
WWE Raw (11/21/2022) Results: Asuka Faces Rhea Ripley for Women’s War Games Advantage & More.

Results for the 11/21/2022 edition of Raw on USA Network.

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WWE Raw (11/21/2022)

– War Games Advantage Match: Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley.

– Last Steps for Survivor Series: War Games.

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Live Coverage.

– Kevin Egan & Corey Graves welcomed the audience to the broadcast airing from the MVP Arena in Albany, New York before transitioning to none other than Kevin Owens making his return to Monday Night Raw to cut a promo, already busted open from his forehead for some random reason.

Owens stated that he was the man that would take out the entire Bloodline and make sure to take the title once and for all from Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. Owens brought out The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland & Drew McIntyre) to Raw, with the four guests walking from the crowd area into the ring. Sheamus stated that their War Games was cooking to be a banger, with McIntyre emphasizing that the Bloodline’s numbers advantage is out the window for their match. The Judgment Day interrupted Owens & The Brawling Brutes to say that they run Monday Night Raw. Sheamus challenged Priest, Mysterio & Balor to a trios match against Holland, Butch & Sheamus, which they accepted before brawling in the ring. 

Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland) (w/ Drew McIntyre & Kevin Owens) vs. Judgement Day (Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio & Damian Priest) (w/ Rhea Ripley).

McIntyre stood on ringside with the Brutes while Owens joined the broadcast team for the match, calling Dominik a scumbag for turning on his father, Rey Mysterio Jr, and emphasizing that he would not turn on his father Terry because, according to him, he rules as the crowd chanted at Mysterio “Who’s your daddy?”. Butch hit a Fujiwara Armbar on Balor, but Priest pulled him out of the ring and hit a chokeslam on Butch onto the apron before the commercial break. In the last third of the match, Balor hit the Bloody Sunday on Holland before Balro tagged in Dominik, but this led to Sheamus being tagged in by Holland. Mysterio was about to run out of the arena, but his match was stopped by The OC interrupting, with Sheamus pulling Mysterio back to the ring. After many interceptions and interferences by Priest & Balor, Sheamus hit a brogue knee on Dominik before pounding away 20 Beats of the Battering on Dominik’s chest before ending it with a vicious Brogue kick on Dominik for the pinfall win.

Winner: Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland) (w/ Drew McIntyre & Kevin Owens).

– Priest pulled Sheamus out of the ring after the match but was greeted with a vicious roundhouse kick from Luke Gallows from behind. Balor looked along as his faction was attacked, but Owens met him from behind and hit a Stunner on Balor. 

– Johnny Gargano was interviewed backstage, saying that he requested a rematch with The Miz. He did elaborate that Dexter Lumis would not get involved in his match and that he would make sure Miz paid his dues against him and Lumis. 

– The Miz cam to the ring, but said that he sliced his hand through a cactus, sidelining him for his match against Johnny Gargano for the night. Instead, The Miz revealed that Gargano would face against Omos as his replacement. 

Johnny Gargano vs. Omos (w/ MVP).

Omos hit a big boot on Gargano, sending him rolling to the outside of the ring. Omos squeezed Gargano’s head into the broadcast table. Omos sent Gargano back in the ring, but Gargano kept him on the outside with a dropkick. Gargano hit a Tope Suicida on Omos to the outside and went for a springboard cross body on Omos, but Omos caught him mid-air and slammed him into the apron. The Miz pulled Gargano off the apron before Omos went for a chokebomb on Gargano, but Gargano escaped. Gargano evaded Omos as he slammed himself into the top turnbuckle. Gargano hit three thrust kicks on Omos and went for a top rope Frog Splash, but Omos caught him and slammed him with a chokeslam for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Johnny Gargano.

– WWE Unites States Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins was interviewed backstage in a face-by-face interview with Corey Graves. Rollins said that he had dealt with brutes like Bobby Lashley and that he was Austin Theory before, so he knew how to be prepared for a match against the two for Survivor Series: War Games. 

– After the interview, the camera cut to backstage where Austin Theory cut a promo. Theory said that Rollins had never faced a Theory like him as he was now a changed man. Theory told Rollins to watch what he would do to Mustafa Ali in his match. 

Austin Theory vs. Mustafa Ali.

Theory ambushed Ali to begin the match, targeting Ali’s injured ribs. Theory slammed Ali to the corner with an Irish Whip followed by the side Slam on Ali for a near fall. Theory went to attack Ali, but Ali caught him with a Tornado DDT. Ali hit a chop, a knee strike, a back suplex, and tried a Tope Suicida on Theory but Theory slammed Ali into the barricade before sending him back into the ring. Theory rolled back in the ring, but Ali caught him with a thrust kick for a near fall. Theory hit a Fisherman’s Ushigoroshi on Ali for a near fall. Theory left Ali hanging on the top rope before punching & stomping away at Ali before punching him in the face. Theory placed Ali on the top rope and climbed up, but Ali hit a Sunset Flip on Theory followed by a 450 Splash on Theory, but Theory rolled out of the ring to break the pin. Ali tossed Theory back in the ring, but Theory hit a shoulder tackle to send Ali back to the apron. Back in the ring, a busted open Theory hit the A-Town Down on Ali for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Austin Theory.

– As soon as Theory was going to attack Ali after the match, Bobby Lashley told him that he would give the people of Albany a preview of the US Triple Threat Match at that moment before cutting to the commercial break. 

– After the commercial break, Bobby Lashley came to the ring to confront Austin Theory with a Microphone in hand, telling him that he was surprised he was still in the ring and not in the first SUV out of the arena before telling Theory that all he had to do was to pick up the scraps he left for him, but Theory responded that Lashley was the one that cost him the match. Theory then told Lashley and Rollins thought they would be facing the same child that faced them before but emphasized that he was not the same person and would become a two-time United States Champion. Theory & Lashley brawled in the ring and on the outside. Theory hit Lashley with a chair before he ran down the crowd into the ramp. Backstage, Theory tossed Ali into Lashley, to which Lashley responded y going back to the ramp and slamming Ali into the titantron before locking in the Hurt Lock on Ali. 

Alpha Academy (Chad Gable & Otis) vs. Elias & Matt Riddle.

Gable got a wrist lock on Elias to begin the match, but lias reversed with a Hammerlock. Gable broke the old and hit two deep arm drags before leaping over Elias, but Elias hit a shoulder tackle on Gable before laying him with a back body drop before the commercial break. Back from the break, Gable & Otis hit a Doomsday Bulldog on Riddle for a near fall. Elias hit an exploder, a series of chops, two diving splashes, a spinebuster & a sit-out neck breaker on Gable for a near fall. Otis tagged in and hit a Reverse DDT before Gable hit a diving headbutt, but Riddle broke the pin attempt. Gable hit a back elbow on Elias, but Riddle tagged in and hit a series of strikes before sending Gable to the outside with a Hurricanrana on Gable. Riddle hit a Springboard Bro-Ton on Gable & Otis before going back in the ring. Elias & Riddle double-teamed Gable before Riddle hit the Floating Bro on Gable for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Matt Riddle & Elias.

– Baron Corbin & John “Bradshaw” Layfield played poker backstage and talked trash about Albany, New York before Drew McIntyre interrupted them. After JBL talked trash to McIntyre, McIntyre challenged Corbin to a match. McIntyre punched Corbin in the mouth as JBL ranted away. 

– There was a vignette promoting the Men’s War Games Match, featuring Drew McIntyre, Kevin Owens, Sheamus, Butch & Ridge Holland.

Drew McIntyre vs. Baron Corbin (w/ JBL).

– Corbin initially took the fight to McIntyre but changed his ind and left the ring. He gets back in the ring and locks up with McIntyre. Corbin gains the upper hand, and the match spills out of the ring. McIntyre takes control, but a brief distraction from JBL swings the momentum in Corbin’s favor. He slams McIntyre into the ring post and continues to control the action. Corbin punches McIntyre in the corner. McIntyre rallies with two clotheslines and drops him with a neckbreaker.  He slams Corbin, but a clothesline from the former WWE King of the Ring leaves both men down. Corbin superplexes McIntyre for a two count. McIntyre and Corbin trade blows. McIntyre gets a two count with a spinebuster. Corbin gets a two count of his own with a chokeslam. McIntyre counters the End of Days and drops Corbin with a DDT. Corbin evades the Claymore. Corbin drills McIntyre with a series of strikes at ringside. McIntyre slams Corbin into the barricade. Corbin gets a two count with a Deep Six. He yells at the referee, but Akira Tozawa appears at ringside. He leaps into JBL’s arms and runs away with his cowboy hat. McIntyre nails Corbin with the Claymore and pins him.

Winner: Drew McIntyre.

– The O.C. is backstage for an interview, AJ Styles previews his match with Finn Balor at WWE Survivor Series and promises he’ll give him a “phenomenal” beating. Balor shows up and confronts The O.C., leading to a brawl between the group and The Judgment Day. The fight winds up in the parking lot, and they keep brawling until security officials separate them.

– WWE Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair comes to the ring with her teammates for WarGames. Michin is absent, as she was just involved in the brawl. Belair hypes up Asuka and Alexa Bliss before she says they’re ready for war. Bliss says she’s ready to get payback, and Asuka says the team is ready for war. Belair teases they’ll reveal their fifth member on SmackDown. Rhea Ripley and Damage CTRL (Bayley, IYO SKY, and Dakota Kai) come to the stage, and Bayley says Belair is stalling because she’s having a hard time finding her partner. She says Belair’s partners don’t like her. Ripley says she’ll eradicate Asuka, much as she did at WrestleMania 37.

WarGames Advantage Match: Asuka vs. Rhea Ripley.

The two women lock up and feel each other out. Asuka takes an early advantage. She sends Ripley to the outsode with a dropkick. They briefly brawl outside of the ring, and Asuka hits a hip attack. Ripley walks around the ring to collect herself. She gets back in the ring and yanks Asuka down by her hair. Ripley hits Asuka with a series of strikes and grounds her. She taunts the crowd and continues to overpower her opponent. A stiff clothesline floors Asuka. She rallies by putting Ripley in a knee-bar, but the Judgment Day member slams her way out of it. Asuka fires up with a flurry of offense and dumps Ripley with a German suplex. Ripley gains the upper hand again. Asuka keeps fighting and gets a two count with a sliding knee. Ripley hits Asuka with a Northern Lighs Suplex and gets a two count. Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock, but Ripley avoids it. Damage CTRL and Cross come to ringside. Belair and Bliss come out to even the odds. Asuka traps Ripley in an arm-bar, but Ripley escapes. She slams Asuka with the Riptide for the win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley.

The two teams brawl after the bell. Damage CTRL gangs up on Belair, but Bliss makes the save. Ripley takes control, but Michin joins the fight. They brawl into the crowd. The fight continues, and Asuka dives onto everyone to close the show.

The commentary team runs through the card for WWE Survivor Series.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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