
WWE Raw Results For 2/5: Tag Team Title Match, Elimination Chamber Qualifiers & Women’s Chamber Participants Announced

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Here is the Fightful post-Raw podcast: 

– Bray Wyatt appears and he says that the Elimination Chamber is upon us, Wyatt says Roman Reigns is standing in the way of his destiny. Wyatt talks about how Reigns lost the Royal Rumble Match and the WWE Intercontinental Title, Wyatt says that he’ll put Reigns out of his misery.

– Roman Reigns appears next and he is n a great journey, Reigns then says he starts the journey to WWE Wrestlemania 34 tonight.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns

The match begins with Wyatt catches Reigns with a knee strike before applying the headlock, Reigns gets free and he drops Wyatt with a shoulder tackle. Reigns briefly holds Wyatt in the headlock, Wyatt kicks Reigns and goes to the top rope before eating a punch. Reigns gets Wyatt off the ropes and Wyatt escapes before sending a charging Reigns into the ring post, Wyatt drops Reigns with a forearm strike before getting a near fall. Wyatt slows things down further by holding Reigns in a chin lock, Reigns gets free and he drops Wyatt with multiple clotheslines.

Reigns then crushes Wyatt with a leaping clothesline, Wyatt gets out of the ring and Reigns follows before going for the Drive By. Wyatt counters the Drive By with a clothesline as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Wyatt holding Reigns in a modified camel clutch. Reigns gets free and he quickly drops Wyatt with a Samoan drop, Reigns traps Wyatt in the corner and he attacks him with clothesline strikes. Wyatt recovers and he takes out a charging Reigns with a running cross body block, Wyatt traps Reigns in the corner before landing some strikes. Wyatt then gets Reigns to the top rope and he follows him up there, Reigns fights back to knock Wyatt off the ropes.

Wyatt recovers and he goes back up to the top rope, Reigns gets free after landing headbutts to catch Wyatt with a sit out power bomb for a near fall. Reigns goes for the superman punch and Wyatt counters with a uranage into a senton bomb for a near fall, Wyatt goes for Sister Abigail and Reigns counters with a roll up into a superman punch for a near fall. Reigns goes for the spear and Wyatt counters with Sister Abigail for another near fall, Wyatt gets angry and he attacks Reigns with a plethora of strikes. Wyatt goes for another Sister Abigail and Reigns breaks free to nail Wyatt with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Roman Reigns

After the match, Matt Hardy appears behind Bray Wyatt and he hits him with a Twist Of Fate.

– Jason Jordan is warming up in the locker room when Seth Rollins arrives, Rollins wants to know if Jordan is ready to go tonight and Jordan says that he is good to go.

– Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder grab a microphone before the match, Dawson says that he and Wilder are tag team specialist. Wilder then challenges Balor and one of The Balor Club to meet The Revival in a tag match tonight.

The Balor Club (Finn Balor & Karl Anderson) w/Doc Gallows vs. The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson)

The match begins with Dawson backing Anderson into the corner before landing a few strikes, Dawson then drops Anderson with a shoulder tackle. Anderson recovers to nail Dawson with a hip toss followed by an arm drag, Wilder hits the ring and The Revival get taken out by both opponents as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Dawson wrenching away on the arm of a downed Balor, Balor fights back against The Revival as he gets trapped in their corner. Balor knocks Dawson out of the ring and Wilder tags in to attack Balor, Dawson tags back in and he attacks a cornered Balor with strikes.

Dawson drags Balor to the ground while wrenching away on his arm, Balor drops Dawson before landing a double stomp. Anderson and Wilder get tagged in by their respective partners, Anderson quickly cleans house on the opposing team. Anderson catches Wilder with a middle rope neck breaker, Dawson prevents Anderson from drop kicking Wilder before tagging into the match. Anderson catches Dawson with a spine buster for a near fall, Anderson tags Balor in before taking Wilder out with a dive. Balor hits Dawson with a shotgun drop kick followed by the Cupe De Grace for the three count.

Winners: The Balor Club (Finn Balor & Karl Anderson) w/Doc Gallows

– Sasha Banks is watching her match with Asuka from last week on a tablet in the locker room when Bayley walks in, Banks says she needs to remind people that she is The Boss and that she could defeat Asuka. Bayley reminds Banks that she tossed her out of the Rumble match, Banks says she plans on winning the Elimination Chamber and defeating Asuka at ‘Mania 34. Banks questions whether or not Bayley can beat Asuka and Bayley reminds Banks that she can beat her.

Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali vs. Drew Gulak & Tony Nese

The match begins with Nese nailing Ali with a knee strike followed by a few other strikes, Nese then corners Ali before landing some more strikes. Ali recovers and he drops Nese with a hurricarana, Alexander tags in and he double teams Nese alongside Ali. Nese fights back and he drops Alexander neck first on the top rope, Gulak tags in and he nails Alexander in the back with an axe handle smash. Nese tags back in and he gets Alexander on the top rope so Gulak can land a clothesline, Nese then applies the body scissors to a downed Alexander. Alexander gets free and Nese traps him in the corner, Alexander recovers and he clobbers Nese with a spinning elbow strike.

Ali and Gulak get the tags from their respective partners, Ali quickly starts cleaning house on the opposing team. Ali then nails Gulak with a middle rope tornado DDT for a near fall, Ali then sends Nese out of the ring before Alexander takes him out with a suicide dive. Gulak then clobbers Ali with a clothesline, Alexander tags in and he nails Gulak with a springboard clothesline. Alexander nails Gulak with the Lumbar Check for the three count.

Winners: Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali

– WWE Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss is talking to WWE Raw GM Kurt Angle backstage.

– WWE Raw GM Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring to announce which women will compete in the Elimination Chamber match. Bayley, Mandy Rose, Mickie James, Sonya Deville & Sasha Banks are announced for the Elimination Chamber match. Angle then announces Nia Jax versus Asuka at WWE Elimination Chamber, Angle then announces that if Jax wins, then she gets added to the Raw Women’s Title Match at ‘Mania 34.

WWE Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss makes her way to the ring, Bliss says what Angle is doing to her is simply unjust. Bliss also says that the women of the WWE should be equal to the men, Bliss wonders why the WWE Universal Title isn’t being defended in the men’s Elimination Chamber match. Angle then says that Bliss hasn’t defended her title since October, Bliss then calls Angle sexist for not making the men’s Elimination Chamber match not for a title. Angle asks the crowd if they want to see Bliss defend the title at the event and they chant “Yes.”

– John Cena cuts a Twitter promo talking about the Road To Wrestlemania and the upcoming Elimination Chamber match.

– A video highlighting the WWE stars visiting the National Civil Rights Museum airs.

Asuka vs. Bayley

The match begins with Asuka attacking Bayley with some kicks to the legs, Asuka drags Bayley to the ground while applying a chin lock. Bayley gets free and has a striking exchange with Asuka, Bayley gets Asuka down before applying a headlock. Asuka gets free to drop Bayley with a hip toss before landing kicks to the back, Asuka goes to the top rope and Bayley knocks her off to the arena floor. Bayley then catches Asuka with a hurricarana on the arena floor, Bayley gets Asuka back into the ring and Asuka knocks her to the arena floor with a hip attack. Asuka goes to the arena floor and Bayley sends her into the barricade as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Bayley holding Asuka in the ring with a waist lock.

Asuka gets free and Bayley nails her with a belly to back suplex for a near fall, Bayley stands over Asuka while landing some strikes. Bayley reapplies the waist lock to a downed Asuka, Asuka fights back and she catches Bayley with an elevated knee strike followed by a few sliding kicks for a near fall. Asuka goes to the top rope and she misses a missile drop kick attempt, Bayley then hits Asuka with a running forearm strike for a near fall. Bayley traps Asuka in the ropes before landing a stunner that knocks her to the arena floor, Bayley leaps off the ring apron and Asuka nails her with a knee strike. Asuka gets Bayley back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Asuka then attacks a kneeling Bayley with some kicks.

Bayley catches a kicking Asuka with a roll up for a near fall, Asuka recovers to attack Bayley with a variety of strikes. Bayley rolls through an Asuka Lock to get a near fall on her, Asuka catches Bayley in the arm bar and Bayley taps out.

Winner: Asuka

After the match, Asuka and Bayley shake hands.

– The Bar cut a Twitter promo and they say that they will retain the Raw Tag Team Title against Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan.

– The Miz grabs a microphone before the match and he tells the fans to look up at the sky because the stars will align to look like The Miz. Miz proclaims 2018 to be the year of The Miz, Miz talks about winning the WWE Intercontinental Title at Raw 25. Miz then talks about how he defeated Roman Reigns twice in a row, Miz even claims that coach Doug Pederson of the Philadelphia Eagles showed the team a Miz video before the Super Bowl. Miz says he will win the Elimination Chamber so he can face Brock Lesnar at WWE Wrestlemania 34, Miz says he will hold the WWE Intercontinental Title and WWE Universal Title at the same time.

Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: The Miz w/Bo Dallas vs. Apollo Crews w/Titus Worldwide

The match would be joined in progress and we see Crews hit Miz with a suplex for a near fall, Miz and Crews exchange roll ups for near falls. Miz tries leaving the ring and Crews stops him before landing a flying back elbow strike, Miz recovers to drop Crews neck first on the top rope. Miz leaps off the top rope and Crews nails him with a drop kick for a near fall, Miz recovers to nails a charging Crews with a knee lift. Crews recovers to hit Miz with a press slam, Crews goes for a standing moonsault and Miz gets his knees up before getting a near fall.

Miz holds Crews down by applying the body scissors to him, Crews gets free and he nails Miz with a drop kick. Crews catches Miz with a series of strikes before dropping him with a clothesline followed by an enzaguri for a near fall, Crews goes for his finisher and Miz escapes to landing a diving clothesline in the corner. Crews nails Miz with an exploder suplex followed by a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Miz kicks Crews in the knee and Crews him up afterwards for a near fall. Crews goes to the top rope and Miz crotches him before landing the Skull Crushing Finale for the three count.

Winner: The Miz w/Bo Dallas

– Seth Rollins is walking backstage when he bumps into Jason Jordan and Kurt Angle, Jordan says he cannot compete tonight and he suffered a neck injury while warming up. Roman Reigns walks by and Angle says that they could team up tonight.

WWE Raw Tag Team Title Match: The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) (c) vs. The Shield (Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns)

The match begins with Sheamus applying the headlock to Rollins, Sheamus then drops Rollins with a shoulder tackle. Rollins takes Sheamus down before attacking him with some strikes, Cesaro tags in and he works over the arm of Rollins. Cesaro catches Rollins with some European uppercuts, Sheamus and Cesaro rotate tags while double teaming Rollins in the corner. Cesaro stays in the ring and Rollins eventually tags Reigns in, Reigns and Rollins hit Cesaro with a double shoulder tackle for a near fall. Rollins tags back in and he double teams Cesaro alongside Rollins, Reigns tags in and he double teams Cesaro alongside Rollins. Sheamus interferes and Rollins knocks him out of the ring, Rollins goes for a suicide dive and Sheamus counters with an Irish Curse back breaker.

Sheamus tags in before dragging Reigns out of the ring and throwing him into the barricade as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Cesaro working over Reigns in the middle of the ring. Sheamus tags in and he mauls Reigns with a few strikes in the corner, Sheamus slows things down further by holding Reigns in a chin lock. Cesaro tags in and he works with Sheamus to hit Reigns with a double clothesline, Cesaro nails Reigns with an elevated European uppercut for a near fall. Reigns recovers and he attacks Cesaro with clothesline strikes in the corner, Sheamus tags in as Reigns knocks Cesaro out of the ring. Cesaro tags in as The Bar hits Reigns with their finisher for the near fall, Reigns recovers and he nails Cesaro with a Samoan drop.

Sheamus tags in and he eats a superman punch from Reigns after attacking Rollins, Jason Jordan makes his way to the ring to cheer on The Shield. Rollins and Cesaro get the tags from their respective partners, Rollins quickly cleans house on the opposing team. Rollins knocks Cesaro out of the ring before taking him out with a suicide dive, Rollins gets Cesaro in the ring to land a Sling Blade for a near fall. Rollins misses the curb stomp and Cesaro places him on the top rope, Rollins recovers to hit Cesaro with a suplex into a falcon arrow for a near fall. Jordan trips up Cesaro as the ref was distracted do Rollins can roll him up for a near fall, Reigns argues with Jordan and wants him to leave ringside.

Rollins then hits Cesaro with the Rip Cord, Sheamus comes in the ring and Rollins nails him with a super kick. The Shield set up for the power bomb and The Bar exits the ring and tries leaving, Jordan attacks The Bar to cause a DQ.

Winners: The Bar (Sheamus & Cesaro) by DQ, still the WWE Raw Tag Team Champions

– Highlights are then shown of Braun Strowman defeating Kane last week on WWE Raw.

– Braun Strowman does a Twitter promo, saying he will be the last one standing tonight, at WWE Elimination Chamber and at WWE Wrestlemania 34.

– Jason Jordan & Seth Rollins are arguing backstage when Kurt Angle arrives to separate the two, Angle then gets into a shouting match with Jordan.

Nia Jax vs. Vanessa Floyd

The match begins with Jax shoving Floyd across the ring, Floyd fight back and Jax just bulldozes through her. Jax then tosses Floyd all the way across the ring, Jax then hits Floyd with an avalanche before throwing her across the ring. Jax then hits Floyd with with a press slam followed by a leg drop for a three count.

Winner: Nia Jax

– Rene Young interviews Nia Jax after the match, Jax says that she is the only woman in the locker room that doesn’t fear Asuka. Jax says she is going to mess up Asuka’s face, Jax then says Asuka is going to be the “Empress Of Yesterday.”

Sonya Deville w/Paige & Mandy Rose vs. Mickie James

The match begins with Deville taking James down and holding her in a waist lock, Deville taunts James and James slaps her in the face. James then attacks an aggressive Deville with a ton of strikes, James then drops Deville with some kicks and a flying forearm strike. James drops Deville before landing a running kick to the face for a near fall, Rose distracts James and that allows Deville to power bomb her. Deville then levels James with a series of knee strikes, James fights back and Deville levels her with a kick for a near fall. Deville then hits James with a running knee strike for a near fall, James fights back and she has a striking exchange with Deville. James catches Deville with a roll up from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: Mickie James

After the match, Absolution attacks Mickie James until Alexa Bliss makes the save.

– Elias is shown playing his guitar backstage.

– Elias is in the ring and he wants to know “who will walk with Elias?” Elias then performs a song after saying he turned down a shot to perform at the Super Bowl Halftime Show.

Winner Enters The Men’s Elimination Chamber Match Last – Triple Threat Match – John Cena vs. Elias vs. Braun Strowman

The match begins with Cena and Strowman going at it until Strowman drops him as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Strowman chasing Elias around the ring. Cena looks for an Attitude Adjustment as Strowman gets in the ring and Strowman just falls on top of him, Strowman then tosses Elias across and then out of the ring. Strowman gets both opponents out of the ring before attacking them with headbutts, Strowman then tosses both opponents back into the ring. Cena and Elias work together to knock Strowman out of the ring, Cena and Elias then throw Strowman into the ring post a few times.

Elias and Cena follow that up by throwing Strowman into the ring steps, Cena grabs the ring steps and he attacks Strowman with them. Elias grabs a guitar and he smashes it on the back of Strowman, Cena then hits Strowman with an AA on the ring steps. Elias jumps Cena and he gets him in the ring for a near fall, Elias mounts Cena and he attacks him with strikes. Cena and Elias have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Elias hits Cena with a back breaker for a near fall. Elias slows things down further by holding Cena in a chin lock, Cena gets free to hit Elias with a few shoulder tackles and a back suplex.

Strowman returns to the ring and he hits Cena with a running power slam, Elias shoves Strowman out of the ring before pinning Cena for the three count.

Winner: Elias

After the match, Brain Strowman lays out John Cena and Elias with running power slams.

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