
WWE Raw 4/13/20 Results: Champion vs. Champion, MITB Qualifying Matches & Seth Rollins’ Resurrection

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– Highlights are shown of Drew McIntyre winning the WWE Championship at ‘Mania 36.

– WWE Champion Drew McIntyre then makes his way to the ring, McIntyre thanks the WWE Universe for watching WWE during these tough times. McIntyre talks about the support he has received since winning the WWE Championship, McIntyre then shows highlights of his match against Big Show after ‘Mania 36 concluded. McIntyre says he will be a champion who shows up and will defend it against those who deserve a shot at the title, WWE United States Champion Andrade and Zelina Vega interrupt. Vega introduces Andrade and McIntyre says he knows who Andrade is, Vega talks about how Andrade missed ‘Mania 36 due to injury. Vega says it would be a shame if somebody injured McIntyre and took his title, McIntyre talks about losing the NXT Title to Andrade and the injury McIntyre suffered as a result. McIntyre says Andrade can have his shot against him tonight, Andrade says there will be no more mister nice guy tonight.

– Asuka and Kairi Sane are shown warming up backstage.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Asuka vs. Ruby Riott

The match begins with Riott getting Asuka in a headlock after faking a handshake, Asuka gets free and Riott attacks her with shoulder tackles. Riott then hits Asuka with a few forearm strikes and a shoulder tackle, Asuka fights back and she works over the arm of Riott. Asuka gets Riott down and she stomps away on her before wrenching away on the arm, Riott eventually gets to the ropes to get free of Asuka and Asuka stomps away on her again. Riott fights back and Asuka nails her with a head kick for a near fall, Asuka keeps Riott corners while choking her. Riott fights back and Asuka sends her to the arena floor after landing a hip attack, Asuka then nails Riott with a sliding knee strike from the ring apron. Riott recovers and she throws Asuka over the barricade, Asuka fights back and she gets to the top of the barricade as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Asuka working over Riott’s arm in the ring, Riott fights back and Asuka shoves her to the mat below. Asuka keeps Riott trapped by the ropes while stomping away on her, Asuka misses a hip attack and Riott knocks her to the arena floor.

Riott gets Asuka back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Riott then corners Asuka before landing a running forearm strike. Asuka fights back and she drops Riott with her own forearm strike, Asuka and Riott have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Riott ends the exchange by nailing Asuka with a bulldog for a near fall, Asuka recovers and she goes for an arm bar on Riott and Riott gets free with a roll up attempt. Riott goes for the Riott Kick and Asuka blocks it while attempting an ankle lock, Asuka then hits Riott with a release German suplex and shining wizard for a near fall. Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock and Riott defends against it, Riott then nails a corners Asuka with a series of running head kicks. Riott then hits Asuka with a sliding clothesline for a near fall, Riott goes to the middle rope and she misses the leap off. Asuka catches Riott in the Asuka Lock and Riott gets free with a roll up attempt, Riott then hits Asuka with a flat liner for a near fall. Riott catches Asuka in the rings of saturn and Asuka gets free, Asuka catches Asuka in the Asuka Lock and Riott taps out.

Winner: Asuka

– Charly Caruso interviews Asuka, who says a bunch of stuff in Japanese while pointing to the Money In The Bank briefcase.

– MVP is in the VIP Lounge and he says there are going to be three Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches next week on Raw, those matches are Rey Mysterio vs. Murphy, Aleister Black vs. Austin Theory and Apollo Crews vs. MVP.

Aleister Black vs. Oney Lorcan

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Black and Lorcan, Lorcan gets Black down and Black gets up before getting put in a headlock. Black gets free and Lorcan starts working over his arm before applying another headlock, Black gets free again and Lorcan gets to the ropes. Lorcan gets Black in another headlock and Black gets free before rolling him up, Lorcan gets free and Black works over his arm. Lorcan backs Black into the ropes before knocking him out of the ring, Black returns and he hits Lorcan with a middle rope moonsault before knocking him out of the ring as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Lorcan and Black exchanging some strikes in the ring, Lorcan then drops Black with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Black gets up and Lorcan catches him in a full nelson, Lorcan releases the hold to drop Black and apply a single leg crab. Black kicks his way free and he catches Lorcan in a knee bar, Lorcan quickly gets to the ropes to break the hold. Black traps Lorcan near the ropes while landing some kicks, Black rolls for an arm bar and Lorcan gets to the ropes.

Black then drops a swinging Lorcan with a leg sweep before landing a sliding knee strike, Lorcan avoids a moonsault from Black to land a clothesline for a near fall. Black recovers and he catches Lorcan in a roll up for a near fall, Lorcan gets angry and he nails Black with some chops. Black levels Lorcan with a knee strike before landing Black Mass for a three count.

Winner: Aleister Black

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Aleister Black, who talks about his game plan for next week against Austin Theory.

– Highlights are shown of Becky Lynch defeating Shayna Baszler at ‘Mania 36.

– Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring, Lynch talks about her victory at ‘Mania 36. Lynch says that she used her historic title run to get into Baszler’s head leading into ‘Mania 36, Lynch says a bully will never beat someone who is born to survive everything. Lynch says she will be waiting for whomever wins the women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match, Lynch says she’ll shock the world again by beating whomever challenges her.

– Charly Caruso interviews Andrade and Zelina Vega, Vega wonders who comes up with the questions for Caruso to ask. Vega talks about Andrade’s dominant run as the WWE United States Champion, Vega also talks about how Andrade defeated Drew McIntyre in their NXT days.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews Shayna Baszler, who says nothing about Ronda Rousey’s recent social media comments.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Sarah Logan vs. Shayna Baszler

The match begins with Baszler getting Logan in a headlock before landing a forearm strike, Baszler mounts Logan while landing more strikes. Baszler gets up before stomping on the arm of a downed Logan, Logan is too injured to continue and the referee rings the bell.

Winner: Shayna Baszler

Seth Rollins is backstage and he talks about his loss to Kevin Owens at ‘Mania 36, Rollins says his career has been crucified again.

– The announce team reveals that the ring announcer messed up by announcing that Sarah Logan won the match, but it is Shayna Baszler who will advance to the women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match.

Akira Tozawa vs. Austin Theory

The match begins with Theory kicking Tozawa before dropping him with a shot to the back, Tozawa fights back and Theory nails him with a knee strike to the midsection. Tozawa recovers and he nails Theory with a spinning head kick, Tozawa traps Theory in the corner before landing a few strikes. Theory recovers and he drops Tozawa face first on the top turnbuckle, Theory keeps Tozawa down while stomping away on him. Theory keeps Tozawa down while landing multiple strikes to the head, Theory then holds Tozawa in a chin lock. Tozawa eventually gets to the ropes and Theory stomps away on him again, Theory corners Tozawa while landing some chops. Theory then drops Tozawa with a hard Irish whip into the corner for a near fall, Tozawa fights back and Theory drops him before landing a standing moonsault for a near fall. Theory keeps Tozawa down while working over his arm, Theory stands on the head of Tozawa while pulling back on his arm. Tozawa fights back and Theory drops him with a forearm strike, Theory follows up by nailing Tozawa with a suplex before reapplying the chin lock.

Tozawa fights his way free and Theory nails him with a back breaker for a near fall, Theory keeps Tozawa down while working over his arm. Tozawa recovers and he knocks Theory out of the ring with a hurricarana, Theory tries getting back in the ring and Tozawa knocks him back to the arena floor before landing a dive from the ring apron. Tozawa gets Theory back in the ring before landing a head kick, Tozawa goes to the top rope to land a missile drop kick for a near fall. Tozawa then cracks a swinging Theory with a right before applying an octopus stretch, Theory gets free and he nails Tozawa with the ATL for a three count.

Winner: Austin Theory

After the match, Austin Theory, Andrade and Angel Garza attack Akira Tozawa.

– Charly Caruso interviews Rey Mysterio, who talks about losing his title to Kane after Kane cashed in the Money In The Bank contract in 2010. Mysterio says he knows how dangerous the Money In The Bank contract can be, but he must defeat Murphy first in a qualifying match next week on Raw. Mysterio says that Murphy doesn’t want it as bad as he does, Mysterio promises to win the contract this year.

– Seth Rollins is backstage again and he says everyone needs something to have faith in, Rollins wants everybody to know that he is still here for everybody and their messiah has risen.

Angel Garza vs. Tehuti Miles

The match begins with Garza escaping the grasp of Miles before nailing him in midair with a drop kick, Garza traps Miles in the ropes while landing some chops. Garza follows up by nailing Miles with a pop up kick, Garza throws his pants at Miles before landing a basement drop kick. Garza holds Miles down while wrenching away on his head and landing strikes, Miles gets up and Garza gets him on the top rope before landing more strikes. Garza hangs Miles upside down in the corner before landing a running kick, Garza then hits Miles with a Wing Clipper for a three count.

Winner: Angel Garza

After the match, Angel Garza, Austin Theory and Andrade attack Tehuti Miles.

– Sarah Schreiber interviews The Kabuki Warriors, with Asuka saying that Ruby Riott wasn’t ready for her. Kairi Sane and Asuka say some stuff in Japanese before dancing away.

– Drew McIntyre is approached by Charly Caruso backstage, who shows the scar given to him after surgery due to the injury Andrade gave to him in NXT. McIntyre talks about how close Andrade came to taking everything away from him, McIntyre says he doesn’t forgive or forget and he promises to hurt Andrade tonight.

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Kairi Sane vs. Nia Jax

The match begins with Jax throwing a charging Sane across the ring, Jax then throws Sane into the corner before missing an avalanche. Sane goes to the top rope and she leaps off to avoid Jax, Sane then cracks Jax with a few drop kicks. Jax gets angry and she sends Sane out of the ring, Sane returns and Jax slams her before landing a short arm clothesline. Jax again grabs Sane and she tosses her across the ring a few times, Jax follows up on that by nailing Sane with the Annihilator for a three count.

Winner: Nia Jax

– NXT Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring, Flair talks about winning the 2020 Women’s Royal Rumble and then being challenged by Rhea Ripley. Flair talks about Ripley being the only women’s champion in the WWE to challenge her for ‘Mania 36, Flair talks about being the biggest thing in wrestling after beating Ripley at ‘Mania 36. Flair says that Ripley lacks humility and that there are levels to the competition in the WWE, Flair says she will remind NXT of humility. Flair says that everyone will bow down to the queen.

– Highlights are shown of Bobby Lashley vs. Aleister Black from ‘Mania 36, followed by the comments from a frustrated Lashley after the loss.

Bobby Lashley w/Lana vs. No Way Jose

The match begins with Jose nailing Lashley with a back elbow strike, Lashley gets mad and he nails Jose with a bunch of strikes followed by a clothesline. Lashley traps Jose in the corner while landing more strikes, Lashley gets angry at Lana’s yelling and he tells her to shut up. Jose fights back again Lashley before eating an overhead release suplex, Lana and Lashley argue again and Jose rolls up Lashley for a near fall. Lashley nails Jose with a spine buster and spear for a three count.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/Lana

– Seth Rollins is backstage again and he says all the non-believers have left him no alternative, says he’ll stomp out all doubt tonight.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. Ricochet & Cedric Alexander

The match begins with Ricochet attacking Erik with a few strikes, Erik swings back and Ricochet attacks him with chops. Erik avoids Ricochet before dropping him with a forearm strike, Ivar tags in and Ricochet nails him with a head kick to trap him on the top rope. Alexander nails Erik with a suicide dive while Ricochet nails Ivar with a top rope hurricarana, Ricochet then hits Ivar with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Alexander tags in as Ivar takes out both members of the team, Ricochet and Alexander recover to hit Ivar with a double head kick. Alexander then hits Ivar with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Ricochet tags back in and Erik makes a blind tag as well, Ricochet works over Erik before tagging Alexander back in. Alexander knocks Erik out of the ring before missing a dive attempt, Ivar tags in and he tosses an interfering Ricochet out of the ring and onto Alexander. Ivar lands a suicide dive on both competitors as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Erik working over the arm of Alexander.

Alexander fights back and Erik corners him before tagging Ivar in, Ivar and Erik take turns attacking Alexander with knee strikes. Ivar drops Alexander next before landing a fist drop for a near fall, Erik tags in and he nails a cornered Alexander with a shoulder thrust. Ivar tags back in and he nails Alexander with a corner spear, Erik tags in again and he slams Ivar onto a downed Alexander for a near fall. Ivar tags back in and he attacks the back of Alexander with a few strikes, Alexander fights back and he trips up Ivar before landing a basement drop kick. Alexander then hits Ivar with a springboard flat liner, Erik and Ricochet are tagged in by their respective partners. Ricochet quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Ricochet knocks Ivar out of the ring before nailing Erik with a springboard clothesline and standing shooting star press for a near fall. Alexander tags in and he misses a Neuralizer attempt, Erik then hits Ricochet with a knee strike.

Ivar tags in and he nails Alexander with a seated senton before hitting Ricochet with a clothesline, Ivar then nails a downed Alexander with a splash. Erik tags in and he nails Alexander with a shotgun drop kick before dropping Ivar on him for a near fall, Ivar tags back in and Alexander fights back against both foes. The Viking Raiders nail Alexander with an elevated clothesline for a near fall, Ricochet returns and The Viking Raiders take him out. Erik tags in and The Viking Raiders hit Alexander with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

– Charly Caruso interviews The Street Profits and Bianca Belair, with Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins saying they have respect for all The Viking Raiders and vikings in general. Belair brings them back to reality by reminding them that The Viking Raiders beat them every time they have met, Belair tells them to get that smoke.

Champion vs. Champion
Drew McIntyre (WWE Champion) vs. Andrade (WWE United States Champion) w/Zelina Vega, Angel Garza & Austin Theory

The match begins with Andrade attacking McIntyre with a chop right as the bell sounds, McIntyre responds by landing a headbutt and multiple strikes. McIntyre drops Andrade in the corner while stomping away on him, Andrade leaps into the air and McIntyre kicks him in the midsection. Andrade leaves the ring and McIntyre follows him out there before dropping him on top of the barricade, Garza and Theory distract McIntyre so Andrade can send him into the ring post a few times. McIntyre goes down and Andrade stomps away on him, Andrade then smashes the arm of McIntyre into the ring steps. Andrade gets McIntyre back in the ring while wrenching away on his arm, Andrade follows up on that by catching McIntyre in a rope assisted arm bar. McIntyre recovers and he catches a leaping Andrade before eating strikes to the arm, McIntyre fights back and he drops Andrade a few times. McIntyre goes to the top rope and he nails Andrade with a clothesline, McIntyre looks for a Future Shock DDT and Andrade counters by landing a spinning elbow strike.

McIntyre recovers and he sends a charging Andrade out of the ring and onto his associates, McIntyre gets Andrade back in the ring before going to the top rope. Vega climbs to the ring apron and the distraction allows Andrade to crotch McIntyre, Andrade looks for an elevated hammerlock DDT and McIntyre fights his way free. McIntyre nails Andrade with an inverted Alabama slam, McIntyre then hits Andrade with a Claymore Kick for a three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

After the match, Seth Rollins hits the ring after Angel Garza attacks Drew McIntyre, Rollins nails McIntyre with a super kick and The Stomp before staring at the WWE Championship.

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