
WWE SmackDown (11/4/2022) Results: Rey Mysterio vs. GUNTHER, LA Knight, Liv Morgan Compete & More.

Results for the 11/4/2022 edition of SmackDown on FOX.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 11/4/2022 edition of SmackDown on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: GUNTHER (c) vs. Rey Mysterio.

No Disqualification Match: Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville.

– LA Knight vs. Ricochet.

– Who is Uncle Howdie?

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WWE SmackDown (11/4/2022) Live Coverage.

– Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

No Disqualification Match.

Liv Morgan vs. Sonya Deville.

The match began with Deville hitting a forearm strike and a spinning heel kick on Morgan. Deville went to the. outside and got a kendo stick, but Morgan caught hr with a Thesz Press. Morgan hit a boot on Deville and went for a Tope Suicida to the outside, but Deville caught her with a kendo stick strike on Morgan before laying in three strikes on Morgan,  but Morgan still smiled. Deville got Morgan in a Kendo-assisted submission, but Morgan pulled herself out of the ring before unloading on Deville with the kendo stick, breaking the stick on Deville. Morgan got to the outside and pulled a table, but Deville caught her with a sliding kick on Morgan to the outside before placing the table back under the ring. As Deville tried to get back in the ring, Morgan caught her with a Shinning Wizard before hitting a Tope Suicida on Deville. Deville rolled out of the ring again, but Morgan quickly responded with a second Tope Suicida on Deville before slamming Deville across the barricade and on the stairs. After demands from the crowd, Morgan got a table from under the ring and set it up in front of the broadcast table. After Morgan set up the table, Deville caught her with a vicious running boot on Morgan. Deville went for a German Suplex on Morgan onto the table, but Morgan instead Morgan launched herself and Deville onto the table as Morgan giggled at the pain before the commercial break. Back from the break, Deville hit a vicious knee strike on Morgan before climbing to the middle rope and hitting a diving knee on Morgan for a near fall. Deville brought in a flurry of chairs to the ring and tried to hit Morgan with the chair, but Morgan hit an enziguri kick, a shotgun dropkick to the middle rope, an elevated knee, and a springboard codebreaker on Deville for a near fall. Morgan placed Deville in the top turnbuckle and went for a superplex on a stack of chairs, but Deville slipped under Morgan before hitting a nasty powerbomb on Morgan onto the chair stack, but Morgan kicked out at two. Deville slammed Morgan’s face onto a chair before attempting the Deville’s Advocate, but Morgan hit a roll-up for a near fall. Morgan got up and hit another Code breaker on Deville before connecting the Oblivion on Deville onto the stack of chairs for the pinfall win.

Winner: Liv Morgan. 

– After a video package of the match between Ronda Rousey & Emma, Megan Morant interviewed Emma backstage. Emma reminisced about her WWE return but was suddenly interrupted by Xia Li who called her weak. Emma hit a forearm strike on Li in retaliation.

– There was a video vignette showing Logan Paul asking his brother, influencer Jake Paul to accompany him in his corner for his match against WWE Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns. This was followed by a promo package highlighting the feud between Logan Paul & The Bloodline. 

– There was a video vignette of The Viking Raiders (Eric & Ivar) doing a ritual with a mysterious figure, teasing their return to SmackDown. 

LA Knight vs. Ricochet.

LA Knight cut a promo running down the crowd, Ricochet, and ring announcer Samantha Irvin. LA Knight said that her mistakes may be enough for Ricochet, who is her significant other. Ricochet responded by hitting a Tope Suicida and attacking Knight outside of the ring. The match began with Ricochet hitting a chop and an elbow drop on Knight for a near fall. Knight hit a running back-elbow on Ricochet before stomping away at him. Ricochet leaped over Knight before hitting the Tijeras and a cross-body on Knight. Knight got out of the ring and got Ricochet’s boot, but Ricochet hit a back-kick on Knight. Knight got back in the ring and slammed Ricochet’s neck onto the top rope. Knight went for spring rope Lionsault off the top rope on Ricochet, but Ricochet evaded before sending Knight out of the ring. Ricochet hit a springboard backflip in the ring to taunt Knight before the commercial break. Back from the break, Knight stomped away at Ricochet before slamming Ricochet’s face on the top turnbuckle. After five stomps on Ricochet, Ricochet got up and laid in strikes on Knight, but Knight launched Ricochet onto the middle rope before hitting a running knee and a slingshot shoulder tackle on Ricochet for a near fall. Knight got Ricochet in a hold before making Ricochet run the ropes, but Ricochet caught Knight with punches in the head. Knight tossed Ricochet into the corner with an Irish Whip before connecting a neck breaker on Ricochet for a near fall. Knight climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Ricochet leaped to catch him with a Hurricanrana on Knight for a near fall. Ricochet hit the Head Scissors on Knight before hitting a corner spear, a kick to the head, a diving elbow strike, and a standing shooting star-press on Knight for a near fall. Ricochet climbed to the top rope and evaded Knight before catching in a O’Connor Roll, but LA Knight reversed it with a rope-assisted O’Connor Rope and pulled Ricochet tight’s to get the pinfall win. 

Winner: LA Knight

– Sami Zayn talked to Solo Sikoa and WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso). Jey said that he would send a warning to The Brawling Brutes. Jimmy agreed with Jey and went to the ring, despite Zayn being concerned about this and Sikoa looking unbothered by everyone’s antics. 

– Bray Wyatt accidentally confronted a producer backstage before he started rambling to the producer, saying he cannot stand the way he is thinking and that he hated himself for holding back from lashing out. Wyatt asked the producer to apologize to him as the shot cut between their conversation and slight shots of Uncle Howdie. The producer apologized before Wyatt asked him to leave. 

– WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso) cut a promo discussing their Undisputed WWE Tag Team Title reign and their upcoming match against The Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland & Butch) on Crown Jewel, but they were immediately interrupted by The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods). New Day said they will be cheering for the Brawling Brutes at WWE Crown Jewel, but did warn The Usos that if they will be waiting for The Usos if they somehow beat The Brawling Brutes, saying that they had next at the Tag Titles. Ridge Holland & Butch attacked The New Day before The Brutes and New Day attacked The Usos. Solo Sikoa & Sami Zayn evened the numbers, causing a brawl to break out. The Bloodline stood tall after the brawl. 

– Kayla Braxton interviewed Rey Mysterio backstage while he was training for his match against GUNTHER for the Intercontinental Championship. Mysterio said that he would prove to the fans and Dominik Mysterio that he cannot give up. Mysterio said that he would get retribution for GUNTHER’s chops last week to become the new Intercontinental Champion. 

Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey) vs. Natalya.

The two began the match locking up before Natalya got Baszler in a headlock. Shayna broke the hold with leg scissors, but Natalya reversed it and got Baszler back in a headlock. Natalya hit a shoulder tackle on Baszler and went for a wrist lock, but Baszler reversed it and went to stomp Natalya’s elbow, but Natalya got her in a roll-up for a near fall. Baszler hit a knee strike on Natalya in the corner before stomping away at Natalya in the corner. Baszler bent Natalya’s arm before viciously stomping Natalya’s elbow. Baszler went for an elbow lock on Natalya, but Natalya broke the hold and laid in the punches and elbow strikes on Baszler before hitting a low-basement dropkick on Baszler for a near fall. Baszler got Natalya in an inside cradle for a near fall before quickly attempting a knee strike, but Natalya hit a discus lariat on Baszler for a near fall. Natalya went for the Sharpshooter, but Baszler hit an up-kick on Natalya and locked in the Kirifuda Clutch on Natalya. Natalya tried to reverse it into a pin, but Baszler got the hold back before Natalya passed out, giving Baszler the submission win. Baszler hit a vicious knee strike at the instructions of Ronda Rousey after the match, busting Natalya open from the nose. 

Winner: Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey).

– There was a video package recapping the feud between Karrion Kross and Drew McIntyre ahead of their Steel Cage Match in Crown Jewel.

– MVP was in the ring to cut a promo to talk some trash on Braun Strowman ahead of Strowman’s match against MVP’s client, Omos. MVP welcomed five opponents for Strowmnan, but Strowman took them all down with one vicious shoulder tackle onto the pile. Strowman chased down MVP before MVP swong his kane on Strowman, but Strowman caught his kane and tore it in half. Strowman slammed MVP onto the barricade before getting MVP In the ring and hitting a running powerslam. Strowman then hit two more Powerslams on MVP, standing tall in the ring afterwards.

– Kayla Braxton interviewed WWE Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER, alongside Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci. GUNTHER said that he would defend his title with honor against Rey Mysterio and emphasized that Mysterio had no honor and that he would remain as Intercontinental Champion. 

– Santos Escobar, Zelina Vega, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro were backstage to cut a promo. Escobar said that he would make an example out of Nakamura before Vega said that no one will stop LDF’s growth as a faction after the match. 

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match.

GUNTHER (c) vs. Rey Mysterio.

Mysterio smacked GUNTHER to begin the match. Mysterio saved GUNTHER multiple times before attempting a cross-body, but GUNTHER caught him and placed him on the top rope before hitting him with a vicious chop and laying his boot on Mysterio’s head. Mysterio laid on the apron, but GUNTHER got out of the ring and pulled Mysterio off the apron to slam his back-first on the ring floor before the commercial break. GUNTHER launched Mysterio out of the ring into the ringside floor coming back from the commercial break before immediately hitting an apron-bomb on Mysterio. GUNTHER demanded the referee to count to ten, but Mysterio got back at the count of nine. GUNTHER hit a vicious body slam on Mysterio before connecting a second slam on Mysterio. GUNTHER went for a third slam, but Mysterio blocked it with his arms and legs before reversing it with an improvised Crucifix Bomb on GUNTHER. Mysterio fired away with punches and kicks before connecting a springboard moonsault into a sleeper on GUNTHER. GUNTHER slammed Mysterio to the floor to break the hold, but Mysterio climbed to the top rope and got the sleeper hold on GUNTHER again. GUNTHER got on one knee while being put in the sleeper, but GUNTHER instead climbed to the second rope and slammed Mysterio’s back off the middle rope to break the hold before the commercial break. Back from the break, GUNTHER twisted Mysterio’s neck with his feet before trying to rip Mysterio’s mask on the apron. Mysterio slapped GUNTHER twice before four chops, but GUNTHER hit a strike on Mysterio’s back. GUNTHER went for a powerbomb but Mysterio reversed it with a Seated Senton before hitting a springboard wheelbarrow into a bulldog on GUNTHER. GUNTHER tossed Mysterio on the apron, but Mysterio caught him with a seated senton on GUNTHER off the top rope before connecting a Lionsault on GUNTHER for a near fall. Mysterio hit a running Shotgun Dropkick on GUNTHER before connecting the 619. Mysterio climbed to the top rope, but GUNTHER slammed Mysterio to the mat. GUNTHER climbed to the top rope, but Mysterio climbed with him and hit a series of headbutts on before reversing GUNTHER’s Powerbomb attempt into a Super Frankensteiner on GUNTHER for a near fall. Rey Mysterio hit a Sunset Bomb on GUNTHER for a near fall. Mysterio called for the Eddie Guerrero Frog Splash on GUNTHER, but GUNTHER evaded before connecting Shotgun Dropkick on Mysterio. GUNTHER hit a Ricola powerbomb on Mysterio for a near fall, to which GUNTHER responded by throwing tantrum in the ring. GUNTHER hit a vicious chop and went for a powerbomb, but Mysterio reversed it the Tijeras to send him to the middle rope. Mysterio went for the 619, but GUNTHER caught him with a nasty big boot before connecting a vicious, nasty, and disgusting mid-air lariat on Mysterio for the pinfall win & to retan the Intercontinental Championship. GUNTHER stood tall to end the broadcast.

Winner & Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: GUNTHER.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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