
WWE RAW Results for 9/6/21 Charlotte vs Nia Jax, Natalya & Tamina vs A.S.H. & Ripley

The RAW Women’s Championship and WWE Women’s Tag Team titles are on the line at 8PM EST on USA!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW!

– RAW Tag Team champions RKBRO come out to the ring and talk about the WWE RAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tag Team Turmoil Match later tonight before Riddle talks about how much he likes to drink ale and wants New Day to bring pancakes before they’re interrupted by WWE champion Bobby Lashley and MVP. Bobby and MVP get into the ring and Bobby challenges Randy to a singles match tonight before Randy says that he’ll only face Bobby if the WWE title is on the line before MVP consults Bobby and says that he’ll accept his challenge at Extreme Rules before Bobby says he and MVP will join the Tag Team Turmoil match so he can become a double champion.

WWE RAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tag Team Turmoil Match
AJ Styles & Omos vs Jinder Mahal & Veer vs Mace & T-Bar vs Mansoor & Mustafa Ali vs Viking Raiders vs New Day vs Lucha House Party vs Bobby Lashley & MVP

New Day and Viking Raiders start the match off with Kofi and Ivar before Ivar drops Kofi and VR knock Xavier off of the apron before Erik drives Kofi into Kofi for two before Kofi hits a jumping stomp and Xavier and Erik come in and Xavier hits a head scissors into a dropkick before Erik suplexes Xavier and Xavier hits an enzuigiri into a tornado DDT. Kofi then comes in and ND drop Erik with a kick for two before Erik sends Kofi out of the ring and rocks Xavier with strikes before Kofi comes back in and hits a trust fall only to be caught and launched into Xavier at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to New Day making their comeback back in the ring before VR double up on Kofi before Kofi escapes the corner and rolls to Xavier who is chokeslammed and hit with a diving splash for a near fall before Kofi saves Xavier and Xavier pins Erik with an inside cradle for the pin and the elimination as Jinder and Veer come out next. Kofi then dropkicks Veer off of the apron before hitting a suicide dive and Xavier tosses Jinder into the ring before hitting a diving cross body for two before Jinder drops Xavier with a back elbow before hitting a jumping knee drop for two before Kofi and Shanky face off after Veer sends Xavier out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Veer in control of Xavier before he tags in Jinder who hits a scoop slam before Xavier gets the hot tag to Kofi who drops Jinder with a diving ax handle and misses a splash in the corner before New Day hit a backbreaker into a diving stomp for the pin and the win. Lucha House Party come out next and Lince and Xavier face off before Metalik hits a diving splash off of Lince’s shoulders for two before Lince rocks Xavier with an enzuigiri and hits a diving cross body before Kofi and Metalik get the tag and Kofi hits a diving splash onto the back of Metalik for two. Metalik hits a jawbreaker and tags in Lince who gets dropped by Kofi before Lince hits a double Golden Rewind for a near fall before hitting Xavier with a moonsault for a near fall that Kofi breaks up before LHP hit Xavier with a double superkick and Xavier pins Metalik while Kofi holds onto Lince. Mace and T-Bar then make their way out to the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Mace beating on Xavier before he comes back with chops and elbows before Xavier counters Feast Your Eyes and pins T-Bar out of nowhere for the elimination before Mace and T-Bar attack New Day after the match as well as attacking Mansoor and Mustafa Ali as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to an announcement by Adam and Sonya that the Tag Team Turmoil match be will continued later tonight after what happened before the break.

Winner: To Be Continued..

WWE United States Championship Match
Drew McIntyre vs Sheamus

Drew and Sheamus lock up before exchanging side headlocks and wrist locks before Sheamus clubs Drew in the ropes and Drew elbows him before clubbing Sheamus and Sheamus snaps his neck across the top rope before hitting a diving clothesline onto the floor before tossing Drew back inside. Drew then hits a spine buster with a jack knife cover once Sheamus is back inside before Sheamus sets Drew up top and hits a superplex as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Sheamus in control of Drew on the mat before Drew comes back with chops and a clothesline before hitting an overhead belly to belly and Sheamus sends Drew face first into the middle turnbuckle before Drew hits an avalanche belly to belly for two. Drew headbutts Sheamus before Sheamus knocks him over for two before hitting an Alabama slam for another two count before Drew hits a clothesline into the Future Shock DDT for a near fall before they counter each other until Drew locks in a Kimura and Sheamus gets to the ropes for the break. Drew snaps the arm of Sheamus in the ropes before missing a diving clothesline and Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick for a near fall before Drew hits an air raid crash for a near fall before ripping off Sheamus’ mask and Sheamus counters a Claymore into a roll up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sheamus defeats Drew McIntyre via pinfall to earn an opportunity to face Damian Priest for his United States title.

– After the match Drew drops Sheamus by hitting him with his metal mask before hitting him with a Claymore.

– Backstage Damian is interviewed about the outcome of the match that just happened and Sheamus as his challenger yet again after he defeated Sheamus at Summerslam to win the title.

– Rhea Ripley and Nikki A. S. H. are interviewed backstage ahead of their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match up next as we go to commercial.

– Backstage Charlotte is interviewed ahead of her title defense against Nia Jax later tonight.

Natalya & Tamina vs Rhea Ripley & Nikki A.S.H.

Tamina and Nikki starts the match off before Rhea comes in and brawls with Tamina before Tamina rocks Rhea and tags in Natty who takes Rhea down with a side headlock take over before Nikki comes back in and Rhea uses her as a weapon before Natty drops Nikki and Tamina takes out Rhea at ringside as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Nikki getting the hot tag to Rhea who drops Natty repeatedly before hitting a ripcord headbutt and knocking Tamina off of the apron before hitting Natty with a low dropkick before thrust kicking Natty and getting two off of a northern lights suplex and tagging in Nikki. Nikki hits a diving cross body for a near fall that Tamina breaks up before Rhea takes out Tamina and Natty hits Rhea with a release German before countering a tornado DDT by Nikki and hits a discus clothesline before locking in a sharpshooter and Rhea hits the Riptide off of the blind tag for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. defeat Natalya and Tamina via pinfall.

– We go to this week’s edition of Moist TV which was taped earlier today where Karrion Kross is his special guest before threatening John and telling him that he’ll get his answers in the ring when they have a match before leaving.

Karrion Kross vs John Morrison

John and Karrion lock up before Kross takes John down and lays into him with elbows before hitting a Doomsday Saito and locking in the Kross Jacket before John gets to the ropes for the break before spraying Kross with water and Kross boots him before back dropping him onto the top of the post and crashing down onto the floor. Kross then goes out after John and tosses John back inside before locking in the Kross Jacket and John passes out for the referee stoppage.

Winner: Karrion Kross defeats John Morrison via referee stoppage.

– Backstage Nia is interviewed ahead of her challenging for the RAW Women’s title.

WWE RAW Women’s Championship Match
Charlotte Flair (c) vs Nia Jax

Charlotte rushes Nia before they brawl and the referee separates the two before reprimanding them and Charlotte rolls out of the ring before facing off with Shayna and Nia grabs her by the hair and Charlotte snaps her neck across the top rope before clotheslining Charlotte and Charlotte chop blocks her. Nia then sets Charlotte up top and Charlotte hits an avalanche powerbomb for two before Nia counters a Figure Four and hits Charlotte with a German into the corner before Charlotte rolls out of the ring and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Charlotte exiting the ring with Nia at ringside before Charlotte hits a moonsault and Shayna nearly accidentally hits Nia before Nia gets back into the ring and headbutts Charlotte before hitting a running splash in the corner and setting Charlotte up top before Shayna distracts Nia and Charlotte hits the Natural Selection for the pin and the win.

Winner: Charlotte Flair retains her RAW Women’s title by defeating Nia Jax via pinfall.

– After the match Alexa Bliss appears on the big screen before the two exchange words and the lights flicker before going out and coming back on and Alexa is in the ring behind Charlotte before Alexa points to the RAW Women’s title and Charlotte holds it up over her head before leaving.

– We get a video package for Reggie escaping R-Truth and Akira Tozawa in various parks ahead of Reggie’s title defense against Akira in the ring up next as we go to commercial?

WWE 24/7 Championship Match
Reggie (c) vs Akira Tozawa

Reggie dodges Akira repeatedly before dropkicking him and dropping him with a kick before hitting a flipping leg drop into his front flipping seated senton finisher for a quick title defense.

Winner: Reggie retains his 24/7 title by defeating Akira Tozawa via pinfall.

– After the match Reggie dodges several more Superstars before fleeing up the ramp and being cut off by Drake Maverick who distracts him before Reggie leaves when Truth is talking to Drake.

– We get a backstage interview with Doudrop after a video package recapping her attacking Eva Marie before their match last week.

WWE RAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tag Team Turmoil Match
New Day vs Mustafa Ali & Mansoor vs Bobby Lashley & MVP vs AJ Styles & Omos

New Day isolate Ali until he drives Xavier into the corner and tags in Mansoor and Xavier counters a Doomsday Device and Mansoor rolls him up for two before focusing on his already injured back before Xavier headbutts Ali and tags in Kofi who hits a diving cross body. Kofi knocks Mansoor off of the apron before Ali misses a 450 and Kofi hits him with the SOS and Xavier finishes Ali with a springboard elbow drop for the pin and the elimination before AJ and Omos are out next as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to AJ in control of Xavier as he focuses on his back until he tags in Omos who stands on Xavier and has words with Kofi before hitting a running splash in the corner and AJ comes back in and grounds Xavier with a rear chin lock before he gets to his feet and knocks AJ out of the ring before teasing a tag to Kofi. Kofi then jumps down before AJ can attack him before Xavier rolls AJ up for two before Omos and Kofi come in and Omos knocks Kofi out of the air before Kofi rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Omos and AJ in control of Kofi before Kofi hits a diving stomp and counters a reverse DDT into an enzuigiri before Omos breaks up a two count and tosses Xavier out of the ring before helping AJ hit Kofi with a Styles Clash for the pin and the elimination. Bobby Lashley and MVP are the last to enter the match before MVP and AJ kick things off for their respective teams only for MVP to immediately tag out and tag in Bobby who has a test of strength with Omos in which he wins and drives Omos into the corner before attempting a suplex and Omos suplexes the champion. Omos boots Bobby over the top rope and down onto the floor before he faces off with Randy and AJ takes out both Bobby and Randy before Omos takes out Riddle and AJ takes out MVP as Omos tosses Riddle over the announce table. AJ then calls for the Phenomenal Forearm before Bobby dodges him and spears AJ inside out for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley and MVP win the WWE RAW Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tag Team Turmoil Match to earn a shot at the RAW Tag Team titles held by RKBRO.

– After the match Omos immediately lays Bobby out with a Trunk Slam and helps AJ up the ramp as an enraged Lashley makes his way to his feet only to be hit with an RKO by Randy out of nowhere as we go off the air with the tag champs standing tall in the corners and Bobby flat on the mat.

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