
WWE SmackDown (12/23/2022) Results: Women’s Gauntlet Match, Usos vs. Hit Row, Street Fight & More.

Results for the 12/23/2022 edition of SmackDown on FS1.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 12/23/2022 edition of SmackDown on FS1. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show.


SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Gauntlet Match: Tegan Nox vs. Sonya Deville vs. Liv Morgan vs. Xia Li vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Emma.

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match: The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) (w/ Sami Zayn & Solo Sikoa) vs. Hit Row (Ashante “Thee” Adonis & Top Dolla) (w/ B-Fab).

Miracle on 34th Street Fight: Ricochet & Braun Strowman vs. IMPERIUM (Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci) (w/ GUNTHER).

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Live Coverage. 

– Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening segment. 

– The Bloodline (Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns, Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jey Uso & Jimmy Uso), Solo Sikoa, Sami Zayn & Paul Heyman) came to the ring to cut a promo. To which they obliged, Reigns asked the crowd from Chicago, Illinois to acknowledge him. Heyman promised that The Usos would successfully defeat Hit Row on their tag title defense later in the night, that Solo Sikoa would take out Sheamus on the 12/30/2022 edition of SmackDown & that Reigns & Zayn would defeat Kevin Owens & John Cena in their match on the 12/30/2022 edition of SmackDown. Reigns then vowed to defeat Zayn & Owens next week but said that Zayn looked slightly irritated. Zayn said that all he wanted was a little respect and that he found it with the Bloodline& the crowd, but emphasized that there still is a black cloud hanging around him called Kevin Owens & emphasized that they were the show. 

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship Match.

The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) (w/ Sami Zayn) vs. Hit Row (Ashante “Thee” Adonis & Top Dolla) (w/ B-Fab).

Adonis & Jey began the match locking up before Adonis leaped over Jey and hit the griddy before hitting an arm drag on Jey. Top Dolla tagged in and tossed Adonis onto Jey with an Irish Whip before hitting a big boot on Jey for a near fall. Jey hit a chop block and targetted Top Dolla’s leg before tagging in Jimmy. The two double-teamed Top Dolla in their corner, specifically Top Dolla’s left leg before Jey hit another chop block on Top Dolla’s leg ahead of the second commercial break. Back from the break, Top Dolla hit a Spinebuster on Jey before he tagged in Adonis while Jimmy tagged in. Adonis hit a flapjack & a dropkick on Jimmy, followed by a front trip, a gut kick, a DDT, and a diving cross body on Jimmy for a near fall. Jimmy got up and hit a pop-up Samoan Drop on Adonis for a near fall. Jimmy & Jey went to double-team Adonis, but Top Dolla pulled Jimmy out of the ring before Adonis hit a Thrust Kick on Jey. Adonis & Top Dolla hit a Dropkick/ back suplex combo on Jey for a near fall. Top Dolla got Jimmy & Jey, but his leg gae in. Jimmy hit a thrust kick on Top Dolla before he & Jey hit another thrust kick. To end the proceedings, Jimmy & Jey hit the 1D on Top Dolla for the pinfall win & title retention. 

Winners & Still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions: The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) (w/ Sami Zayn).

– Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser were interviewed backstage ahead of their Miracle on 34th Street Match against Ricochet & Braun Strowman, but they talked about how disgusted they were at the mere idea of that type of match and what it represented to wrestling.

SmackDown Women’s Championship #1 Contender’s Gauntlet Match: Tegan Nox vs. Sonya Deville vs. Liv Morgan vs. Xia Li vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Emma.

Gauntlet Match #1: Emma vs. Xia Li

The two locked up before Li leaned Emma into the ropes and targetted Emma’s throat. The two ran the ropes before Emma hit a lariat, a ripcord lariat, a gut kick, and a Butterfly suplex on Li. Emma hit a corner forearm strike and a basement crossbody on Lui in the corner for a near fall. Emma went for a suplex, but Li evaded and slammed Emma’s neck into the middle rope. Li hit a spinning gut kick, a head kick, a jab, and a running Spinning roundhouse kick on Emma for the pinfall win, advancing to the second match of the gauntlet.

Winner: Xia Li

Gauntlet Match #2: Xia Li vs. Tegan Nox.

Nox immediately came to the ring and hit two jabs, three uppercuts, and a facebuster on Li. Nox hit a senton on Li in the corner followed by a diving cross-body on Li for a near fall. The two got on the apron before Li slammed Nox into the ring post. Li hit a knee strike on Nox to send her back into the ring. Li got back in the ring and hit a vicious spinning roundhouse kick to the back of Nox’s head for the pinfall win, advancing to the third match of the gauntlet against Raquel Rodriguez before the commercial break. 

Winner: Xia Li.

Gauntlet Match #3: Raquel Rodriguez vs. Xia Li.

Back from the break, Li tossed Rodriguez out of the ring and kicked Rodriguez’s injured left arm on the ringside area. Li slammed Rodriguez’s face onto the apron before getting her & herself back in the ring and hitting a running knee strike to the gut of Rodriguez. Rodriguez hit an uppercut, a big boot, a fall-away slam & a tornillo splash on Li for a near fall. Li laid in the kicks on Raquel before hitting a knee strike and going for another spinning roundhouse kick on Rodriguez, but Raquel caught her and hit a Tejano Bomb on Li for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez. 

Gauntlet Match #4: Liv Morgan vs. Raquel Rodriguez. 

Rodriguez slammed Morgan into the corner, but Morgan evaded and went for a Code Breaker before rolling through for a sunset flip, but Raquel got her up before being caught with a shotgun dropkick. Raquel caught Morgan mid-Hurricanrana for a powerbomb, but Morgan got Rodriguez into a victory roll for a near fall. Morgan went for a series of pinfall attempts before locking in a sleeper hold on Rodriguez before the commercial break. Back from the break, Raquel hit a superplex on Morgan off the top rope. Raquel hit a running back elbow, a lariat, a sideslam & a corner splash on Morgan. Morgan got to the middle rope and hit a Shotgun dropkick on Raquel for a near fall, but Morgan immediately responded by locking in the Brutalizer on Raquel, but Raquel powered out of the hold and went for a slam, but Morgan reversed it mid-move with a codebreaker for a near fall on Rodriguez. Morgan ran the ropes and went for a crossbody, but Raquel caught her and hit a Fallaway slam & a Tornillo on Morgan for a near fall. Morgan laid in the kicks on Raquel, but Raquel responded with a big boot. Raquel went for another slam, but Morgan reversed it with a crucifix bomb for a near fall. Raquel got Morgan for a powerbomb, but Morgan escaped and hit an enziguri kick. Morgan went for Oblivion on Raquel, but Raquel reversed it with a Tejano bomb for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez. 

Guantlet Match #5: Raquel Rodriguez vs. Sonya Deville. 

Deville laid in the kicks on Rodriguez in the corner, but Rodriguez hit a shoulder tackle on Deville. Deville hit a wrist lock takedown followed by a knee strike on Rodriguez for a near fall. Deville slammed Raquel’s arm into the ring post and started focusing her offense on Rodriguez’s left arm. Raquel hit a body slam & a flapjack on Deville for a near fall. Raquel went for a corner spear, but Deville evaded and locked in a hanging reversed arm bar on Raquel, but Raquel got Deville off the top rope and hit a Tejano Bomb for the pinfall win. SmackDown Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey came to the ring and revealed that Rodriguez had to deal with one more opponent, that being Shayna Baszler. 

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez. 

Gauntlet Match #6: Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey) vs. Raquel Rodriguez. 

Baszler came to the match and immediately targeted Rodriguez’s arm. As Baszler celebrated, Rodriguez got a surprise roll-up on Baszler for the quick and surprising pinfall win, becoming the #1 Contender for the SmackDown Women’s Championship. She will challenge Rousey on the 12/30/2022 edition of SmackDown for the title. 

Winner & New #1 Contender for The SmackDown Women’s Championship: Raquel Rodriguez. 

– After the commercial break, Bray Wyatt came to the ring to cut a promo. Wyatt said that he still did not understand why the crowd praise him, specifying that he did not know whether or not there was a real him. Wyatt said that LA Knight owed him an apology for confusing him for Uncle Howdie, saying that he was never Uncle Howdie. Wyatt lost his train of thought for a second and started contemplating something in the ring before he attacked a cameraman relentlessly before Petey William & Adam Pearce pulled the referee out of the ring to stop the attack. 

Rey Mysterio vs. Angel (w/ Humberto).

Karrion Kross & Scarlett watched the match from the crowd. The two locked up before Mysterio slapped Angel in the face. Angel went for a sunset flip, but Mysterio rolled over and hit a basement shotgun dropkick on Angel. Mysterio hit a Hurricanrana before going for a springboard cross-body, but Angel evaded and hit a dropkick before tearing his pants off. Angel hit a back-breaker on Mysterio for a near fall. Angel went for a headlock before slamming Mysterio to the corner and hitting a hammer strike on Mysterio twice. Angel went for an Electric chair, but Mysterio revered it by tossing Angel into the middle turnbuckle. Mysterio hit a Hurricanrana on Angel and went for a 619, but Humbeto pulled Angel out of the ring. Mysterio hit a diving cross-body on Humberto before heading back in the ring, but Angel caught him with a thrust kick for a near fall. Angel placed Mysterio in the middle rope and went for a 619, but Mysterio hit the Tijeras and hit the 619 on Angel before hitting a vicious Slingshot DDT for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Rey Mysterio.

– Ricochet & Braun Strowman cut a promo backstage addressing IMPERIUM’s statements saying they belong in a Circus, to which Strowman said that they would prove IMPERIUM who runs the place. 

– Emma confronted Scarlett & Karrion Kross backstage. After Scarlett called Madcap Moss a fool, Emma hit a Kenta Kobashi-type slap on Scarlett before Kross told her that she had no idea what she just got herself into. 

– There was a video package recapping John Cena’s career ahead of his return to WWE on the 12/30/2022 edition of SmackDown. 

– There was a video vignette of Lacey Evans being in military training ahead of her return to SmackDown on the 12/30/2022 edition of SmackDown. 

Miracle on 34th Street Fight.

Ricochet & Braun Strowman vs. IMPERIUM (Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci).

The match began with a full-on brawl, with Kaiser & Vinci double-teaming Strowman. Vinci went for a diving crossbody, but Strowman caught Vinci off the splash before Kaiser hit a chop block on Strowman. Kaiser & Vinci fired away with strikes on Strowman, but Strowman tossed Vinci out of the ring before sending Kaiser out of the ring with a catapult. Ricochet got up and got on the barricade before hitting Vinci with a hurricanrana before the commercial break. After the break, Kaiser tossed Strowman into Christmas tree. Ricochet hit a Suicide Dive on Kaiser, but Kaiser locked in a Fujiwara arm bar on Ricochet before Vinci started striking him with a kendo stick. Kaiser hit Ricochet with a chair, but Strowman got back up and started firing away with strikes on Vinci & Kaiser before returning the favor and tossing them into a pile of Christmas Pine Trees. Strowman carried both Vinci & Kaiser, but the two got off and hit a double suplex on Strowman on the ramp. Ricochet hit  apump kick as hefired away with strikes on Vinci, who was busted open. Ricochet went for a springboard move, but Kaiser caught him with a chair shot to the back. Vinci & Kaiser tossed Strowman onto a stack of gifts before Vinci dumped a Christmas tree over Strowman. Kaiser & Vinci opened a gift, which revealed, off all people, AEW Dark wrestler Ashely D’Amboise doing ballet. Vinci & Kaiser opened another giant gift case, which revealed none other than NXT Tag Team Champions Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston, who cosplayed as Nut Crackers and cracked Kaiser & Vinci in the nuts. Strowman got back up and ran across the arena before hitting shoulder tackles on Vinci & Kaiser. Ricochet  was laid out on the ringside area, to which Strowman responded by getting a mistletoe and having Samantha Irvin kiss Ricochet under the mistletoe. Ricochet got back up and turned into Prime Prince Puma, hitting a springbaord lariat & a Lionsault on Vinci as Strowman hit a powerbomb on Kaiser on the outside onto a table on the outside. Strowman hit a powerslam on Vinci before Ricochet got on Strowman’s shoulders and hit a Frog Splash on Vinci for the pinfall win. Ricochet & Strowman celebrated at ringside to end the broadcast. 

Winners: Ricochet & Braun Strowman

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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