
WWE Raw Match Ratings For 9/9/19 At MSG From Sean Ross Sapp


  • Austin’s pop was huge.
  • Steve Austin says it’s been over 20 years since he’s been in the Garden, but he definitely wrestled there six or seven times in the last 20 years, and had the Brock Lesnar and Goldberg match at WrestleMania 20.
  • Austin recalls memories of MSG, and lets the world know he was brought there to make sure the contract signing actually happens.
  • Steve Austin refuses to shake Braun Strowman‘s hand. Rollins is out there next.
  • Rollins is embracing the “what” chants, in a pretty cool moment.
  • Strowman says he’s going to open a can of whoopass.
  • AJ Styles comes out with the OC, and they kill a lot of time pandering to the “what” chants. They get called assholes, which Austin brings attention to.
  • Strowman and Rollins beat up the OC, but it ends with Austin giving AJ Styles a stunner.
  • This should have been about four minutes shorter, but was a great reaction and moment.
  • Backstage, Ziggler & Roode approach the OC and say they’re willing to help them.

Cedric Alexander defeated AJ Styles via DQ

  • Cedric Alexander goes after AJ, who is still reeling.
  • Cedric is dominant in this one. There’s a tope con hilo that hits hard.
  • AJ ends up going to work on Cedric’s arm after a few minutes.
  • There’s a commercial break and some hard hitting action ensues after.
  • Gallows and Anderson come out and attack Cedric Alexander, causing a DQ.
  • The Viking Raiders make the save, and the faces clear the ring.
  • I’m beyond ready for the Viking Raiders to face actual teams. I just hope Gallows and Anderson aren’t jobbed out completely.

Backstage Stuffs

  • Roman Reigns comes out to speak for Connor’s Cure.
  • I’ve just learned to tune all this Street Profits shit out. They’re better than this
  • We see Enes Kanter win and loses the WWE 24/7 Championship ahead of Raw. I love it.
  • Firefly Funhouse is next, and the puppets want The Fiend to go after Steve Austin.What do you think the significance of the 11:19 on Bray Wyatt‘s clock is?

Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch defeated The Boss N’ Hug Connection

  • We see an extended video package. All four women brawl to kick the match off.
  • There’s a commercial before coming back and starting the match.
  • I like that Sasha and Bayley still have gear that somewhat matches.
  • Bayley’s new attitude and her in-ring style match up so much better.
  • Not a great reaction to this match early, which is a disappointment. That changes a bit when Charlotte gets a hot tag.
  • Banks gets sent into the turnbuckle. WWE needs to portray some more women on the level of these four, who can also deliver accordingly in the ring.
  • The crowd conjures up a “this is awesome” chant after a Charlotte Figure Eight is broken up.
  • Sasha does a Meteora outside as we hit a third commercial in this segment.
  • The crowd wants Becky in the ring, and they get it. She uncorks a good strike combo.
  • There’s a great Backstabber on Becky as she’s trying to go for the DisarmHer. Some big strikes ensue and Bayley is left standing.
  • The second rope leg drop doesn’t do it for me, and neither does the moonsault from the top that Charlotte misses, but isn’t supposed to.
  • Becky sends Sasha into the stairs and applies the DisarmHer.
  • Bayley goes off, hitting a Bayley to Belly on Becky into the barricade and a Bayley to Back on Charlotte Flair outside.
  • Natural Selection hits on Bayley for the win for Charlotte.
  • This match went 17 minutes, and the segment went 28 minutes total.

Rey Mysterio defeated Gran Metalik

  • Lucha Libre in Madison Square Garden in September 2019, as promised.
  • Metalik just broke Rey’s head with his ASS on a big second rope tope con hilo.
  • Springboard swanton hits for Metalik, but Rey kicks out.
  • Metalik is really beating the brakes off of Rey. A second rope super huracanrana has some amazing snap to it.
  • Rey wins with a sunset flip bomb, 619 and frog splash.
  • This was so, so good.

King of the Ring Semifinals
Baron Corbin defeated Samoa Joe and Ricochet

  • CALL AN AUDIBLE. Listen to that reaction for Joe.
  • Dueling Corbin chants as Ricochet flies all over the place before the commercial.
  • Corbin did a reverse powerbomb into the post on Ricochet.
  • This is very hard hitting, and the crowd is all about it. A testament to WWE making this tourney matter.
  • I love stopping the Tower of Doom spot.
  • There is an amazing boot to Deep Six spot on Ricochet, but Joe pulls Corbin out in a Coquina Clutch.
  • Ricochet breaks it up with a shooting star press off the apron. Wow.
  • Ricochet counters a Coquina Clutch with the Recoil after missing a 630.
  • Corbin throws Ricochet over a barricade after the 630 and steals the win.
  • This was another great match. Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable is going to be very, very good if they work it at a fast pace.

Natalya defeated Lacey Evans

  • Lacey does a great neckbreaker and smothers Natalya with the ring apron.
  • Lacey’s slingshot elbow hits HARD.
  • This is one of Lacey’s better in-ring performances, but her work has that early Baron Corbin spot where she grabs a hold and stalls. That’s not what we need in hour 3.
  • Lacey misses a Merosault.
  • This match might seem pointless, but WWE desperately needs to build up some more female talent.
  • Natalya has some great counters and applies the Sharpshooter for the win.

Cedric Alexander, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman & Viking Raiders defeated The OC, Bobby Roode & Dolph Ziggler

  • I’m sure this match will be good, but main eventing MSG is an odd call.
  • Braun lands an early chokeslam after some Viking Raiders offense.
  • A commercial ends to see Cedric Alexander being worked over to “yowie wowie” chants.
  • I kind of dig all the motion on the apron, making it seem like this match matters. Also, good on babyfaces having friends.
  • Rollins does a nice Falcon Arrow, but things are breaking down. It’s hard to follow what is going on with all the zooms.
  • Styles connects with a Phenomenal Forearm to Ivar before Strowman mows everyone down.
  • Strowman and Rollins argue when Rollins gets pushed into Braun.
  • This match is really nothing special. I thought it’d be more balls to the wall.
  • Ivar does a big senton onto the pile outside, and Cedric pins Styles with a Lumbar Check.
  • Austin’s music hits and they have a beer bash.

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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