
WWE RAW Results (2/28/22): Edge Addresses WrestleMania Future, Damian Priest Defends US Title + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for Monday Night RAW. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and our commentary team of Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves welcome us to tonight’s edition of Monday Night RAW which emanates from Columbus, Ohio. Kevin Owens’ music hits and Owens introduces his ‘best friend’ Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins, who makes his way down and we’re set for The KO Show. Owens says it’s been an admittedly tough year for the both of them and they’re still looking for their spots on the WrestleMania card. Rollins says they’ve been screwed but the WrestleMania gods have given them one more card to play and that card is the RAW Tag Team Championship. Owens says nothing will stop them from capturing the titles next week and they’ll go on to defend them at WrestleMania. Owens says nobody will distract him, not even the people of Texas or this ‘stupid’ cowboy hat [that he’s wearing]. Rollins says it’s okay because they’re not in Texas tonight, they’re in Columbus, Ohio and it’s time to welcome their guests for the night, the RAW Tag Team Champions, Otis and Chad Gable of Alpha Academy. Owens and Rollins make fun of the way Gable obnoxiously says thank you, Gable calls them asses and says they can talk all they want but the tag champs are still Alpha Academy. Owens says they’re aware that they’re the champions but next week, the titles are coming home with them. Rollins says there’s no hard feelings but they need to be at WrestleMania and WrestleMania needs them. Gable says Owens and Rollins weaseled their way into a title match and makes fun of the ‘little community college’ AKA Ohio State. Owens says it’s not personal, they just need to get to WrestleMania. Gable calls them pathetic and says they’ve already had their WrestleMania matches and he and Otis have worked their asses off and earned their spots at WrestleMania. Rollins says after he and Owens take the titles, they can have their rematch at WrestleMania. Gable tells Rollins to ‘shoosh’, Owens tells Gable to stop ‘shooshing’ them, they get into a ‘shoosh’ off, Owens hits Gable with a stunner and we cut to a commercial break.

Alpha Academy (Otis & Chad Gable) vs. Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens

Owens and Otis start this impromptu match off. Owens pushes the pace early but Otis stuffs the momentum with a huge shoulder block. Otis and Rollins chirp at each other, Owens misses a senton, Owens hits a pair of his own and makes the tag to Rollins, who comes in and nails the big man with a bevy of strikes. Otis tosses Rollins over the top rope, Gable trips him and Otis launches Rollins to the outside and Rollins bounces into the barricade. Otis tosses Rollins into the apron, then again with a partial spear before tossing the former world champ back into the ring. Otis makes the tag to Gable, they lay Rollins out with a double-clothesline, Gable goes for a cover but Rollins kicks out, Gable goes for another cover, then another quick kick out from Rollins, Gable scoops and suplexes Rollins, goes for a third cover but Rollins kicks out yet again. Gable makes the tag to Otis, who launches Rollins into the corner and nails him with a splash, then goes up top and goes for a Vader Bomb but Rollins slides out and makes the tag to Owens who nails Otis with a corner splash, tosses Gable out of the ring and lays them both out with a senton off the apron, Owens goes right back onto the apron and plants Gable with a flying splash but Otis comes out of nowhere and drills Owens with a clothesline before heading to a commercial break. Back from the break and Otis rips Owens into the corner whilst back in the ring before making the tag to Gable, who works over Owens left leg with a knee-lock. Owens eventually powers out and makes the hot-tag to Rollins, who tosses Otis out of the ring, nails Gable with a sling-blade, then a spring-board knee before planting Gable with a falcon arrow and then goes for the cover but Gable lifts the shoulders at two-and-a-half. Gable fights back, Rollins makes a blind-tag to Owens, who drills Gable with a back-breaker before going for the cover, Otis breaks it up and tosses Rollins out of the ring, goes back on the apron and makes the self-tag. Otis nails Owens in the corner with a splash, drags him to his own corner, nails Owens with the Vader Bomb, Gable self tags and nails Owens with a splash, goes for the cover but Rollins breaks it up, tosses Otis out, Owens rolls up Gable but Gable kicks out and plants Owens with a German suplex. Gable drags Owens to the corner and goes for a moonsault, Owens rolls out and makes the tag to Rollins, who fired Gable into the corner with a buckle-bomb, Owens hits Gable with the stunner, Rollins follows-up with the curb stomp and gets the 1-2-3 for the win!

Winners – Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens

Backstage, we see Kevin Patrick and Omos, the big man interrupts Kevin’s question and says ever since he made his debut at WrestleMania last year, he’s dominated Randy Orton and Riddle, he’s dominated The Dirty Dawgs, he’s dominated New Day, he’s dominated AJ Styles and tonight, he comes face-to-face with the biggest man he’s ever faced, T-Bar and tonight, he’ll dominate.

Omos vs. T-Bar

Otis sends T-Bar flying to the outside and into the barricade once T-Bar stands on the apron after his entrance. Omos drags T-Bar back into the ring, the referee says she can’t officially start the match until T-Bar’s on his feet. Omos lifts T-Bar and tosses him into the corner and the referee officially starts this one. Omos goes for a corner splash, T-Bar slides out but eats a massive clothesline. Omos lifts T-Bar and plants him with a double-hand choke-slam and the big man makes the cover for the three-count and the win.

Winner – Omos

Backstage, we see RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch, Doudrop and Nikki ASH. Becky says even though she and Doudrop have had their differences, tonight is all about winning, no matter what it takes and tonight, she’ll do what she always does and that’s be better than Bianca Belair, like she did in just 26-seconds at SummerSlam.

Becky Lynch, Doudrop & Nikki A.S.H. vs. Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan

Doudrop and Liv start this one off. Liv rocks Doudrop with an enziguri then makes the tag to Bianca who goes for a suplex on Doudrop but is shunned aside, Bianca makes the tag to Rhea and they nail Doudrop with a double-suplex. Becky and Nikki come attack and they’re tossed to the outside. Liv goes up top and takes out all three of her opponents before we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Bianca hoists up Becky but the champion slides out and rolls her up but Bianca kicks out. Bianca tosses Becky to the corner but is sent over the top rope and Becky used Bianca’s braid to launch her into the ring post. Becky wraps Bianca’s braid around the top rope and tosses her back into the ring before making the tag to Doudrop, who drills Bianca with a slam then makes the tag to Nikki who lands an elbow on Bianca, goes for the cover but Bianca kicks out at two. Nikki unloads on Bianca with some punches before making the tag back to Becky, who steps on Bianca’s hair and tosses her into the corner but eats a boot to the face. Bianca tosses Nikki and Doudrop off the apron and makes the tag to Rhea, who starts tossing Becky around the ring and plants the champion with a slam face-first into the mat. Rhea lands a headbutt, a pair of knees to the head and then a sliding kick to the face. Rhea lifts Becky for another face-first slam, goes for the cover but Doudrop lands a splash on Rhea to break up the pin. Liv tosses Doudrop out, Nikki tosses Liv to the outside, drags Becky to the corner and makes the self-tag. Bianca’s tagged in and plants Nikki with a face-first splash, goes for a spring-board but Becky drags her to the outside. Liv nails Becky with a dive through the ropes, Doudrop tosses Liv out with a splash, Rhea super-kicks Doudrop to the outside, Nikki tosses Rhea out, Bianca drills Nikki with slam, goes for the cover but Becky breaks it up. Bianca starts whipping Becky with her braid, Becky slides out of the ring and retreats, Nikki rolls up Bianca, who slides out and plants Nikki with The KOD for the 1-2-3 and the victory.

Winners – Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan

Robert Roode (with Dolph Ziggler) vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Roode lays into Ciampa right as the bell sounds. Ciampa drills Roode with a kick to the mid-section, Roode tosses him out of the ring, Ciampa with a right hook then a clothesline, Ziggler throws his hat at Ciampa, who tosses Roode back into the ring, goes for the cover but Roode kicks out. Roode counters a clothesline from Ciampa and plants him with a spine-buster, goes for a cover of his own but Ciampa lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Roode tosses Ciampa into the corner, then into another but Ciampa lands a spinning-back elbow, followed by a neck-breaker, goes for the cover but Roode kicks out. Ciampa goes for a running knee, Roode slides out, Ciampa goes for The Fairytale Ending, Roode counters into a sunset flip, then a cover but Ciampa kicks out. Ciampa goes for a running knee, Roode slides out of the way and Ciampa drills Ziggler who was on the apron, Roode misses a DDT, Ciampa rolls him up and gets the three-count for the win!

Winner – Tommaso Ciampa

After the match, Roode and Ziggler attack Ciampa. Ziggler grabs a mic and says Ciampa got lucky tonight but tomorrow night on NXT 2.0, he and Bron Breakker won’t be so lucky and he [Ziggler] and Roode prove why The Dirty Dawgs are the dirtiest dogs in the game.

We then see a video package highlighting the last few weeks worth of 24/7 Championship segments.

Dana Brooke & Reggie vs. Tamina & Akira Tozawa

Dana and Tamina start this one off. Tamina hits Dana with a kick but Dana tosses her into the corner with a hurricanrana and a back-flip, back elbow but Tamina tosses her back with an elbow of her own. Tozawa makes the self-tag, which makes Reggie tag-in. Tozawa drills Reggirbwith a drop-kick, Reggie rolls him up, Tozawa kicks out, Reggie with another cover, Tamina breaks it up, Dana tosses Tamina to the outside, Tozawa’s knocked down by Dana and Reggie nails Tozawa with a front-flip and pin combination for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners – Dana Brooke & Reggie

After the match, Dana plants a kiss on Reggie and Tamina does the same to Tozawa, to a big pop from the crowd.

Backstage, Kevin Patrick is with Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins of Street Profits. Montez says after he and Angelo beat RK-Bro tonight, they might be next in line for the RAW Tag Team Titles. Angelo says Riddle’s their boy but it’s all business when it comes to the titles and they need to save the tag division from ‘the real-life version of Accepted’ Alpha Academy. Montez asks what’s happening with Alpha Academy and says Otis never has a clue what’s happening. Angelo says it doesn’t matter who wins the RAW Tag Team Titles, next week, the titles have to be defended at WrestleMania and he happens to know two humble, charismatic and courageous young brothers that are available before we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Rey and Dominik Mysterio are in the ring. Rey says The Miz and Logan Paul embarrassed on them last week but at WrestleMania, their ‘BS’ is over. Dominik says they’re not focused on some ‘Hollywood mega dumbass’ and his ‘fan boy’, they’re focused on their match against The Hurt Business, tonight. The Miz interrupts and says he’s about to run down some of his accolades. Miz says he’s the host of the most must-see talk show in WWE history, ‘Miz TV’, Miz says he married the ‘most sexy’ woman in WWE history, Maryse. Miz says he’s made the Intercontinental Championship the most prestigious title in all of WWE and he’s beaten John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania. Miz says he’s the only two-time grand slam champion in the history of the company and one of the most proud moments of his career was last week with Logan Paul. Miz says two A-listers joined forces and are on their way to dominate the company and possibly even become RAW Tag Team Champions. Miz says Logan Paul is more of a man than anyone in the arena and went the distance with the the greatest pound-for-pound fighter of all-time [Floyd Mayweather]. Miz says he and Logan have continuously watched their attack on Rey and Dominik from last week. Miz says when his hand goes up, the crowd’s mouth goes shut. Miz says the crowd is sick of watching the ‘same old standard crap’ and he and Logan are bigger, better and far above the WWE universe…and they are AWESOME. Miz exits and out come The Hurt Business for their match against Rey and Dominik.

The Hurt Business (Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander] vs. Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Rey and Shelton start this one off. Rey knocks Shelton down with a hurricanrana, Shelton slides to his corner and makes the tag and Cedric slams down Rey, goes for the cover but the former world champion kicks out. Cedric unloads some kicks onto a cornered Rey and locks-up a choke whilst back in the center of the ring. Shelton’s tagged-in, slams Rey down and makes the tag right back to Cedric, who tosses Rey into a corner and lays into him with an elbow. Rey fights back, elbows Shelton, tosses Cedric back and nails Cedric with a hurricanrana into Shelton and makes the tag to Dominik, who delivers a flying cross-body to Cedric, who’s out of the ring, then lays out Shelton with a hurricanrana, then a slam, goes for the cover but Shelton kicks out. Dominik tosses Shelton into the ropes but Shelton slams down Dominik, goes for the cover but Shelton kicks out. Dominik plants Shelton with a DDT, Cedric interrupts and gets tossed to the outside by Rey and drilled with a hurricanrana. Dominik trips Shelton to the middle rope, goes for the 619, Shelton rolls to the outside, Dominik dives to the outside, Shelton catches him but Dominik shoved him into the ring post. The Miz comes out of nowhere and trips Dominik, Rey chases him out of the arena and Shelton rolls up Dominik for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners – The Hurt Business

RK-Bro (Randy Orton & Riddle) vs. Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins)

Riddle and Dawkins start this one off. They exchange transitions and grapple until Dawkins drills Riddle with a spinning-back elbow and makes the tag to Ford, who lays Riddle out with a drop-kick. Riddle trips Ford and puts him in a triangle-choke, Ford powers out and eats a slam from Riddle, who makes the tag to Orton, who slams Ford and makes a quick tag back to Riddle, who goes for the Floating Bro but Ford gets his knees up and scrambles to his corner to make the tag to Dawkins. Riddle lays out Dawkins, who comes into the ring, with a clothesline, then goes up top and lands a corkscrew that sends Dawkins to the outside. Ford dives over the ropes and lays out Riddle and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Riddle knocks Dawkins down whilst inside of the ring with a drop-kick. Riddle and Dawkins make the tags to Orton and Ford, respectively, Orton lays out Ford with a clothesline, then a slam, then his patented middle rope DDT. Dawkins comes in and Riddle takes him out and they both spill to the outside. Orton goes for an RKO, Ford blocks it, drills Ford with a drop-kick, then goes up top and hits the splash on Orton before going for the cover but Orton kicks out at two-and-a-half. Ford rolls-up Orton, ‘The Viper’ gets his foot on the rope, Dawkins sneaks over and pushes it off and Ford gets the three-count for the win!

Winners – Street Profits

Damian Priest (C) vs. Finn Balor — United States Championship

Priest lays out Balor with a shoulder-block to start. Balor comes firing back with an elbow, Priest is angry and drills Balor with a knee and sends Balor to the outside. Priest chases Balor, tosses him back into the ring and then into the corner, Balor fights back and works over Priest’s arm, then drills Priest in the face with a forearm. Priest lands a knee, goes for a power-bomb, Balor slides out and hits a low-kick on Priest and then lands some stomps on the champions, who rolls to the outside and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Priest drills the challenger with a back-breaker, then the bell clap and a forearm but Balor comes right back with an over-head kick and then hits his patented double stomp to the chest. Balor tosses Priest to the corner, lays in some striker, Priest counters with a slam but Balor comes back yet again and lays out the big man with the sling-blade. Balor goes up top, looks for the Coup de Grace, Priest slides out, goes for the choke-slam, Balor rolls him up, Priest kicks out, scoops up Balor, looks for The Reckoning, Balor spins out and drills Priest with an elbow that sends Priest to the corner, Balor lands a corner drop-kick, goes up top and lands the Coup de Grace for the 1-2-3 and the win! New champion!

Winner – Finn Balor (New US Champion)

After the match, Priest grabs a mic and says the fans carried Balor to the win and says he’s never heard this kind of respect from them during his entire title reign. Priest says he’s going to win his title back and this reaction from the fans for Balor won’t mean a damn thing. Priest cheap shots Balor, sends him out of the ring and drills the new champion with the Razor’s Edge into the announce table. WWE officials come down to check on Balor, Priest heads out.

Some video packages air to hype up WrestleMania 38 and WWE Hall of Famer Edge makes his way down to the ring and we head to a commercial break before we heard from ‘The Rated R Superstar’. Back from the break and Edge is in the ring and he says his WrestleMania road becomes clear tonight and AJ Styles’ music hits! AJ comes down and says he accepts Edge’s open challenge for Mania. Edge says he’s glad AJ’s the one who’s stepping up because it’s clear to the both of them that they’ve wanted this match for a long, long time. Edge says he wants ‘the bulldog’ version of AJ, not the ‘tag team bitch’ we’ve seen over the past year. AJ goes after Edge, who drops AJ, who fires back with a Pelè kick. AJ goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, Edge slides out and low-blows AJ before delivered some shots. Edge is getting bood heavily and goes outside and grabs a pair of steel chairs. Edge tosses the chairs into the ring and sets up a chair on the mat, drags AJ over, places his head onto it and drills him with a con-chair-to. The crowd is absolutely tearing into the Hall of Famer and he drills AJ with yet another con-chair-to and stands over AJ’s motionless body as the show goes off-the-air.

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