
WWE RAW Results (1/10/22): RAW Women’s Championship Number One Contenders Triple Threat Match, Alexa Bliss Returns + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for Monday Night RAW. We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.

The show begins and we see a video package of Brock Lesnar winning the WWE Championship last Saturday at the Day 1 pay-per-view. We then see highlights of Bobby Lashley defeating Big E, Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens to earn his chance to face Lesnar one-on-one for the WWE Title later this month at the Royal Rumble.

We cut to the arena, Jimmy Smith, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves on commentary welcome us to the show, which emanates from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring, flanked by his advocate, Paul Heyman. Cameras cut backstage and we see Bobby Lashley and MVP at gorilla position where Lashley’s former ‘Hurt Business’ stablemates Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander enter the picture and congratulate Lashley on his win last week. Lashley cuts them off and says they’re done and to leave him alone, to which they oblige. Back in the ring, Heyman introduces himself and the aforementioned WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar, who grabs the mic and immediately gets cut off by Lashley’s music, who makes his way to the ring alongside MVP, who presents the ‘Almighty’ Bobby Lashley, who says he’s been waiting for a long time to share a ring with Lesnar and says it’s an honor to share this spotlight with him. Lashley says as a fellow ‘super-athlete’. it’s an honor to be there with him but for the last 20-years, Lesnar’s been ‘ducking him’. Lesnar says it’s an honor to be in the ring with himself but says he must apologize because for the last 20-years, he’s been winning championships in this ring and in other rings. Lesnar says he never had a clue who Lashley was until they came face-to-face at Day 1. Lesnar says if they’d already met, he would’ve already beaten him and this wouldn’t be happening right now. Lesnar says Lashley and MVP dress ‘very fancy’ and asks the thread count of he and MVP’s suits. Lashley says Lesnar is money as a comedian and after he [Lashley] beats him at the Royal Rumble, he and MVP will be right in the front row during Lesnar’s comedic tour. Lesnar says *knock knock* to Heyman, who asks ‘who’s there’, Lesnar says ‘Bobby’, Heyman says ‘Bobby, who?’ to which Lesnar says ‘exactly!’. Lashley laughs then the smirk quickly goes away. Lesnar says it’s impossible to beat Brock Lesnar and it’s even more impossible to beat Brock Lesnar when you’re a Brock Lesnar wannabe. Lesnar drops the mic and he and Heyman make their way out as Lesnar’s music hits. Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander attack Lashley out of nowhere but the ‘Almighty’ quickly dispatches of the pair before exiting the ring-side area. The commentary team mentions that the RAW Tag Team Titles will be up for grabs after the break.

RK-Bro (Randy Orton & Riddle) (C) vs. Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis)— RAW Tag Team Championship

Riddle and Gable start this one off. The pair have a pretty slick traditional wrestling back-and-forth before Riddle drills Gable with a kick to the face, Gable rolls out of the ring and Riddle drills him with yer another kick before nailing him with a back-flip off of the middle rope as we head to another break. Back from the break and Gable and Otis have control with Riddle secluded in their own corner. Riddle kicks Gable back, knocks Gable out with another kick, Otis and Riddle crawl to their corners and both make the tag. Orton lays both Gable and Otis out with running clotheslines, Gable uses the top rope to sling it into the throat of Orton, Gable goes to the top rope, Orton trips him up, goes up-top as well and plants Gable with a super-plex. The Philadelphia crowd is HOT for RK-Bro, Riddle goes for Otis, who gets taken out instead, Orton takes Gable out, goes for the cover but Otis is the legal man and plants Orton with the world’s strongest slam and gets the 1-2-3. New champions!

Winners – Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis)

— Backstage, we see United States Champion Damian Priest, who officially declares for the 2022 Royal Rumble match. After a quick graphic pops up showing every official men’s entrant, thus far, Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins pop up backstage with Priest, who says while they’ll all be in it for themselves at the Royal Rumble, tonight, they’re all on the same side. Dawkins asks if they’re dealing with the evil, Damian side or if they’re dealing with the nice Priest side. Priest says they have nothing to worry about because they all have a common enemy in Robert Roode, Dolph Ziggler and Apollo Crews.

Damian Priest & Street Profits (Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins) vs. Dirty Dawgs (Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode) & Apollo Crews (with Commander Azeez)

Ford and Crews start this one off. Ford hits Crews with a high drop-kick, immediately goes for the cover but Crews kicks right out and makes the tag to Ziggler, who works Ford’s arm over before nailing him with a kick to the back of the head but Ford is able to sneak to his corner and make a tag to Priest. The US Champion lays Ziggler out with a front-kick, a wheel-kick takes out Roode and he knocks back Crews with a running clothesline. Ford hits Roode with a drop-kick, Dawkins does the same to Ziggler, Priest misses a wheel-kick but Ford drills Ziggler with another drop-kick. The faces celebrate in the ring, the heels recover on the outside and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Crews is working Ford over and plants him with a press-slam then a standing moonsault, goes for the cover but Ford is able to lift his shoulder at two. Ziggler’s tagged-in by Crews, lays Ford out with a drop-kick, goes for the cover, Ford kicks out, Ziggler rolls him right back up but Ford, again, is able to kick out. Ziggler continues to work Ford over with some holds, gets up and runs directly into a power-bomb from Ford, who’s desperately trying to crawl to his corner, which he eventually does. Dawkins is now the legal man, takes out all three heels, hits Roode, who was tagged-in, with a bulldog then a cover but Crews breaks up the count. Priest comes in and takes out Crews with an inziguri, Azeez distracts the referee but Ford takes both he and Crews out with a flip over the top rope. Back in the ring, Roode takes out Dawkins, Ziggler follows-up with a zig-zag and gets the three-count for the win.

Winners – Dirty Dawgs (Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode) & Apollo Crews (with Commander Azeez)

We then see a video package of last week’s episode of Friday Night SmackDown where Seth Rollins was seemingly announced as Roman Reigns’ next opponent for the Universal Championship and we’ll hear from Rollins after the break. Back from the break and Rollins says he’s excited for the Rumble and it’s not because of the Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley much and while the men’s and women’s Royal Rumble matches are great, he’s excited because it’s the night where he becomes the Universal Champion. Rollins says it’ll be the visionary against the head of the table, it’ll be brother vs. brother, Roman Reigns vs. Seth Freakin’ Rollins. He says fans ask him how, seth, how did you get yourself into a Universal Title match? Rollins says he doesn’t need a penguin-shaped oil salesman to get him matches, he does it because he’s Seth Freakin’ Rollins and says three things are guaranteed in life…death, taxes and Seth Rollins beating Roman Reigns. Former WWE Champion Big E’s music hits and he says he’s excited…just as excited as Gritty (Philadelphia Flyers mascot) after a big Flyers win. Rollins asks who Gritty is and asks Big E why he’s so excited. Big E says Rollins is his favorite and he’s so excited because he’s officially entering himself into the men’s Royal Rumble match. Big E says he’s excited because he’s going to do what he intended to do at the Day 1 pay-per-view but now he gets to do it at WrestleMania…and that is beat Seth Rollins for a championship. Rollins says he doesn’t care if it’s Day 1, Day 1,000 or WrestleMania Day, he doesn’t stand a chance to beat him. Big E asks Rollins why don’t they test that theory here tonight. Rollins says he’s not ready and they should fight next week in a better town. Big E says they shouldn’t just do it tonight, they should do it right now. Rollins says he’s on and to get a referee out there right now.

Seth Rollins vs. Big E

The two lock-up, Rollins misses a drop-kick, E hits a slam, Rollins responds with a boot to the face, tosses E to the outside, nails him with a dive through the ropes, goes for another but E clubs him in the throat. E puts Rollins on the apron and plants him with a splash and plays to the crowd as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Rollins is in control in the middle of the ring. Rollins plants E with a DDT, E rolls out but Rollins follows him with a diving boot to the face off of the apron. E rolls back into the ring, Rollins goes to the top rope and blasts E with a flying knee, goes for the cover but E kicks out at two. Rollins works over a head-lock for a bit, E powers out but Rollins chops him in the chest, goes for a running clothesline but E catches him and slams him right to the mat. E tosses Rollins over the top rope, Rollins sticks a landing on the apron but E spears him through the ropes and they both spill to the floor below as we cut to another commercial break. Back from the break, E’s working over Rollins, who fights out of a hold, E slams him, goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out at two. Both decided to go to the top rope, Rollins lays into E with a few elbows, E trips to the mat, Rollins looks for a flying stomp, E avoids but misses a clothesline, Rollins can’t get a pedigree but drills E with a curb-stomp, struggles to roll him over but gets the 1-2-3 and the win.

Winner – Seth Rollins

Former WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H make their way to the ring and we’ll hear from the champs after a commercial break. Back from the break and Nikki says they need to talk about something, Rhea says they shouldn’t talk about it but Nikki says they’re going to talk about it right now. Rhea says they’ve had a great run but it’s time to go their separate ways. Nikki says they’ll win the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles back, Rhea says she’s probably right, Nikki says it’s not just about the titles, but life was so great together. Nikki asks Rhea if she thinks she’s better than she is, Rhea says she’s never said that, Nikki says it was her that was doing a favor for Rhea staying the team, Rhea says she’s never said that she was better than Nikki and says she doesn’t like where this is heading and starts to walk out. Rhea says Nikki’s make her uncomfortable and they should just say goodbye. Rhea puts out her hand, Nikki says fine but says she can’t shake her hand until she looks into her eyes and tells her that she believes in her. Rhea says she’s always believed in her and even if it’s without her, she hopes she never stops believing in herself and she hopes that they can stay friends. Nikki asks if she means it, Rhea hugs Nikki, who then smiles and celebrates on the top rope, then turns around and Nikki attacks Rhea. Nikki walks out, laughs and says superheros don’t need friends.

Backstage, Omos takes out Reggie and 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke comes and checks on him as Omos makes his way to the ring and we head to a commercial break.

We then see Omos and an unnamed local talent in the ring. Omos absolutely wallops the young man in pink tights in about a minute-and-a-half, winning with a two-hand choke-slam, while Reggie and 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke watch on from backstage.

Back from the break and WWE Hall of Famer Edge makes his way to the ring and we’ll hear from him after a commercial break. Back from the break and Edge introduces his wife, fellow WWE Hall of Famer (and according to Edge, the owner of thighs that could crack a coconut) Beth Phoenix. Edge says just like the Flyers collect Stanley Cups, he and Beth collect titles as they’ve collected 35 titles between the two of them. Edge calls Beth a wrecking machine and plays a highlight package of Beth’s career accomplishments featuring the likes of Trish Stratus, Natalya, Bianca Belair, Mickie James, Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair. Edge says that he’s proud of Beth then gives the floor to her. Beth says she doesn’t know if Edge is trying to butter her up for later tonight but says flattery will get him anywhere. Beth says she’ll put a pin in that conversation because she’s out there to talk business. Beth says Miz’s mouth has to stop and at the Royal Rumble, she and Edge will shut The Miz and Maryse’s mouths up for good. The Miz and Maryse interrupt and make their way to the ring. Miz says hello to ‘Filthydelphia’ and says without hesitation, he stands with Ben Simmons and he too, would give up $30 million to not play in this city. Miz says he nearly had Edge beat at Day 1 until he begged his wife to help him. Miz asks what kind of man would have his wife fight their battles for them. Edge says Miz used Maryse to get out of the way of a spear last week. Miz says that’s slander and Maryse is the finest women to ever lace up a pair of Louis Vutton’s and says he has his own video package for Maryse, which is shown featuring several clips of her on she and Miz’s reality show ‘Miz and Mrs’ as well as her Divas Championship win. Miz asks the fans if they realize how big of a star that Maryse is and says they’re lucky to just be in her presence in person and Edge and Beth should be honored just to step into the same ring as her. Edge says Maryse is a former champion and just like Miz, she busted her butt to prove everyone wrong. Edge says he and Beth respect them for their accomplishments but ‘my wife can deadlift a damn Buick’. Edge says Beth smashes things, mostly people and if had to step into the ring with her, he’d have the same look as Maryse does. Beth says she doesn’t know when Maryse got so shy and she wasn’t quiet when Beth wasn’t around but now she’s as quiet as a mouse and at the Royal Rumble, she’s going to get rid of her while the crowd chants ‘au revior’. Miz says Beth shouldn’t speak French to them and urges Maryse to tell Beth how bad she’s going to humiliate her and while Miz rambles on, Maryse sneaks off set. Beth says if Maryse is too afraid to show up at the Royal Rumble and if Edge doesn’t knock him out first, she’ll take great pleasure in knocking his teeth in. Edge’s music plays and the segment ends.

We see Austin Theory backstage with Kevin Patrick, who asks Austin Theory about his match against AJ Styles, tonight. Theory says Styles’ is a no-doubt first ballot Austin Theory and after he beats Styles, Vince McMahon is going to have no choice but to invest in Austin Theory.

AJ Styles vs. Austin Theory

AJ gets control early and lays into Theory with a bevy of strikes. AJ hits Theory with a backbreaker, Theory gets right up and tosses AJ into the corner lays into him with a stomp and a fisherman’s suplex, goes for the cover but AJ kicks out at two. AJ slides through Theory’s legs, forearm’s him in the back of the head, knocks him out of the ring, Theory comes back in, slides behind AJ and knocks him out over the top rope. Theory knocks AJ to the floor with a drop-kick and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and AJ’s in control and lays Theory out with a forearm and follows it up with a suplex/neck-breaker combo. AJ rolls to the apron and looks for a phenomenal forearm but Grayson Waller attacks AJ from behind to cause the DQ.

Winner – AJ Styles (via DQ)

After the match, Waller continues the beat-down of AJ, Theory comes over and thanks Waller, Theory takes a selfie with a knocked out AJ, who gets up but Waller and Theory escape before any damage can be done and we head to a break.

Back from the break, we see Alexa Bliss in ‘therapy’. Bliss says she has a problem and tells the therapist to ‘fix her’. The doctor says it’s time to heal. He says that she’s been through a bunch of trauma and he’ll help her. The doctor shows Alexa the footage of Charlotte ripping her doll Lily apart and asks Alexa how that makes her feel. Alexa says it makes her feel thirsty and pours herself a glass of water but lets it spill all over the floor. Alexa grabs the doctor’s tie and asks how it makes him feel, he says ‘not great’. Alexa starts tearing the office apart and says she has a problem. The doctor tells her to breathe, she continues smashing the office up, the doctor runs away and we cut back to the ring where the RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch is about to address the masses. We see footage of Bianca Belair and Liv Morgan attacking her last week. Becky says there’s three women in the back ready for a big triple threat match. Becky says we have ‘tenacious’ Liv Morgan, then we have Bianca Belair, who has undeniable strength and then we have Doudrop, who’s a fellow ‘Celt’ and with these three women in the ring, anything can happen. Becky says it’ll be a battle for the ages and they’ll fight for the right to say that they lost to ‘Big Time’ Becky Lynch. Becky says she’ll be on commentary for this one and out come the competitors for our main event of the evening.

Bianca Belair vs. Doudrop vs. Liv Morgan

Doudrop lays Liv out with a headbutt the second the the bell rings. Bianca goes for Doudrop and knocks her out of the ring. Liv comes out of nowhere and lays both Bianca and Doudrop out with a dive through the ropes. Liv and Bianca get back in the ring and go at it. Liv taunts Bianca but misses a kick in the corner. Bianca knocks Liv back with a shoulder block. Bianca stands abode Liv in the corner but Liv jumps out of the way as she sees Doudrop coming with a splash. The trio trade strikes, Liv can’t get a suplex to land? Bianca hits a back suplex on Liv but Doudrop comes in hot with a double splash as Becky Lynch looks on. Doudrop scoops and slams Bianca with a Michinoku Driver but runs into a boot to the face from Liv. Doudrop blocks a hurricarana, puts Liv on her back and slams her face-first onto Bianca, goes for the cover but Liv kicks out at two. Doudrop taunts a downed Liv and Bianca as we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Liv’s in control but gets tossed into the turnbuckle by Bianca, who drills Doudrop with a spear and all three contenders are down. Bianca and Liv get to their feet first and begin to slug it out. Bianca tolls up Liv but Liv kicks out after a two count. Liv locks Bianca in a submission and unloads elbows to the mid-section trying to get the hold fully locked-in and finally does as Bianca struggles to get out but she finally powers to her feet and tosses Liv into a sidewalk slam but Liv gets her knees in the way, Doudrop comes in, Liv lays her out with a drop-kick, Liv sends Bianca into the turnbuckle with a kick to the back and then puts Bianca perched up on the top rope. Bianca eats forearms to the back from Liv, who also goes to the top but Doudrop takes them both out and then delivers a massive power-bomb to Liv, Doudrop goes for the cover but Bianca breaks it up with a 450 splash. Bianca hits the KOD on Liv but Becky Lynch rushes into the ring and breaks up the ensuing pin attempt. Becky tosses Belair to the floor, Becky follows her out and they stare each other down. Bianca chases Becky around the ring-side area, Becky swings recklessly and Bianca lays her out, but the champion gets back up and launched Bianca over the announce table. Back in the ring, Doudrop brings Liv to the corner and hits a massive second rope splash for the 1-2-3 and the win! We have a new number one contender for the RAW Women’s Championship.

Winner – Doudrop

After the match, Becky comes back into the ring and offers her hand to Doudrop, who extends her hand but the champion slaps her. Becky goes for the Man-Handle Slam but Doudrop blocks it and Becky slides right out of the ring and onto the floor. They stare each other down from afar as the show comes to a close.

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