
WWE Raw 7/20/20 Results: An Unsanctioned Match, Mustafa Ali Returns & Sane vs. Bayley

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– The show starts off with a video package highlighting the history of Seth Rollins and Rey Mysterio.

– Seth Rollins and Murphy make their way to the ring, Rollins gets a microphone and he talks about what he did to Rey Mysterio at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20. Rollins says he knew what he was getting into at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20, but what happened at the event will remain with him for the rest of his life. Rollins asks the WWE Universe is they regret what they have done to him because they made him what he is today, Rollins blames the WWE Universe for what happened to Mysterio. Rollins says that we cannot afford to dwell in the past and Mysterio is out of sight, Rollins says WWE Raw can now fulfill its potential. Aleister Black interrupts and he tells Rollins not to deflect the blame for what happened to Mysterio, Murphy goes after Black and Black attacks him. Black gets in the ring and Murphy drags him back out, Black sends Murphy into the barricade a few times while also landing multiple kicks. Black gets in the ring and Rollins leaves as we go to a commercial break.

Aleister Black vs. Seth Rollins w/Murphy

The match is joined in progress and we see Rollins attacking Black with a ton of strikes, Rollins drops Black in the corner before choking him and landing more strikes. Black fights back and he nails a charging Rollins with a knee strike, Black then hits Rollins with a back elbow strike. Rollins leaves the ring and Black goes after him before landing more strikes, Black then backs Rollins into the ring post. Black accidentally strikes the ring post and Rollins sends him into the announce table afterwards, Rollins gets Black back in the ring to land a sling blade. Rollins keeps Black down while wrenching away on his injured arm, Black fights back and Rollins drops him before kicking him in the back. Rollins keeps Black down while wrenching away on his arm, Rollins then sends Black into the corner before landing a suplex for a near fall. Rollins traps the arm of Black before sending him back in the corner, Black fights back again and he kicks Rollins in the face a few times. Black then sends a charging Rollins out of the ring, Rollins goes for a springboard move and Black avoids it before landing a leg sweep on Rollins. Black nails Rollins with a basement drop kick, Black attacks an interfering Murphy before missing a middle rope moonsault.

Black then hits Rollins with Black Mass before Murphy interferes, Black nails Murphy with Black Mass as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Black nailing Rollins with some kicks, Black looks for Black Mass and Rollins avoids it before landing a few super kicks. Rollins goes to the top rope and Black meets him up there, Rollins drops Black arm first on the top rope. Black avoids a leaping Rollins before landing a head kick, Rollins recovers and he sends Black shoulder first to the mat below before landing The Stomp for a three count.

Winner: Seth Rollins w/Murphy

After the match, Murphy and Seth Rollins attack Aleister Black, Black gets dumped out of the ring and Murphy throws him into the barricade a bunch of times. Rollins then smashes Black’s injured arm into the ring post before sending him shoulder first into the arena floor, Rollins also smashes Black’s arm into the announce table a few times. Rollins finishes the attack by landing The Stomp on Black’s injured arm.

– Highlights are shown of MVP declaring himself the WWE United States Champion at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20.

– MVP and Bobby Lashley are talking to Ron Simmons backstage, R-Truth appears and he says that Apollo Crews is the real WWE United States Champion. MVP says he and Lashley would like R-Truth to join them in the ring and R-Truth refuses, Shelton Benjamin appears out of nowhere and he attacks R-Truth and gets a three count to win the WWE 24/7 Championship.

– MVP, Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin make their way to the ring, MVP talks about declaring himself the WWE United States Champion at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20. MVP says Ricochet and Cedric Alexander are two dumb kids who won’t listen either, but they’ll be dealt with tonight. Ricochet and Alexander interrupt. Alexander calls MVP a coward who doesn’t deserve to be a champion, Alexander says he and Ricochet will be champions again one day. MVP says Benjamin is now a part of The Hurt Business, Ricochet says they have another partner for their six man tag match tonight and that person is Mustafa Ali. Ricochet and friends quickly clear the ring as we go to a commercial break.

The Hurt Business (MVP, Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin) vs. Ricochet, Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali

The match begins with Ricochet attacking Lashley with some strikes, Alexander tags in and he also nails Lashley with strikes. Lashley quickly recovers and he drops Alexander before landing strikes of his own, Benjamin tags in and he nails a cornered Alexander with strikes. Benjamin then drops Alexander with a shoulder tackle, MVP tags in and he attacks a cornered Alexander with strikes. MVP lands multiple knee strikes and a slam of Alexander for a near fall, MVP keeps Alexander down with a modified bear hug applied to him. Alexander fights back and MVP nails him with a back suplex for a near fall, Benjamin tags back in and he nails Alexander with a clothesline. Benjamin corners Alexander before tagging Lashley in, Lashley keeps Alexander cornered while landing more strikes. Lashley then hits Alexander with a delayed vertical suplex, Lashley follows up with a corner spear on Alexander. MVP tags in and he nails a cornered Alexander with a boot to the face, MVP then hits Alexander with a Ballin’ Elbow for a near fall. Alexander fights back and MVP drops him with a boot to the face for another near fall, Benjamin tags back in and he nails Alexander with a few knee strikes. Alexander fights back and he tags Ricochet into the match, Ricochet drops Benjamin before tagging Ali in.

Ali quickly clears the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Benjamin working over a downed Ricochet. Benjamin nails Ricochet with a back body drop for a near fall, Benjamin keeps Ricochet down while applying a bulldog choke to him. Ricochet gets free after nailing Benjamin with a jaw breaker, MVP tags in and he stomps away on a downed Ricochet. MVP holds Ricochet down while applying a modified chin lock to him, Lashley tags in and he dumps Ricochet out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade. Lashley gets Ricochet back in the ring before landing some strikes in the corner, Benjamin tags in and he pops Ricochet with more strikes. Ricochet fights back and he nails Benjamin with a rolling drop kick, Ali and MVP are tagged in by their respective partners. Ali quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ali nails MVP with a rolling x-factor for a near fall. Lashley interferes and Ali sends him out of the ring, Ali takes out Lashley with a suicide dive that sends him into the announce table. Ali gets back in the ring and MVP attacks him with strikes, MVP misses a big boot and Ali nails him with a neck breaker. Ali follows up by nailing MVP with a 450 splash for a three count.

Winners: Ricochet, Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali

Randy Orton is backstage and he talks about moments that have changed peoples lives, Orton says his life changing moment is when he attacked Edge on WWE Raw. Orton says he lost friendships due to his attack on Edge, Orton says he angered people while being satisfied with his actions. Orton says he will kick Big Show in the face tonight and end his career for good.

– Ron Simmons is shown talking to The Viking Raiders backstage.

– A video package airs highlighting the career of the Big Show.

– Christian appears via satellite, with Christian saying that he knew what he was getting into when he battled Randy Orton on WWE Raw. Christian says he didn’t expect to be double crossed by Ric Flair, Christian says he would endure all the pain again if it meant that Orton gets what is coming to him. Christian says he cannot wait to see Big Show defeat Orton tonight.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Bianca Belair, who talks about being the EST of NXT and she says that she was just trying to help Ruby Riott out last week. Peyton Royce appears and she tells Schreiber to leave, Royce says Belair should’ve minded her own business when Ruby Riott shows up. Royce says Belair should think about her future more before mocking Riott, Belair and Riott mock Royce before leaving together.

Peyton Royce vs. Ruby Riott

The match begins with Royce cornering Riott before taunting her, Riott drops Royce and she lands some strikes afterwards. Riott corners Royce and lands some shoulder thrusts, Royce recovers and she nails Riott with a spin kick followed by more strikes. Royce then nails Riott with a back elbow strike for a near fall, Royce traps Riott in the ropes before pulling back on both of her arms. Riott tries fighting back and Royce nails her with more kicks, Royce keeps Riott down while landing multiple elbow strikes for a near fall. Riott fights back and Royce attempts a roll up while holding the ropes, Royce then nails Riott with a jumping head kick. Royce goes to the top rope and Riott avoids her leap, Riott then hits Royce with a Riott Kick for a three count.

Winner: Ruby Riott

– Charly Caruso interviews Zelina Vega, Andrade and Angel Garza, with Vega saying that Andrade and Garza are on the same page. Vega says The Street Profits are hiding from them because they are scared of them, Andrade says they will become the tag team champions. The Street Profits jump Garza and Andrade as Garza was talking to Caruso.

The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. Andrade & Angel Garza w/Zelina Vega

The match begins with Andrade and Garza jumping Dawkins as the bell sounds, Andrade goes after Ford and they battle on the arena floor. Garza works over Dawkins before tagging Andrade in, Andrade corners Dawkins while kicking away at him. Garza tags in and he double teams Dawkins alongside Andrade, Garza holds Dawkins down while working over his arm. Garza gets up and he nails a downed Dawkins with a thrust kick to the head, Dawkins fights back and Garza nails him with a knee strike. Andrade and Ford are tagged in by their respective partners, Ford quickly knocks Andrade out of the ring before landing a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Ford working over Andrade’s arm, Dawkins tags in and he nails Andrade with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Dawkins keeps Andrade down while working over his arm, Ford tags in and he nails Andrade with a drop kick. Ford keeps Andrade down while applying a front headlock to him, Andrade backs Ford into a corner before tagging Garza into the match. Garza kicks and stomps away on the corner Ford, Garza then nails Ford with a thrust kick before stomping away on him. Andrade tags in and he nails Ford with a suplex for a near fall, Andrade keeps Ford down while working over his arm.

Garza tags in and he nails a trapped Ford with some strikes, Garza gets Ford down while applying a double key lock to him. Andrade tags in and he nails Ford with a back suplex throw, Andrade then gets Ford in the abdominal stretch. Ford gets free and he tosses Andrade towards his corner, Ford then nails Andrade with an enziguri before tagging Dawkins in. Dawkins quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Dawkins nails Andrade with an avalanche and bulldog for a near fall. Ford tags in and he goes to the top rope before getting crotched by Andrade, Garza tags in and he nails Dawkins with a super kick. Garza goes up the ropes after Ford and Ford knocks him down, Ford nails Garza with a frog splash for a three count.

Winners: The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

– Highlights are shown of the Raw Women’s Title Match at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20.

– Andrade and Angel Garza are arguing backstage when Zelina Vega confronts them.

Bayley and Sasha Banks make their way to the ring, Banks and Bayley celebrate what they accomplished at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20. Banks says that people have accused her of stealing the Raw Women’s Championship, Banks claims that Asuka was handed the Raw Women’s Championship. Bayley talks about making herself the referee for Banks vs. Asuka at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20, Asuka and Kairi Sane interrupt and come out. Asuka says that Banks and bayley weren’t ready for her, Stephanie McMahon appears on the big screen. McMahon announces that Banks isn’t the Raw Women’s Champion. McMahon says Asuka and Banks will battle next week on Raw for the vacant Raw Women’s Title.

Kairi Sane w/Asuka vs. Bayley w/Sasha Banks

The match begins with Sane nailing Bayley with a drop kick followed by some chops, Sane then catches Bayley in a roll up for a near fall. Bayley fights back and she uses a hair pull to drop Sane, Sane recovers and she sends Bayley out of a ring with a head scissors takedown. Sane then attacks the arm of Bayley with a hip attack, Sane gets Bayley back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Bayley recovers and she drops Sane face first on the top turnbuckle, Bayley then stomps away on a downed Sane. Bayley corners Sane before landing shoulder thrusts to the midsection, Bayley keeps Sane down while applying a chin lock to her. Sane fights back and she nails Bayley with a cross body block before eating a clothesline, Bayley mounts a downed Sane while landing strikes. Bayley follows up by nailing Sane with a suplex for a near fall, Sane catches Bayley in a small package before eating more strikes. Bayley then hits Sane with another suplex for another near fall, Sane fights back again and she traps Bayley on the ropes before landing an axe kick. Sane goes to the top rope and she nails Bayley with a double stomp, Banks gets Bayley out of the ring as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Sane attacking a cornered Bayley with some strikes, Sane charges at Bayley and Bayley gets her foot up. Bayley then hits Sane with a divorce court DDT for a near fall, Bayley then wrenches away on the injured arm of Sane. Sane fights back and Bayley sends her into the corner, Bayley looks for a suplex and Sane counters with a DDT. Sane trips up Bayley before landing a running blockbuster and drop kick, Sane then hits a cornered Bayley with a Sliding D. Sane goes to the top rope and Bayley attacks her with strikes before meeting her up there, Bayley drops sane arm first on the top rope. Bayley climbs the ropes while wrenching away on the arm of Sane, Sane trips Bayley up and she goes back to the top rope to land another double stomp for a near fall. Bayley avoids a charging Sane before eating a spinning back fist and spear, Sane goes back to the top rope and she lands the Insane Elbow for a near fall. Bayley fights back and she hits Sane with a knee strike followed by a back suplex, Bayley goes to the top rope and she lands an elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley goes for a Bayley To Belly and Sane rolls her up for a three count.

Winner: Kairi Sane w/Asuka

– Drew McIntyre is backstage and Sarah Schreiber interviews him, McIntyre says he doesn’t feel great after WWE Extreme Rules ‘20 and he’ll be heading to the ring shortly to discuss his future.

– WWE Champion Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring, McIntyre talks about defeating Doolph Ziggler at WWE Extreme Rules ‘20. McIntyre says he is now focusing on WWE Summerslam ‘20 and he wants a worthy opponent for the event, Ziggler interrupts and he says he saw fear in McIntyre’s eyes in their match last night. Ziggler says he deserves to have his moment and he is close to getting it, McIntyre eventually lays out Ziggler with a Glasgow Kiss before leaving the ring. Ziggler gets the microphone and he tells McIntyre to not walk away from him, Ziggler says McIntyre can have anything he wants if he agrees to a rematch. McIntyre says he accepts the challenge from Ziggler and he won’t reveal the stipulation until match time.

– Big Show is backstage and he talks about his upcoming Unsanctioned Match with Randy Orton, Show talks about all of the people that have helped Orton in the past and how Orton has taken them all out. Show says that he will take Orton out for good tonight, Show talks about his past bond with Orton and how he never changed his stripes. Show admits that tonight could mark the end of his career and he could be at his most dangerous tonight as a result.

Unsanctioned Match
Big Show vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Show backing Orton into the corner and Orton gets free, Show gets Orton in the corner again while attacking him with strikes. Show traps the arm of Orton in the ropes before attacking it, Show corners Orton again while landing more strikes. Show continues landing strikes on the injured shoulder of Orton, Show then hits Orton with a spear and Orton leaves the ring. Show also leaves the ring and he gets a table back in it, Show gets Orton onto the ring apron before landing more strikes. Andrade and Angel Garza come out to attack Show, Garza and Andrade send Show into the ring post. The Viking Raiders come out to help Show as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Orton working over Show in the ring. Show fights back and he nails Orton with a headbutt, Show follows up by nailing Orton with a few clotheslines. Show then corners Orton before landing an avalanche, Orton recovers and he nails a charging Show with a drop kick to the knee. Orton goes for the punt and Show counters with a choke slam for a near fall, Show sets up for the knockout punch and Orton leaves the ring. Show sets the table up in the ring while Orton rests on the arena floor, Show gets Orton back in the ring a short time later.

Show places Orton on the table before climbing the ropes, Show goes for a Vader Bomb and Orton gets out of the way so Show crashes through the table. Orton waits for Show to get up before landing an RKO for a near fall, Orton leaves the ring and he brings a chair back into it. Orton then attacks Show with multiple steel chair shots, Show gets to the ring apron and Orton nails him with more chair shots. Orton then hits Show with an elevated DDT, Orton follows up on that by nailing Show with another RKO for a three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

After the match, Randy Orton nails Big Show with a punt.

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