
WWE RAW Results for 12/13/21 Bobby Lashley Earns Spot in WWE Title Match at Day 1

A new number one contender for the RAW Tag Team titles will be determined tonight at 8pm EST on USA!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for tonight’s edition of WWE RAW!

– We open tonight’s show with Bobby Lashley and MVP coming out to the ring and address Bobby laying out the three men involved in the WWE Championship Triple Threat match at Day 1 before they’re interrupted by the WWE champion Big E, Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins before they’re interrupted by Adam and Sonya. Adam says that there will be severe consequences if anyone lays a finger on each other before announcing that the WWE title match at Day 1 will be a fatal four way match if Bobby can run the gauntlet and defeat E, Rollins, and Owens tonight.

– Backstage Randy tells Riddle that they need to focus on their upcoming title defense at Day 1 and Riddle’s singles match against Otis up next rather than commentating and podcasting.

– Backstage E, Seth, and Kevin meet with Adam and Sonya as they decide that Kevin will go first and Seth second with E facing Bobby last.

Riddle (w/ Randy Orton) vs Otis (w/ Chad Gable)

Otis tosses Riddle away when he goes for a takedown before catching him when he goes for a Kimura and slams Riddle before Riddle runs the ropes and Otis runs him over before dumping him out of the ring and sending Riddle into the barricade as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Otis in control before Riddle comes back with an enzuigiri and a Final Flash knee into a springboard Final Flash before hitting a back elbow into a Floating Bro before Otis counters an RKO into a pop-up powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Otis defeats Riddle via pinfall.

– After the match Randy goes to RKO Otis before Otis counters him and Randy hits Chad with an RKO before Otis drops Randy.

Bianca Belair vs Doudrop

Bianca and Doudrop lock up before Doudrop shoves Bianca back and Bianca stumbles Doudrop with a dropkick before Doudrop hits a scoop slam when Bianca tries to suplex her for two before stomping Bianca in the corner and hitting a running splash in the corner. Doudrop clubs Bianca before whipping her into the corner and Bianca catches her with a boot before hitting a head scissors that sends Doudrop out of the ring before they exchange strikes between the ropes until Bianca gets caught upside down. Doudrop then hits a slingshot elbow drop before Bianca rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Bianca making her comeback before Doudrop hits a driver for two before hitting a Saito suplex and Bianca hits an avalanche powerbomb before going up top and hitting a 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair defeats Doudrop via pinfall.

– After the match Bianca celebrates up the ramp before Doudrop comes back from behind the curtain and lays her out on the stage.

Kevin Owens vs Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP)

Kevin attacks Bobby and backs him into the corner before Bobby fights out and runs Kevin over, turning him inside out with a shoulder block before hitting a delayed suplex and Kevin sends him over the top and down onto the floor before snapping his neck across the top rope. Kevin misses a cannonball off of the apron before Bobby sends him into the barricade and Kevin gets back inside before superkicking Bobby once he’s getting back in and follows up by sending Bobby into the post and hitting a cannonball in the corner and a senton for two. Kevin hits a satellite DDT for another two count before Bobby whips him into the corner and hits a gut wrench slam before Kevin rolls him up for two and Bobby counters a stunner into a spine buster. Bobby then locks in the Hurt Lock for the immediate tap and the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley defeats Kevin Owens via submission.

– WWE RAW Women’s champion Becky Lynch comes out to the ring to celebrate her successful title defense against Liv Morgan in last week’s main event before Liv comes out and says that she’s not giving up until she wins the title before challenging her to a rematch at Day 1. Liv then rushes the ring and attacks Becky before sending her out of the ring and Becky sends her into the steps before trapping her arm in the steps and stomping it until officials make her leave.

– Backstage AJ Styles is interviewed where he says that he’s not giving up on he and Omos as a tag team after Omos walked out on him last week before Omos shows up and they agree that last week is behind them as we go to commercial.

Finn Balor & Damian Priest vs Dirty Dawgs

Robert and Damian start the match off before Damian takes out both Dolph and Robert before clearing the ring and hitting a double flying clothesline off of the steps as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to Finn in control of Dolph in the ring as he hits a reverse DDT for a deep two count that Robert breaks up before Damian drags Robert out of the ring and Robert hits a spine buster onto the floor before Finn sends Dolph out of the ring. Finn tosses Dolph back inside before hitting a shotgun dropkick before Austin Theory gets on the apron and distracts Finn before Dolph capitalizes with a Zig-Zag for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dirty Dawgs defeat Finn Balor and Damian Priest via pinfall.

Rhea Ripley (w/ Nikki A.S.H.) vs Queen Zelina (w/ Carmella)

Rhea woman handles Zelina before Carmella distracts Rhea and Nikki chases her around ringside before they get into the ring and Carmella superkicks Nikki before Rhea checks on her and Zelina pins her with a crucifix off of the distraction.

Winner: Queen Zelina defeats Rhea Ripley via pinfall.

Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP) vs Seth Rollins

Seth goes for a standing side headlock before Bobby pancakes him and Seth rolls out of the ring before dragging Bobby out and beating on him at ringside before sending Bobby into the post repeatedly and getting back inside at the count of nine. Seth then hits a discus elbow into a forearm to the back of the head before Bobby hits an overhead belly to belly into a flat liner before Kevin comes out and attacks Seth for the disqualification.

Winner: Seth Rollins defeats Bobby Lashley via disqualification.

– Immediately after the match Adam and Sonya come out and announce that they’re restarting the match as a No Disqualification match.

No Disqualification Match
Bobby Lashley vs Seth Rollins

Bobby immediately spears Seth for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley defeats Seth Rollins via pinfall.

– Vince is with Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez before Austin Theory barges in and Vince tells Austin that they’re not friends, and that he doesn’t have nor want any friends before saying that Austin hasn’t impressed him yet. Vince then pulls out the most dangerous weapon in the world before he takes out a pencil and says that the eraser is more dangerous than the point.

– We go to the ring for this week’s edition of Miz TV with special guest Maryse before we get a video package recapping Miz’s career before it’s announced that he’s being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Miz and Maryse are then interrupted by Edge before Miz attacks Edge and Edge drops him before clearing the ring and Miz pulls Maryse in front of him before Miz boots Edge and lays him out with a Skull Crushing Finale.

Bobby Lashley (w/ MVP) vs Big E

E takes control early before getting out a table and Bobby sends E into the barricade and back inside before E hits a uranage for two before bringing a table into the ring and Bobby hits a flat liner before bringing chairs into the ring. E then hits several suplexes and misses a jumping splash before sending Bobby into the chair wedged in the corner and out of the ring as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to E still in control before Bobby comes back and sends E into the post before playing to the crowd and hitting a spine buster through the table in the ring and taking a few moments to recover as we go to commercial.

We come back from the break to E sending Bobby into the steps before separating the steps and slamming Bobby on top of the bottom half of the steps before tossing him back inside and Seth and Kevin come out and attack Bobby. E attacks Seth and Kevin before they lay him out and Bobby goes after Seth as Kevin takes out E at ringside before E puts Kevin through a table at ringside and Bobby spears Seth through a table in the corner. Bobby then spears E inside out for the pin and the win to gain entry into the title match at Day 1.

Winner: Bobby Lashley defeats Big E via pinfall to earn a spot into the WWE title match at Day 1.

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