
WWE Raw 7/6/20 Results: Champion vs. Champion, Several Returns & A New US Title Belt Is Revealed

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– WWE Champion Drew McIntyre comes to the ring to start the show, McIntyre talks about allowing Dolph Ziggler to pick the stipulation for their match at WWE Extreme Rules. McIntyre says he will retain the title no matter what at WWE Extreme Rules, Ziggler comes out and he makes his way to the stage. Ziggler says the stipulation he has picked will be a secret, Ziggler calls McIntyre a backstabber and Ziggler says his resume is better that his. Ziggler says McIntyre has stabbed a lot of people in the back to become WWE Champion, Ziggler brings out Heath Slater as someone who McIntyre allegedly stabbed in the back. Slater and Ziggler make their way into the ring, Slater talks about his history with McIntyre and he calls McIntyre the “Chosen One.” Slater talks about watching McIntyre winning the WWE Championship at ‘Mania 36, Slater talks about how he called McIntyre everyday when McIntyre was released by the WWE. Slater asks McIntyre where he was when he was released by the WWE, Slater says he came back because he is fighting for his kids.

Slater says McIntyre wasn’t there for him when he got his WWE release, Slater says McIntyre didn’t help him like he said he would. Slater says he wants what was promised to him by McIntyre before shoving him, McIntyre goes to talk and Slater slaps him in the face. McIntyre then accepts the challenge from Slater as we go to a commercial break.

Drew McIntyre vs. Heath Slater w/Dolph Ziggler

The match begins with Slater jumping McIntyre after a Ziggler distraction, McIntyre quickly recovers and he nails Slater with a Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Dolph Ziggler gets physical with Heath Slater until Drew McIntyre makes the save, McIntyre and Slater embrace afterwards.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Sasha Banks & Bayley, with Bayley saying they would rather talk to the world instead of Schreiber. Asuka appears and she says she isn’t alone tonight before dancing away.

– Bayley & Sasha Banks are in the ring after the commercial break, Bayley says that Raw can officially begin now that they are here. Banks says they are changing the game on all three brands, Bayley talks about facing Asuka tonight and Nikki Cross at WWE Extreme Rules. Asuka interrupts and makes her way onto the stage, Asuka mocks Banks before saying Bayley isn’t ready for her tonight. Bayley says that Banks is ready to face anybody tonight and Asuka brings out Kairi Sane.

Sasha Banks w/Bayley vs. Kairi Sane w/Asuka

The match begins with Banks backing Sane into the corner while landing some strikes, Sane fights back and Banks nails her with a right. Banks then drops Sane with a top rope arm drag, Sane fights back and she nails Banks with a plethora of chops. Sane then drops Banks with a head scissors takedown followed by a drop kick for a near fall, Sane keeps Banks down while applying a modified camel clutch. Banks gets free and she gets Sane in a straitjacket hold, Sane gets free and she gets Banks into the octopus stretch. Banks gets free and Sane catches her in a roll up for a near fall, Banks recovers and she drops Sane with a hair pull for a near fall. Banks mocks Asuka and Asuka attacks Bayley a short time later, Sane clears the ring before landing a baseball slide drop kick on Banks and Bayley as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Banks choking Sane on the bottom rope, Sane fights back and Banks nails her with a back breaker for a near fall. Banks traps Sane on the middle turnbuckle before landing a double knee drop for a near fall, Banks keeps Sane down while working over her arm. Banks transitions to a bow and arrow stretch against the downed Sane, Sane fights back and Banks stomps away on her.

Banks traps Sane in the ropes before landing a knee strike and head kick, Banks goes for another double knee drop and Sane avoids it before landing an axe kick. Sane goes to the top rope and she nails Banks with a forearm strike for a near fall, Sane follows up by nailing Banks with multiple running blockbusters. Sane then crushes Banks with a spear from out of nowhere, Sane follows up by nailing a cornered Banks with a Sliding D for a near fall. Banks fights back and she exchanges roll ups with Sane before landing a meteora for a near fall, Banks then nails a cornered Sane with a running double knee strike. Banks misses a leap off the top rope and Sane gets her in a modified Boston crab, Bayley hits the ring to attack Sane to cause a DQ.

Winner: Kairi Sane, by DQ

After the match, Bayley and Sasha Banks attack Asuka until Kairi Sane takes them out with an Insane Elbow.

– Highlights are shown of Seth Rollins & Murphy vs. Aleister Black & Humberto Carrillo on last weeks Raw, followed by Rollins nailing Carrillo with The Stomp on the ring steps after the match.

– Officials are shown checking on an injured Aleister Black backstage when Seth Rollins walks by.

– Big Show approaches The Viking Raiders backstage, Show says that they must take things seriously tonight. The Viking Raiders say they are mad about what happened to Edge and Christian as well, The Viking Raiders try joking around and Show chops them to make them get serious.

– The KO Show is up next and he clears the ring before bringing out Seth Rollins and Murphy, Rollins thanks Owens for having him on the show. Owens says he is forever bonded with Rollins due to their match at ‘Mania 36, Owens gives Rollins a gift and it is a KO Mania shirt. Rollins says his doesn’t care about Owens or his show, Rollins says he came out to address Rey Mysterio. Rollins challenges Mysterio to a match at WWE Extreme Rules, Rollins says Owens has done nothing since ‘Mania 36. Rollins says Owens and Monday Night Raw both need him, Rollins suggests that Owens join him instead of fighting against him. Rey and Dominick Mysterio interrupt and make their way on stage, Rey says that he accepts Rollins’ challenge for WWE Extreme Rules. Rollins asks where Aleister Black is for tonight’s tag team match, Owens interrupts and he turns down Rollins’ offer to join his group. Owens says he will replace Black and team with Mysterio tonight, Owens also suggests that the winning team picks the stipulation for the Rollins vs. Mysterio match for WWE Extreme Rules. A brawl breaks out between everybody as we go to a commercial break.

Winning Team Picks The Stipulation For Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins At WWE Extreme Rules
Rey Mysterio & Kevin Owens w/Dominick Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins & Murphy

The match is joined in progress and we see Mysterio working over a cornered Murphy, Mysterio then nails Murphy with a springboard cross body block. Murphy looks for a roll up and Mysterio counters with a head kick, Mysterio knocks Murphy out of the ring before using a hurricarana to knock him into the barricade. Mysterio gets Murphy back in the ring and he goes for a top rope high cross body, Owens tags in and he attacks Murphy with a plethora of strikes. Owens corners Murphy again before landing more strikes and a hard Irish whip, Owens follows up with an atomic drop and clothesline on Murphy for a near fall. Murphy fights back and he tags Rollins into the match, Rollins attacks Owens with a ton of strikes before eating a clothesline. Owens nails Rollins with a senton bomb, Rollins leaves the ring and Owens attacks him before getting him back in the ring. Mysterio tags in and Rollins immediately tags Murphy in, Mysterio knocks Murphy into the ropes with a hurricarana. Murphy avoids a 619 and Rollins distracts Mysterio afterwards, Murphy droops Mysterio with a head kick before leaving the ring to go after Dominick. Rollins attacks a distracted Owens before joining Murphy in attacks Dominick as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Rollins working over Owens’ leg in the ring.

Owens tries fighting back and Rollins attacks his injured leg, Rollins keeps Owens down while holding him in a single leg crab. Owens eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission attempt, Owens attacks Murphy before eating a ton of strikes from Rollins. Rollins corners Owens before dropping him with a forearm strike, Owens fights back and he avoids a leaping Rollins before landing a super kick. Mysterio and Murphy are tagged in by their respective partners, Mysterio quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Murphy gets Mysterio on his shoulders and Mysterio gets free to send him into the ring post, Rollins hits the ring and Mysterio knocks him into the ropes. Rollins leaves the ring and he goes after Dominick, Aleister Black comes out as Murphy attacks Mysterio. Dominick rakes Murphy’s eyes while the ref was distracted, Mysterio nails Muprhy with a 619 before landing a top rope frog splash for a three count.

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Kevin Owens w/Dominick Mysterio

After the match, Rey Mysterio gets the microphone to say that he’ll face Seth Rollins in an Eye For An Eye Match at WWE Extreme Rules.

– Highlights are shown of MVP defeating Apollo Crews last week on WWE Raw.

– Charly Caruso interviews MVP and Bobby Lashley, Lashley says he broke Apollo Crews last week by putting the full nelson on him. MVP says they will discuss the future of the WWE United States Title in the ring.

– Bobby Lashley & MVP make their way to the ring, MVP talks about how well Apollo Crews did since returning to Monday Night Raw. MVP says Lashley made sure that Crew lost the feeling of invincibility, MVP talks about how Crews turned down his help. MVP says he will beat Apollo Crews at WWE Extreme Rules to win the WWE United States Title, MVP then unveils the new WWE United States Title belt. Lashley says he is making MVP the official WWE United States Champion, Lashley then puts the belt around the waist of MVP. Ricochet and Cedric Alexander interrupt and come out on stage, Alexander and Ricochet say that MVP must earn the championship. Ricochet and Alexander hit the ring to brawl with Lashley and MVP, Ricochet and Alexander clear the ring as we go to a commercial break.

Bobby Lashley & MVP vs. Cedric Alexander & Ricochet

The match begins with MVP immediately tagging Lashley into the match, Lashley quickly drops Alexander before landing strikes in the corner. Lashley also chokes a downed Alexander in the corner, Alexander fights back and he nails Lashley with a head kick. Ricochet tags in and he double teams Lashley with Alexander, Ricochet then nails Lashley with a head kick before getting knocked to the arena floor. MVP tags in and he smashes Ricochet face first into the ring steps, MVP follows up by sending Ricochet into the barricade. MVP gets Ricochet back in the ring before tagging Lashley in, Lashley corners Ricochet before landing a corner spear. Lashley follows up with a neck breaker on Ricochet for a near fall, MVP tags in and he attacks a cornered Ricochet with some strikes. MVP drops Ricochet before kicking him in the back, MVP keeps Ricochet down while holding him in a chin lock. Ricochet fights back and MVP drops him with a kick to the face for a near fall, Lashley tags in and he nails Ricochet with more strikes. Lashley traps Ricochet in the ropes while attacking him with more strikes, Lashley follows up with a delayed vertical suplex on Ricochet for a near fall.

Lashley keeps Ricochet down while applying a chin lock to him, Ricochet gets free and Lashley nails him with a flat liner. MVP tags in and he gets a near fall on a downed Ricochet, Ricochet fights back and he drops MVP with a rebound kick. Alexander tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Lashley makes a blind tag and he knocks Alexander to the arena floor. Lashley gets Alexander back in the ring to land a spear for a three count.

Winners: Bobby Lashley & MVP

After the match, Bobby Lashley applies the full nelson to Cedric Alexander until Ricochet makes the save.

– A video package airs highlighting the problems between Angel Garza and Andrade.

– Andrade is approached by Zelina Vega and Angel Garza, Ric Flair approaches them as well and he tells them to complete their mission tonight or answer to Randy Orton. Orton says all of them being third generation wrestlers make him have some respect for them, Orton tells them not to screw up tonight.

– Charly Caruso interviews The Kabuki Warriors, Asuka and Kairi Sane say a bunch of stuff in Japanese, Asuka says they will challenge for the women’s tag team titles after she beats Bayley tonight.

Big Show & The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Randy Orton, Andrade & Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Show attacking Garza with strikes before cornering him and landing chops, Show also chokes Garza on the bottom rope. Garza tries fighting back and Show nails him with a headbutt, Erik tags in and he double teams Garza with Ivar. Ivar tags in and he drops Garza before landing a fist drop for a near fall, Erik tags in and he nails Garza with a corner spear. Show tags in and he attacks Garza with more strikes, Ivar tags in and Garza escapes his suplex attempt to tag Andrade in. Andrade argues with Garza before eating some strikes from Ivar, Erik tags in and multiple people are slammed on top of Andrade. Garza argues with Andrade and Orton gets physical with him to stop the arguing as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Andrade holding Ivar in a chin lock. Orton tags in and he attacks a cornered Ivar with some strikes, Garza tags in and he attacks Ivar with strikes of his own. Ivar recovers and he manages to tag Erik into the match, Erik quickly drops Garza before leveling him with a knee strike. Orton distracts Erik and that allows Garza to kick him in the face, Orton tags in and he nails Erik with some strikes.

Andrade tags in and he kicks away at a trapped Erik, Andrade traps Erik near the ropes while attacking him with more strikes. Garza tags in and he corners Erik before landing more strikes, Garza traps Erik on the middle turnbuckle before landing a knee strike. Andrade tags in and he double teams Erik alongside Garza, Garza tags back in and he gets Erik in a rope assisted camel clutch for a short time. Erik fights back and he levels Garza with a few strikes before tagging Show in, Show quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team as Andrade tags in. Orton looks for an RKO on Show and Show avoids it, Andrade attacks a distracted Show and Show tosses him to the mat below. Ivar and Garza are tagged in by their respective partners, Erik tags in as Ivar is dumped to the arena floor. Orton tags in and he nails Erik with an RKO for a three count.

Winners: Randy Orton, Andrade & Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

– The IIconics are backstage and they mock Ruby Riott, Riott appears and she says that she now has a problem with them.

– MVP is shown talking to Cedric Alexander backstage, MVP tries driving a wedge between Ricochet and Alexander while also trying to recruit Alexander.

– Ric Flair is talking to Randy Orton backstage when R-Truth accidentally bumps into him, Akira Tozawa and a bunch of ninjas appear and they chase after R-Truth.

Ruby Riott vs. Billie Kay w/Peyton Royce

The match begins with Riott stomping on the hand of Royce before nailing Kay with a few strikes, Kay quickly drops Riott with a boot to the face for a near fall. Kay traps Riott in the corner before kicking away at her, Kay also keeps Riott cornered while choking her. Kay then hits Riott with a modified back body drop for a near fall, Kay follows up by getting Riott in the bow and arrow stretch. Riott gets free and she cracks Kay with a forearm strike, Riott then sends Kay face first into the middle turnbuckle. Royce distracts Riott and Kay nails her with a super sole food, Kay then hits Riott with a sit out power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Billie Kay w/Peyton Royce

– Bayley and Sasha Banks are approached by Charly Caruso backstage, Bayley is confident in her chances against Asuka, while Banks says they will defend the women’s tag team titles against The Kabuki Warriors if Asuka wins tonight.

– Nikki Cross joins the announce team before the next match.

Bayley w/Sasha Banks vs. Asuka w/Kairi Sane

The match begins with Bayley knocking Asuka into the ropes before landing a few strikes, Bayley gets Asuka in a headlock and Asuka gets free to land a shoulder tackle. Asuka looks for an arm bar and Bayley escapes to the arena floor, Asuka goes for a baseball slide drop kick and Bayley counters with a knee strike. Bayley attacks Cross and Cross goes after her until security gets involved, Asuka nails a distracted Bayley with a knee strike as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Asuka working over Bayley’s arm in the ring, Asuka drops Bayley with a hip toss before landing a kick to the back. Bayley recovers and trips up Asuka before landing strikes to her back, Bayley drops Asuka a few times before landing an elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley traps Asuka in the corner while kicking away at her, Bayley keeps Asuka down while holding her in a chin lock. Asuka gets free and Bayley nails her with a clothesline for a near fall, Bayley follows up by tossing Asuka out of the ring. Sane and Banks have a confrontation that ends with Asuka nails Bayley with a head kick, Asuka gets Bayley back in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Asuka gets up and she attacks Bayley with a series of kicks, Asuka then nails Bayley with a sliding kick for a near fall.

Bayley fights back and Asuka nails her with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Bayley leaves the ring and Asuka follows her out there. Asuka chases Bayley in the ring and Bayley slingshots her into the bottom rope, Bayley follows up with a slingshot into the middle rope for a near fall. Bayley knocks Asuka back out of the ring and she follows her out there, Bayley gets Asuka back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Bayley dumps Asuka back out of the ring and she follows her out there, Bayley drops Asuka face first on the announce table. Bayley and Banks join the announce team as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Bayley holding Asuka in a chin lock. Bayley also tries crushing Asuka’s face on the bottom rope, Bayley shoves Asuka in the corner before slapping her across the face for a near fall. Bayley then nails a cornered Asuka with a leaping back elbow strike, Asuka fights back and Bayley attacks her with a ton of strikes. Asuka fights back and she nails Bayley with multiple strikes, Asuka then drops Bayley with a code breaker. Asuka follows up by nailing Bayley with a drop kick and knee strike, Asuka then hits Bayley with a release German suplex and hip attack for a near fall.

Bayley goes to the ropes and Asuka nails her with multiple kicks, Bayley rolls to the ring apron before blocking a hip attack. Asuka gets Bayley back in the ring before landing a spinning back fist, Bayley goes to the ring apron again and Asuka knocks her to the arena floor. Bayley fights back and she knocks Asuka to the arena floor, Asuka fights back and she drops Bayley with a few kicks. Asuka goes to the top rope and she nails Bayley with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Bayley goes to the ring apron again and Asuka follows her out there. Bayley drops a charging Asuka on the top turnbuckle and Asuka crashes to the arena floor, Bayley then crushes Asuka with a knee strike to the head. Bayley gets Asuka back into the ring before attacking Sane, Bayley gets back in the ring as Banks nails Asuka with a knee strike. Bayley nails Asuka with a back suplex for a near fall, Banks grabs some water and she gives it to Bayley so Bayley can throw it in Asuka’s face. Nikki Cross returns in the crowd and the distraction allows Asuka to get Bayley in the Asuka Lock, Banks tries interfering and Sane takes her out. Asuka then catches Bayley in a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Asuka w/Kairi Sane

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