retains his Intercontinental Championship due to champions advantage.

-After the match Baron attacks Roman before he’s saved by Daniel Bryan who takes him out and Sami distracts him before Shinsuke takes him out with a Kinshasa and Shinsuke, Sami and Corbin leave together as we get a recap of the blue side of this year’s WWE Draft.

-New Day and Heavy Machinery then discuss teaming up tonight ahead of their match at Crown Jewel as we go to commercial.

-Baron Corbin is interviewed backstage about his attack on Roman Reigns before we get a video package for Chad Gable ahead of his match against Curtis Axel.

Chad Gable vs Curtis Axel

Curtis backs Chad into the corner and suplexes him before locking in a straight armbar before Chad hits a sunset powerbomb into a drop toe hold. Chad then locks in an ankle lock and Curtis is forced to tap for the win.

Winner: Chad Gable defeats Curtis Axel via submission with an ankle lock.

-Chad is interviewed after the match where he talks about how he feels that his height is what makes him who he is and talks about the positives of being a genuine person before thanking people who bullied him in the past. Chad then calls himself Shorty G before leaving and we get a vignette for the ten man tag team match between Team Hogan and Team Flair at Crown Jewel. Hulk Hogan then joins via satellite and says that he has Flair’s number and that there is no need to worry about his team at Crown Jewel and that it is a tie between Chad Gable and Ali before announcing that the team captain will be announced at the end of the show.

Eight Man Tag Team Match

Tucker and Dolph kick things off with the two exchanging dropkicks and HM hit stereo suplexes to Roode and Ziggler before Otis and Big-E wishbone Dolph and sending The Revival out of the ring with overhead belly to back suplexes. Xavier then hits a suicide dive and takes out The Revival before Roode hits an assisted spinebuster to Xavier onto the floor as we go to commercial.

Xavier hits a back suplex to Dash and knocks all of his opponents away before he goes for the tag and they pull his teammates off of the apron to keep him from making the tag. Dash takes control and tags in Dolph who sets Xavier on the top turnbuckle and goes for a superplex, but Xavier knocks him down onto the mat and hits a missile dropkick. Xavier gets the tag to Otis who runs roughshod over Roode and Ziggler before knocking the Revival off of the apron and headbutting Roode before sending Dolph into him. Otis hits a one person flap jack into a suplex to Roode before sending Dawson out of the ring and hitting Roode with the Caterpillar before Dolph counters the Compactor and The Revival hit an assisted diving cross body for a near fall. Otis then hits a delayed suplex before New Day hit UpUpDownDown for the pin and the win.

Winner: New Day and Heavy Machinery defeat The Revival, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode via pinfall when New Day pin Scott Dawson with UpUpDownDown.

-Daniel Bryan is interviewed about his tag match with Roman against Shinsuke and Baron later tonight before Bayley makes her way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

-The Miz comes out to the ring for Miz TV before announcing his guest, the WWE Smackdown Women’s champion Bayley. Bayley comes to the ring accompanied by Sasha Banks and The Miz shows a video of the match from last week where she defeated Charlotte to become the new SmackDown Women’s champion as well as debuting a new look and new attitude. Miz asks Bayley why she’s changed and turned her back on the WWE Universe before saying that she doesn’t owe The Miz or anyone else an explanation before Miz brings up her adoring young fanbase. Miz compares her silence to Brock Lesnar and compares Sasha to Paul Heyman and says that Bayley may have felt inferior to Sasha as motivation for the drastic change before Bayley says that all she’s done is give to the fans and they gave nothing back. Bayley says that she made good on her promise of elevating the Smackdown Women’s Championship and that there was no one there for her after losing the belt to Charlotte at Hell in a Cell and that she always put herself second and the WWE Universe destroyed her. Bayley says that she picked herself back up and won the title back before saying that the Smackdown women’s division is lazy and lacks passion and desire before saying that she’s outgrown the fans and says that life sucks, and then you die before she’s interrupted by Nikki Cross. Nikki then tells Bayley the time for talk is over before promising to give her a hug after her match before Dana Brooke comes out onto the stage and talks about being underutilized and overlooked before they’re interrupted by Lacey Evans as we go to commercial.

WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship Number One Contender Six-Pack Challenge Match

Lacey Evans vs Nikki Cross vs Dana Brooke vs Carmella vs Mandy Rose vs Sonya Deville

Mandy and Sonya take control early, the partners teaming up for the time being, clearing the ring before double teaming Nikki until Nikki sends Sonya into the middle turnbuckle and Mandy clotheslines Nikki before she rolls out of the ring. Mandy and Sonya go after Carmella at ringside and send her into the time keeper’s area before Dana drops them and Lacey drops Dana with a boot before Carmella takes out everyone but Dana with a diving cross body off of the barricade as we go to commercial.

We return to Fire and Desire in control of Carmella before Nikki rolls Carmella up for a two count and Carmella hits a suicide dive before Dana sends Carmella into the barricade and Nikki hits a diving cross body before Lacey sends her into the ring steps. Back in the ring Dana hits a sit-out powerbomb before hitting a swanton bomb for a near fall that Carmella breaks up, Mandy and Carmella exchanging strikes before Carmella locks in the Code of Silence. Sonya then breaks up the hold before everyone hits a move and Nikki hits a fisherman’s neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Nikki Cross defeats Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, Lacey Evans, Dana Brooke and Carmella via pinfall when she pins Mandy with a fisherman’s neckbreaker to earn a shot at Bayley’s Smackdown Women’s Championship.

-We get a video package for Braun Strowman ahead of his match against Tyson Fury at Crown Jewel as we go to commercial.

-We get a recap of Seth Rollins finding the Firefly Fun House and attacking Bray Wyatt before committing arson and burning the house down ahead of their Falls Count Anywhere match at Crown Jewel before we get a recap of the contract signing between Braun and Tyson from this past Monday on RAW.

Braun Strowman vs Drew Gulak

Braun rushes Drew before Drew backs him off and grabs a mic before saying that if he goes into the match against Tyson recklessly he’ll be knocked out before Drew shows us his PowerPoint presentation. Braun tosses Drew across the ring and drops him with a boot before Drew punches him and Braun headbutts him out of the ring before flattening Drew at ringside. Braun then tosses Drew into the corner and hits a running splash into a running powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Braun Strowman defeats Drew Gulak via pinfall with a running powerslam.

-We get a commercial for WWE 2K20 which is out next Tuesday before Daniel Bryan makes his way out to the ring for his match as we go to commercial.

Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan vs Shinsuke Nakamura & Baron Corbin

Before the match starts its announced that both Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair will be on Smackdown next week and that Roman will be the captain for Team Hogan as Roman and Daniel double team Baron. Daniel hits running dropkicks in the corner and a bulldog before Shinsuke comes in and exchanges strikes with the Intercontinental champion before hitting a kitchen sink and Sami interferes and sends Daniel out of the ring and onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We return to Corbin hitting Daniel with Deep Six for a two count before arguing with the referee and tagging Shinsuke and Daniel takes them both out before dropping Shinsuke with a flying clothesline. Daniel goes to tag in Roman, but Corbin rips him down off of the apron and sends him into the steps before Shinsuke hits Daniel with a shining wizard and Daniel hits a wrecking ball dropkick and locks in a cross face before Roman spears Corbin through the barricade. Daniel then hits Kawada kicks and a buzz saw kick before Shinsuke hits a knee and misses the Kinshasa before Daniel hits a flying knee for the pin and the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns defeat Shinsuke Nakamura and Baron Corbin via pinfall when Daniel pins Shinsuke with a flying knee.

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