
WWE SmackDown (11/18/2022) Results: Sami Zayn vs Butch In World Cup Match, Shayna Baszler vs Shotzi

Results for the 11/28/2022 edition of SmackDown on FOX.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 11/28/2022 edition of SmackDown on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– SmackDown World Cup – First Round Match: Butch vs. Sami Zayn.

– SmackDown World Cup – First Round Match: Mustafa Ali vs. Ricochet. 

– Shotzi vs. Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey).

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WWE SmackDown (11/18/2022) Live Coverage.

– Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening segment. 

– The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland) & Drew McIntyre came to the ring to cut a promo. Sheamus detailed his love/hate friendship before asking McIntyre as the Brutey, as a response to the crowd chanting “Ucey”. Sheamus offered McIntyre to be an Honorary Brute for their match on Survivor Series: War Games, to which McIntyre accepted. Butch made it official as he shouted “WAR GAMES” before detailing that they had a fifth member in mind, but was interrupted by returning Sami Zayn. Zayn said that The Bloodline did not care about who the fifth guy on their team was, saying that The Bloodline was feeling Ucey recently. Zayn personally guaranteed that The Bloodline would win WAR GAMES before promising to run through Butch for their match later in the night. Sheamus promised Zayn that he would crap his pants when the fifth member of their team would be. 

SmackDown World Cup – First Round Match.

Mustafa Ali vs. Ricochet.

The match began with the two locking up before Ricochet got a roll-up on Ali for a near fall. Ali & Ricochet exchanged pinfall attempts before doing a lateral takedown on Ali for a near fall. Ricochet told Ali that he did not have to continue with his injured ribs, but Ali leaned Ricochet into the corner before Ricochet hit a back elbow on Ali. Ali responded by decking Ricochet before hitting a lariat on Ricochet for a near fall. Ali hit a chop on Ricochet. Ricochet tossed Ali onto the apron with a flag takedown, but Ali attacked Ricochet to the head. Ali & Ricochet got on the top rope before Ali hit a vicious Super Back Stabber on Ricochet, sending the former Intercontinental Champion to the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Ricochet hit an uppercut on Ali hitting a chest ick on Ali, but Ali responded with a Hurricanrana on Ricochet to send him to the outside. Ali launched himself to the outside with a leaping cross body on Ricochet, but Ricochet rolled over and caught him up before laying him with a Michinoku Driver on the outside. Back in the ring, Ricochet went for a Phoenix Splash on Ali, but Ali evaded and locked in the Koji Clutch on Ricochet before Ricochet got a rope break. Ricochet hit a dragon Suplex, a Discus Lariat, and a Lionsault on Ali for a near fall. Ali got Ricochet in a Victory Roll Bomb for a near fall. Ricochet leaped over Ali with a back flip off the middle rope, but Ali responded with a Tornado DDT on Ricochet. Ali went for the 450 Splash, but Ricochet evaded and hit a Shooting Star Press on Ali while he was standing up for the pinfall win. Ricochet advances to the semifinals of the SmackDown World Cup against Braun Strowman on the 11/25/2022 edition of SmackDown.

Winner: Ricochet.

– The Usos (Jimmy & Jey Uso), Solo Sikoa & Sami Zayn were backstage. Jey slandered Zayn for saying that they would win the War Games. Jimmy simmered the tempers down before saying that they had to focus on Bloodline Business. 

– Kayla Braxton interviewed The New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) backstage after their loss against The Usos on the 11/11/2022 edition of SmackDown, but IMPERIUM (Ludwig Kaiser, Giovanni Vinci & Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER) and called them the biggest clowns in WWE. Kingston said that GUNTHER looked like a character from The Addams Family before challenging IMPERIUM to a Trios Match. GUNTHER was unfazed by Kingston’s antics and accepted The New Day’s challenge. 

– Emma and Madcap Moss were backstage ahead of Moss’ match against Karrion Kross. Emma told Moss to use his speed against Kross because he was more agile than the former NXT Champion. Moss took her advice and headed to the ring for his rematch against Karrion Kross.

Madcap Moss vs. Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett).

Moss hit a leaping knee strike on Kross to begin the match before laying in the punches and stomps on Kross. Kross got Moss in a front face lock, but moss reversed it with a suplex on Kross. Moss leaped over Kross before hitting a running back elbow on Kross before clotheslining him to the outside. Moss tossed Kross into the barricade before the two got back in the ring. Kross hit a Suplex variant on Moss before stomping him down. Scarlett slapped Moss while the referee was distracted. Moss hit three forearm strikes, a lariat, a back elbow, and a viciously quick shoulder tackle e on Kross. Moss hit three Corner spears on Kross followed by tossing Kross with a Fall Away Slam. Moss tried to chase Kross, but Scarlett got in Moss’ way. Kross locked Moss in the Kross Jacket, but Moss slammed Kross onto the mat. Kross got back up and locked in the Kross Jacket almost immediately on Moss before Moss tapped out, earning Kross the win via submission. Emma came in to check on Moss after the match.

Winner: Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett).

– Bray Wyatt came to the ring to make amends for his actions on LA Knight on the 11/11/2022 edition of SmackDown. Wyatt said that he had been conditioned to be a certain way and it has been hard to change his manners, but he said that he saw the path he left behind and asked why he did the things that he does and if he can ever change. Wyatt said that if he was Knight, he would know how to handle the situation and it made him sad. Wyatt said he had a moment of weakness but was abruptly interrupted by LA Knight. Knight slandered Wyatt for the headbutt he gave him last week but did admit that Wyatt’s apology left him conflicted. Knight said that the fact that he did not fear Wyatt may have garnered him some respect. Knight said he believed Wyatt did respect him before he slapped Wyatt in the head. Knight said that they were now even, but Wyatt started twitching from the slap and warned Knight that the decision he was about to make would change the rest of his life. Wyatt got his hand out in order to shake hands with Knight but Knight responded by punching Wyatt in the head. Wyatt had a blank stare as Knight bragged about sucker-punching Wyatt on the ramp. 

– Karrion Kross & Scarlett were backstage before they were confronted by The Usos. Jey & Jimmy tried to see if Kross was the fifth member of the Brawling Brutes, but Kross said that he was not a follower. Kross said that when he comes for Reigns’ titles, he would do it on his own and in his own time before walking out of the shot. 

Shotzi vs. Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey).

Baszler began the match by launching a forearm strike on Shotzi before firing away with punches on Shotzi. Shotzi got an Inside Cradle on Baszler for a near fall before laying a lariat on Shotzi. Rousey distracted Shotzi before Baszler stomped away at Shotzi. Baszler hit a snap-mare Pentaly Kick on Shotzi for a near fall. Baszler got Shotzi in an arm hold before aiming for a PK kick to Shotzi’s chest, but Shotzi evaded nd hit a spinning punch and a kick on Baszler. Shotzi got out of the ring and confronted Rousey. Baszler nearly kicked Rousey off the apron before Shotzi hit an Enziguri kick on Baszler for a near fall. Shotzi got on the apron, but Baszler pulled back in before hitting German Suplex on Shotzi for a near fall. Back in the ring, Shotzi hit a shotgun dropkick, a reverse sling blade, a side senton onto the ropes, and attempted a sliced bread on Baszler, but Rousey distracted Shotzi to allow Baszler to attack Shotzi before Raquel Rodriguez joined ringside to assist Shotzi. Baszler went for her arm stomp, but Shotzi evaded and got a roll-up on Baszler for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Shotzi.

– Megan Morant interviewed LA Knight backstage, but Knight got into his locker room. A mysterious figure popped up from Knight’s room as he entered. After the commercial break, referees and producers helped Knight as he was buried in a stack of chairs, ladders, and other utensils.

– New Day came to the ramp to reveal their tag partner for their trios match against IMPERIUM. Their partner was revealed to be none other than World Cup Semifinalist Braun Strowman. Vinci & Kaiser brawled with Woods & Kingston as GUNTHER and Strowman stared each other across the ramp. Kingston hit a trust dive on Vinci & Kaiser before GUNTHER hit a vicious chop on 

IMPERIUM (GUNTHER, Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) & Braun Strowman. 

The match began with GUNTHER and Strowman, but GUNTHER retreated from the ring to regroup with IMPERIUM before the commercial break. Back from the break, Woods hit a chin-breaker on Vinci. Vinci slammed Woods onto the mat before he and Kaiser hit a Spinebuster/ Penalty Kick combination on Woods. Woods hit back elbows on GUNTHER and Vinci before firing away the punches on Kaiser. Woods slid under Kaiser and pushed him with his legs before tagging in Strowman. Strowman hit a shoulder tackle on Vinci. GUNTHER tagged in and hit a vicious chop on Strowman, but Strowman shook it off and chased GUNTERH across the ringside area. Back in the ring, Strowman hit a Spienbuster on GUNTHER for a near fall before attempting Powerbomb on GUNTHER, but GUNTHER kicked Strowman’s thigh before Kaiser & Kingston tagged in. Kingston hit a back-breaker on Kaiser before Woods & Kingston hit the Midnight Hour on Kaiser as Strowman chased down GUNTHER to give New Day the pinfall win. 

Winners: New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods) & Braun Strowman.

– Kayla Braxton interviewed Braun Strowman backstage. Strowman promised to take the Intercontinental Championship off GUNTHER. Ricochet confronted Strowman backstage and warned Strowman to not disregard what he called “Flippy Flippers” because that might bite him. 

SmackDown World Cup – First Round Match.

Butch (w/ Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Drew McIntyre) vs. Sami Zayn (w/ Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso & Solo Sikoa).

The two locked up to begin the match before Butch targeted Zayn’s arm and stomped Zayn’s elbow. Butch got Zayn in La Casita for a near fall before Butch hit a lariat at Zayn for another near fall. Butch went for a leap on Zayn, but Zayn caught him in the air and dropped him with a powerbomb for a near fall. Zayn punched Butch in the face before tossing Butch out of the ring. Back in he ring, Butch hit a Tornado DDT on Zayn for a near fall. Butch hit a running enziguri kick on Zayn before climbing to the top rope, but Zayn pushed Butch off the top rope onto the barricade on the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Zayn leaped off the top rope but Butch caught him with a punch for a near fall. Butch punched Jey off the apron, but Zayn got a near fall on Butch off the roll-up. Jey & Jimmy distracted Butch long enough to allow Zayn to hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on Butch for a near fall. As The Bloodline and The Brawling Brutes brawled on the outside, Butch snapped Zyan’s fingers before hitting an Asai Moonsault on The Usos to the outside. Butch got back in the ring, but Zayn caught him with an Exploder Suplex. Zyan went for the Helluva Kick on Butch, but Jey got in the way. This allowed Butch to hit the Bitter End on Zayn for the pinfall win, advancing to the World Cup Semifinals against Santos Escobar.

Winner: Butch (w/ Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Drew McIntyre).

– After the match, Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns hit a Superman Punch on Holland and a spear on Butch on the outside. McIntyre tossed Sikoa out of the ring before Reigns hit a spear on McIntyre. Sheamus and Reigns locked eyes before exchanging punches. Zayn attacked Sheamus before Reigns hit a Superman Punch on Sheamus. Reigns went for a spear, but was interrupted by a returning Kevin Owens. Owens booted Jey, hit a Superkick on Jimmy, and got in the ring to confront Reigns. Owens stomped away at Reigns before locking eyes with his former friend Sami Zayn. This lock of eyes allowed Reigns to hit a Superman Punch on Owens, but Owens got back up and hit a Stunner on Reigns. Owens, McIntyre, Butch, Holland & Sheamus stood tall in the ring to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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