
WWE Raw 10/12/20 Results: The Draft Concludes, Tag Title Match, Lana Earns A Title Shot & More!

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Randy Orton makes his way to the ring to start the show, Orton says he will face Drew McIntyre at WWE Hell In A Cell ‘20 even if he is drafted to Smackdown. Orton admits that 2020 has been the year of McIntyre, Orton talks about defeating McIntyre last week in the six man tag match. Orton promises that he’ll defeat McIntyre and win the WWE Championship at WWE Hell In A Cell ‘20, McIntyre interrupts and he makes his way to the stage. McIntyre wonders why Orton didn’t punt him in the skull last week on Raw, McIntyre says he is fighting for himself at WWE Hell In A Cell ‘20. McIntyre says he is coming to kick the crap out of Orton and a brawl breaks out in the ring, the battle between them spills to the arena floor. McIntyre drops Orton on the announce table and Orton heads backstage a short time later.

– Stephanie McMahon is shown backstage.

– Stephanie McMahon makes her way out to announce some draft picks, with those being The Fiend to Raw, Bayley to Smackdown, Randy Orton to Raw, The Street Profits to Smackdown and Charlotte Flair to Raw.

No DQ Match
Aleister Black vs. Kevin Owens

The match begins with a brawl between both competitors and it quickly spills out of the ring, Black throws Owens into the LED ring apron before getting him back in the ring. Black misses Black Mass and Owens misses a stunner, Owens drops Black and he lands a few strikes. Black leaves the ring and Owens follows him out there before sending him into the ring steps, Black fights back and he nails Owens with a few kicks. Owens recovers and he sends Black into the barricade, Owens follows up with a cannonball on Black. Owens goes under the ring and he finds a table to set up on the arena floor, Owens goes for a power bomb and Black defends against it. Owens climbs the barricade and Black throws him off to the announce table as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Black trying to suplex Owens on a steel chair. Owens fights back and a striking exchange breaks out with Black, Black nails Owens with a drop toe hold onto a steel chair for a near fall. Black keeps Owens down while landing strikes and stomps, Black leaves the ring and he gets a few more steel chairs into it.

Owens attacks Black and Black quickly drops him with a kick, Black goes for a knee strike and Owens blocks it with a steel chair. Owens nails Black with chair shots and a DDT onto a steel chair for a near fall, Black goes to the ring apron and Owens nails him with more chair shots. Owens decides to set up a bunch of chairs in the ring before dragging Black to the top rope, Black fights back and he knocks Owens off the ropes. Black nails Owens with a top rope double knee strike onto the chairs for a near fall, Black leaves the ring and he returns with a table. Owens leaves the ring and Black follows him out there, Black sends Owens into the ring post before missing a Black Mass by hitting the ring post. Owens gets Black in the ring before landing a stunner and then power bombing him through a table for a three count.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke are shown backstage.

– Stephanie McMahon is back out to reveal more draft picks, with Braun Strowman to Raw, Daniel Bryan to Smackdown, Matt Riddle to Raw, Kevin Owens to Smackdown and Jeff Hardy to Raw.

– The Miz & John Morrison are in the ring for another edition of Miz TV, they both talk about being drafted to Monday Night Raw. Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke make their way out as guests for the show, Rose says The Miz was petty for moving her to Raw in order to punish Otis. Miz and Morrison talk about all the good things Rose has done since coming to Raw, Brooke says she is friends with Rose and there is no jealously between them. Natalya and Lana make their way out to interrupt the proceedings, Lana wonders why she and Natalya aren’t being interviewed tonight. Rose brings up how Lana hasn’t won a match and a brawl breaks out between everybody, Brooke and Rose clear the ring to end the festivities.

– The Miz & John Morrison are still in the ring after the commercial break, Miz says Morrison is his plan B guest on Miz TV. Lars Sullivan interrupts and he makes his way to the ring, Miz gets out of the ring and Sullivan destroys Morrison.

– Highlights are shown of Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston winning the Smackdown Tag Team Titles and then the trio getting broken up due to the WWE Draft.

– Adam Pearce is backstage with The New Day and The Street Profits, he has them exchange their tag team title belts. Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler interrupt and they say they want to battle The Street Profits before they go to Smackdown, The New Day say they are the Raw tag Team Champions now and they accept the challenge.

Seth Rollins is shown backstage.

– Stephanie McMahon is back to reveal more draft picks, with Retribution to Raw, Lars Sullivan to Smackdown, Keith Lee to Raw, King Corbin to Smackdown and Alexa Bliss to Raw.

– Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring for his final night on Raw, Rollins says that tonight is the end of an era because it’s his final night on Raw. Rollins talks about what the Raw fans will lose now that he is heading to Smackdown, Rollins wonders if anyone can fill the void he’ll be leaving behind on Raw. Jeff Hardy interrupts and he makes his way to the ring, Rollins says Hardy won’t be the new leader for Raw and he tells him to leave the ring. Hardy says the ring is his now and Rollins says Hardy should worry about facing Lars Sullivan on Smackdown, Rollins starts heading backstage when AJ Styles interrupts. Styles insults Rollins before addressing Hardy. Rollins goes after Styles and a brawl eventually breaks out between all three. Hardy challenges Rollins and Styles to a triple threat match as we go to a commercial break.

Seth Rollins vs. Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles

The match begins with Hardy going after Styles and Rollins, Rollins gains control while landing a few strikes on Hardy. Hardy fights back and he clotheslines Rollins out of the ring, Styles attacks Hardy and Hardy eventually drops him with a sling blade. Hardy corners Styles while landing some shoulder thrusts, Rollins trips up Hardy while staying outside the ring. Rollins and Styles work together to attack Hardy, Styles turns on Rollins before landing an enziguri and ushigoroshi for a near fall. Styles goes back to attacking the downed Hardy, Styles keeps Hardy down while landing a knee drop for a near fall. Rollins tries getting back in the ring and Styles knocks him to the arena floor, Hardy fights back and he corners Styles while landing strikes. Hardy goes to the top rope and Rollins knocks him to the arena floor, Rollins then hits Styles with a sling blade and thrust kick. Rollins then hits Hardy with a suicide dive, Rollins then knocks Styles out of the ring before taking everybody out with a suicide dive as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins holding Hardy in a cobra clutch, Hardy gets free and Rollins stomps away on him.

Styles tries getting back in the ring and Rollins knocks him to the arena floor, Hardy fights back and he takes everybody out with a Whisper In The Wind. Hardy drops Styles before landing a leg drop and basement drop kick, Hardy also drops Rollins before landing a rolling neck breaker. Hardy returns to Styles and he nails him with a falcon arrow for a near fall, Rollins goes after Hardy and Hardy nails him with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Styles recovers and he nails Hardy with a reverse DDT for a near fall, Styles looks for the Styles Clash and Rollins breaks it up. Rollins then hits Styles with a falcon arrow for a near fall, Hardy catches Rollins with a tornado DDT from out of nowhere for a near fall. Hardy goes to the top rope and Styles crotches him, Rollins gets Styles on his shoulders and Styles gets free to get him in a calf crusher. Styles moves and Hardy hits Rollins with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Hardy then hits Styles with a Twist Of Fate. Elias comes from out of nowhere and he nails Hardy with a guitar, Styles gets a three count on the downed Hardy.

Winner: AJ Styles

– Stephanie McMahon is shown backstage.

– Stephanie McMahon is out to reveal more draft picks, with Elias to Raw, Sami Zayn to Smackdown, Lacey Evans to Raw, Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura to Smackdown and Sheamus to Raw.

Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose vs. Lana & Natalya

The match begins with Natalya attacking Brooke with a ton of strikes, Brooke recovers and she drops Natalya with a head scissors takedown. Rose tags in and she nails Natalya with an arm drag for a near fall, Brooke tags in and she double teams Natalya with Rose for a near fall. Brooke goes after Lana and Natalya drops her before tagging Lana in, Lana nails Brooke with a sliding head kick for a near fall. Lana nails Brooke with a suplex before tagging Natalya in, Natalya kicks away at a cornered Brooke before tagging Lana in. Lana smashes Brooke face first on the mat before holding her in a chin lock, Brooke gets free and Lana drops her with a hair pull. Rose tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team, Rose gets Lana out of the corner after landing a suplex. Brooke tags in after Rose nails her with a knee strike, Brooke nails Lana with a swanton bomb for a three count.

Winners: Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose

After the match, Natalya says she is done teaming with Lana and she leaves the ring.

– The Hurt Business are backstage talking about Retribution when Ricochet arrives, Ricochet says he wants one last match against any member of The Hurt Business. Ricochet says The Hurt Business will never mess with him if he wins, but he’ll join The Hurt Business if he loses.

Angel Garza vs. Andrade

The match begins with Andrade and Garza exchanging some strikes, Garza and Andrade exchange some headlock attempts. Andrade eventually drops Garza with a back suplex before landing more strikes, Andrade starts attacking the injured leg of Garza. Andrade holds Garza down while holding him in a reverse bear hug, Garza gets free and he nails Andrade with a super kick. Andrade escapes the grasp of Garza before sending him into the corner, Andrade follows up by knocking Garza out of the ring with a spinning back elbow strike. Garza fights back and he sends Andrade into the ringside edge, Garza gets Andrade in the ring and he nails him with a Wing Clipper for a three count.

Winner: Angel Garza

After the match, Zelina Vega, who was on commentary, checks on the downed Andrade when the lights go out. Alexa Bliss and The Fiend are in the ring when the red lights come on, Bliss and The Fiend hit Andrade and Vega with Sister Abigails.

– Stephanie McMahon is back to reveal more draft picks, with Nikki Cross to Raw, Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode to Smackdown, R–Truth to Raw, Apollo Crews to Smackdown and Dabba-Kato to Raw.

Raw Tag Team Championships
The New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston) (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode

The match begins with Ziggler rolling up Woods for a one count, Ziggler and Woods do some chain wrestling. Woods gains control while working over the arm of Ziggler, Ziggler gets free and he does some damage to the arm of Woods. Woods gets free and he tags Kingston into the match, Ziggler attacks Ziggler and Ziggler gains control before tagging Roode in. Roode gets Kingston in a headlock after landing a few strikes, Kingston gets free and Roode nails him with a shoulder tackle. Kingston fights back and he drops Roode with a jumping back elbow strike, Roode lands a shoulder thrust to Kingston before attacking Woods. Roode nails Kingston with a full nelson slam before tagging Ziggler in, Ziggler nails Kingston with a fame asser for a near fall as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Ziggler working over Kingston, Roode tags in and he double teams Kingston with Ziggler for a near fall. Kingston tries fighting back and Roode chokes him, Roode nails Kingston with a back suplex and middle rope elbow drop for a near fall.

Roode holds Kingston down while holding him in a chin lock, Kingston gets free and he manages to drop Roode a short time later. Ziggler and Woods are tagged in by their respective partners, Woods quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Woods eventually nails Ziggler with a springboard tornado DDT for a near fall. Woods looks for a gut buster and Ziggler defends before landing a DDT for a near fall, Roode tags in and Woods rolls him up for a near fall. Woods goes for the Honor Roll and Roode counters with a spine buster for a near fall, Woods fights back and he nails Roode with an enziguri. Kingston looks for a tag and Ziggler attacks him, Kingston drops Ziggler and he tags into the match a short time later. Kingston and Woods hit Roode with the Midnight Hour for a three count.

Winners: The New Day (Xavier Woods & Kofi Kingston), still the Raw Tag Team Champions

– Charly Caruso interviews Elias, who says his new single from the album payback has to do with Jeff Hardy, Elias says he’ll never forgive Hardy for hitting him with a car a few months back. Elias says his new album comes out on October 26, Elias says he will perform a concert next week.

– Highlights are shown of Ali being revealed as the leader of Retribution.

Cedric Alexander w/ The Hurt Business vs. Ricochet

The match begins with Ricochet and Alexander exchanging some strikes, Ricochet corners Alexander while landing some strikes. Ricochet drops Alexander with a forearm strike for a near fall, Alexander recovers by dropping Ricochet and landing a basement drop kick. Alexander traps Ricochet in the corner while landing strikes and stomps, Alexander then hits Ricochet with a suplex before getting him in a chin lock. Ricochet gets free and Ricochet drops him again for a near fall, Ricochet gets up and Alexander drops him with some more strikes. Alexander traps Ricochet in the corner while landing more strikes, Ricochet recovers and he nails Alexander with a German suplex for a near fall. Ricochet goes for a 630 splash and Alexander gets out of the way, Ricochet then hits Alexander with a pair of head kicks. Alexander recovers by nailing Ricochet with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall, MVP grabs a chair and Ricochet gets it from him. Ricochet fakes getting hit with the chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Ricochet, by DQ

– Highlights are shown of what went down last week between Braun Strowman and Keith Lee.

– Stephanie McMahon is back to reveal more draft picks, with Titus O’Neil to Raw, Carmella to Smackdown, Peyton Royce to Raw, Aleister Black to Smackdown and Akira Tozawa to Raw.

– Raw Women’s Champion Asuka makes her way to the ring for the upcoming #1 contenders battle royal.

Raw Women’s Title #1 Contenders Battle Royal
Nia Jax vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Liv Morgan vs. Ruby Riott vs. Lana vs. Natalya vs. Mandy Rose vs. Dana Brooke vs. Lacey Evans vs. Nikki Cross vs. Billie Kay vs. Peyton Royce vs. Bianca Belair vs. Tamina

The match begins with Jax getting the microphone to say either her or Baszler will win the battle royal, everybody immediately attacks Jax and Baszler. Lana goes after Jax until Tamina drops her from behind, Tamina and Jax work together to double headbutt Lana. Jax turns on Tamina and she throws her out of the ring for an elimination, Jax goes after Kay and she eliminates her a short time later. Baszler goes to eliminate Brooke and Rose tries making the save, Jax helps Baszler eliminate Rose and Brooke. All the remaining competitors gang up on Jax and Baszler helps eliminate her, Jax gets angry and she puts Lana through the announce table and we see a brawl between Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Evans eliminating Cross after landing a Women’s Right, Baszler gets Riott in a rear naked choke before Morgan makes the save. Belair attacks Morgan and she drops her onto a downed Riott, Baszler goes after Belair and Belair eliminates her. Natalya goes after Belair while everybody else tries recovering, The Riott Squad work together to eliminate Belair.

The Riott Squad battle Natalya and Evans until The Riott Squad are eliminated, Evans attacks Natalya and she sends her into the corner a few times. Natalya gets Evans to the ring apron and Evans fights her way back into the ring, Natalya and Evans exchange a few strikes. Natalya gets Evans to the ring apron again and Evans drags her out there as well, Natalya shoves Evans to the ring post and Evans fights back. Evans goes for a head scissors takedown and Natalya power bombs her for an elimination, Lana appears out of nowhere and she eliminates Natalya to win the match.

Winner: Lana

– Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton take their battle to the ringside area, Orton gains control after sending McIntyre into the barricade. WWE officials eventually come out and they try separating them.

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