
WWE SmackDown (4/7/2023) Results: Sami Zayn vs Jey Uso, Triple H Speaks, IMPERIUM Compete & More.

Results for the 4/7/2023 edition of SmackDown on FOX.

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Here’s what’s set for the show.


WWE SmackDown (4/7/2023).

  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn appear.
  • SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley claims her throne.
  • Triple H addresses the WWE Universe.
  • LWO (Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar) (w/ Zelina Vega, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz del Toro) vs. Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Dominik Mysterio) (w/ Finn Blaor & Rhea Ripley).
  • Sami Zayn vs. Jey Uso.
  • The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch, & Ridge Holland) vs. IMPERIUM (GUNTHER, Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci).

Refresh the site as the show happens for the latest updates.

Live Coverage.

– There was a graphic honoring the life of Bushwacker Butch Miller. Fightful wishes its condolences to Miller’s fans, family & friends. 

– After a video recap of WrestleMania 39, Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland) vs. IMPERIUM (Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER, Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci).

Vinci & Butch locked up before Vinci hit two takedowns o the Bruiserweight. Butch leaped over Vinci before catching him with a lariat. Holland tagged in and went for a lariat, but Vinci evaded and hit a springboard cross-body on Holland for a near fall. Kaiser tagged in and stomped on Holland’s face before hitting a running uppercut on Holland for a near fall. Butch tagged in and hit a diving double-stomp on Kaiser for a near fall. Vinci tagged in, but Butch tripped him and stomped Vinci right on his left elbow. GUNTHER distracted the referee by arguing with Sheamus, allowing Kaiser to toss Butch into Vinci, who hit a Stalling Brainbuster on the former NXT UK Champion for a near fall before the commercial break. 

Back from the break, GUNTHER dominated proceedings, attacking Butch inside the ting and tossing Sheamus off the apron. GUTNEHR got a headlock on Butch, but Butch broke the hold by snapping GUTHER’s fingers. Vinci tagged in and went for a German Suplex, but Butch landed on his feet and kicked Vinci before Holland tagged in. Holland hit a series of suplexes & shoulder tackles on Kaiser before catching him into an Alabama Slam for a near fall. Holland went for a corner splash, but Kaiser evaded before IMPERIUM hit triple-kicks on Holland in their corner. Holland headbutted GUNTHER, but GUNTHER hit a vicious chop on Holland before hitting a Shotgun Dropkick into a Powerbomb on Holland for a near fall, thanks to Butch breaking the pin. GUNTHER got Holland in a Boston Crab, but Holland broke the pin by tagging in Sheamus. Sheamus & GUNTEHR exchanged strikes before Sheamus hit a lariat, a Running Powerslam, and the Beats of the Battering on GUNTHER. Sheamus went for a Brogur Kick, but GUNTHER evaded and hit a German Suplex and went for a Powerbomb, but Sheamus reversed it into the White Noise on GUNTHER for a near fall. Kaiser hit a faceslam on Kaiser, but Holland pounced him out of the ring. Vinci & Kaiser on the outside hit the High/Low on Holland, but Butch hit a Moonsault on Kaiser to the outside. Vinci tagged in and went for a cross-body on Sheamus, but Sheamus caught him with a V-Trigger before hitting the Brogue Kick on Vinci for the pinfall win. 

Winners: The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland).

– There was a video recap of Cody Rhodes being attacked by Brock Lesnar from the 4/3/2023 edition of Monday Night Raw (full results for the show here).

– Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa were interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. Heyman was asked if he was involved with Lesnar attacking Rhodes, but Heyman refused to answer the question. Jey Uso interrupted proceedings looking for Jimmy Uso, but Heyman stated that Jimmy was not in the arena tonight, meaning that he had to resolve the Sami Zayn Problem tonight. Jey left before Heyman told Sikoa that if Jey does not resolve the problem, Sikoa would have to resolve the Bloodline”s problems. 

Ricochet vs. Ivar (w/ Valhalla).

Ricochet hit a series of body shots on Ivar to begin the match before hitting the Tijeras and a dropkick to begin the match. Ivar got on the apron, but Ricochet dropped him with a dropkick before going for a Tope Suicida, but Ivar caught him and slammed him onto the apron before hitting a running Splash on Ricochet. Back in the ring, Ivar hit a series of back elbows on Ricochet and placed him on the top rope. Ricochet went for a diving sunset bomb, but Ivar held his weight before hitting a knee lift on Ricochet. Ivar went for a springboard move, but Ricochet caught him with a knee strike. Ricochet went for a Fireman’s Carry, but Ricochet dropped him before Ivar hit a Spinning Leg Lariat on Ricochet. Ivar climbed to the top rope, but Ricochet met him on top. Ivar dropped Ricochet with clubbing blows, but Ricochet caught him and hit an Avalanche Frankensteiner on Ivar before hitting a Shooting Star Press on Ivar for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Ricochet.

– Kevin Ownes & Sami Zayn were backstage with the Tag Titles. Zayn said that the whole situation between them & Jey Uso felt odd. Zayn said that they got their goal, but said that he felt like he had a sense of obligation, but Owens talked some sense to Zayn and told him that talking to Jey right now may be a bad idea. Zayn was insistant and told Ownes that he would try to talk to Jey Uso ahead of his match,

Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez vs Shotzi & Natalya.

Raque began proceedings, but Natalya & Shotzi double-teamed her to send her to the outside before Shotzi hit a Tope Suicida on Raquel. Back in the ring, Shotzi hit a knee lift before going for a Hurricanrana, but Raquel caught her and locked in the Brock lock on Shotzi before Morgan hit a shotgun dropkick on Shotzi before hitting a DDT on Shotzi for a near fall. Natalya tagged in and went for a German SUplex, but Morgan reversed it with a pinfall attempt for a near fall. Natalya got Morgan and finally hit a Release German Suplex on Morgan, but Raquel broke the pin. Shotzi tagged in and hit the Sliced Bread on Morgan before The two went for the Hart Attack, but Raquel hit the POUNCE on Natalya to send her flying. Morgan hit a Tornado DDT on Shotzi before hitting the Oblivion for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Liv Morgan & Raquel Rodriguez.

– Xavier Woods & Madcap Moss were playing WWE 2K23 backstage before LA Knight interrupted them & ran down on them. Woods confronted and told him that he could have been on WrestleMania if he talked the same way he walked. LA Knight tossed Woods’s PS5 controller onto the floor.

– The man most famously known as Triple H, Head of Creative & Talent Relations Paul Levesque came to the ring to address the fans. Triple H said that as long as he has breath in his body, his entrance would never get old/ Triple H ran down the proceedings of WrestleMania 39 & its all-around success, but said that it was now time to talk about the future. Levesque said that the WWE Draft would make the return, saying that it would be bigger than ever, saying that it would change the game. After that massive announcement, Triple H welcomed the newly crowned SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley to the ring. 

– The newly crowned SmackDown Women’s Champion Rhea Ripley was accompanied by The Judgment Day (Dominik Mysterio, Damian Priest & Finn Balor) and told everyone to rise for “Mami, bragging about her huge win at WrestleMania 39. Balor then ran down on Edge for splitting his head open, calling him a sicko. Dominik was going to speak but was interrupted at every turn by the fans who chanted at him “You Suck”, which he used to say that Rey Mysterio sucked for attacking him at WrestleMania 39. Damian Priest then addressed Bad Bunny and said that he was his friend, but Dominik was his brother. Priest apologized to Bad Bunny before saying that he hoped that Bad Bunny accepted his apology. 

Latino World Order (Rey Mysterio & Santos Escobar) (w/ Zelina Vega, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz del Toro) vs. Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Dominik Mysterio) (w/ Finn Blaor & Rhea Ripley).

Rey & Dominik began the match, but Dominik immediately tagged Priest in. Priest hit a jab on Rey before cornering him while Dominik taunted the crowd. Dominik & Priest double-teamed on Rey before Dominik stomped down on Rey & slammed him into the corner with an Irish Whip. Dominik hit a Snap suplex on Rey, but Rey kicked out at two. Rey side-stepped and tagged in Escobar, who hit a knee strike on Dominik & laid out Priest. Escobar hit an enziguri kick and a diving cross-body on Dominik before hitting two Tilt-to-Whirl back breakers on Dominik before tossing Rey onto Priest with a Hurricanrana before Escobar & Rey hit Stereo Dives onto Dominik & Priest before the commercial break. 

After the break, Priest got Escobar in a submission hold before hitting a Flatliner on Escobar for a near fall. Dominik tagged in and locked in a Guillotine Choke on Escobar, but Escobar backed Dominik into the corner before hitting a Northern Lights Suplex and tagging in Rey. Rey attacked Priest before hitting the Tijeras on Dominik. Rey leaped over Dominik, but Dominik caught him and hit a Michinoku Driver on Rey for a near fall. Dominik hit a knee lift and went for a Sunset Flip, but Rey rolled over and hit a dropkick before hitting a Lionsault on Dominik for a near fall. Rey got Dominik in the ropes for the 619, but Ripley moved Dominik off the ropes. Vega hit a Hurricanrana on Ripley on the outside, which pissed Ripley off before Ripley chased down Vega on the outside. Mysterio hit the 619 on Dominik and tagged in Escobar, but Priest laid out Escobar & Rey before hitting the Sit-Down Chokeslam on Escobar for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Judgment Day (Damian Priest & Dominik Mysterio) (w/ Finn Blaor & Rhea Ripley).

– There was a video recap of former NXT Champion, IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, WWE & IWGP Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura ahead of his return next week. 

– Sami Zayn confronted Jey Uso backstage, telling him that there was a way out for him out of the Bloodline but if he had to beat Jey to the head about it, he would do so. Zayn ran out of the shot as soon as noise was made, which was revealed to be Solo Sikoa attacking Kevin Owens backstage.

– Sami Zayn was interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton. Zayn said that Kevin Owens was being reviewed in the medical room after the attack. 

Sami Zayn vs Jey Uso.

Zayn & Uso began the main event match locking up before Jey leaned Zayn into the corner. Jey hit a shoulder tackle on Zayn and pose over him, but Zayn responded with a lariat before catching him with a forearm strike before clotheslining Jey to the outside. Solo Sikoa walked down the ramp to watch the match before the commercial break. 

Back from the break, Uso & Zayn brawled on the top rope before Zayn hit an Avalanche Exploder Suplex on Jey. Zayn & Uso exchanged strikes before Jey hit a leaping enziguri kick on Uso. Zayn booted Jey in the face and went for a dive, but Jey caught him mid-air with a thrust kick for a near fall. Jey leaned Zayn in the corner and got him from the beard, but Zayn hit an exploder Suplex on Jey into the bottom turnbuckle. Zayn went for a Helluva Kick, but Jey evaded and got a Schoolboy on Zayn for a near fall, but Zayn quickly responded with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a Near fall.Zayn climbed to the top rope and went for a Splash, but Jey caught him with a leaping enziguri kick. Jey climbed to the top and went for a Superplex on Zayn, but Zayn reversed it and went for a Sunset Flip, but Jey attacked him from behind to drop him off the top rope. Jey distracted the referee, allowing Sikoa to hit the Samoan Spike on Zayn. Jey then saw the opening and hit a Leaping Thrust Kick on Zayn for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Jey Uso.

– Solo Sikoa attacked Zayn repeatedly after the match as Jey Uso watched along. Sikoa went for a Samoan Spike, but Jey stopped him. Sikoa & Jey had a staredown before Jey hit a thrust kick on Zayn. Matt Riddle came to make the save and laid out Jey & Sikoa afterwards to get revenge on Sikoa after laying him out. Zayn & Riddle stood tall to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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