
WWE Payback 2020: Matt Riddle vs. King Corbin Result

King Corbin vs. Matt Riddle

The match begins with Corbin nailing Riddle with a clothesline before the bell sounded, the bell rings and Corbin cracks Riddle with more strikes. Corbin drops Riddle and he stomps away on him, Corbin gets Riddle up and he quickly tosses him out of the ring. Corbin gets Riddle on the announce table before nailing him with more strikes, Corbin gets Riddle back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Corbin keeps Riddle down while landing strikes and applying a chin lock to him, Corbin releases the hold and he cracks Riddle with more strikes. Riddle fights back and he nails Corbin with a few kicks, Riddle goes for a jumping kimura on Corbin and Corbin gets free by landing a slam. Riddle then applies the sleeper hold to Corbin and Corbin falls backwards to get free, Riddle reapplies the sleeper hold and he lands some strikes on Corbin as Corbin tries getting up. Riddle reapplies the sleeper hold and Corbin snap mares him to get free, Corbin recovers to hit Riddle with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin corners Riddle again before landing more strikes, Corbin follows up by choking Riddle on the middle rope.

Riddle tries fighting back and Corbin nails him with more strikes, Corbin also reapplies the modified chin lock to Riddle. Riddle gets free and Corbin nails him with a side slam for a near fall, Corbin gets Riddle back up before landing a forearm strike. Corbin starts trash talking and Riddle attacks him with a bunch of strikes, Corbin recovers and he nails a charging Riddle with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Corbin trips up a kicking Riddle and he briefly gets him in a single leg crab, Riddle gets free and he nails a charging Corbin with a head kick that knocks him out of the ring. Riddle leaves the ring and Corbin backs him into the ringside edge, Corbin gets Riddle back in the ring and Riddle lands a kick followed by running forearm strikes. Riddle drops Corbin before landing a senton and penalty kick for a near fall, Corbin gets to his knees and Riddle nails him with some kicks. Corbin and Riddle get into a striking exchange after Corbin gets to his feet, both go down to end the exchange. Corbin gets Riddle on the top rope and Riddle creates some space before leaping off the ropes, Corbin manages to hit Riddle with a Deep Six for a near fall.

Corbin keeps Riddle down while mounting him and landing more strikes, Riddle fights back and he lands strikes while on his back. Riddle catches Corbin in a triangle choke and Corbin powers his way to freedom, Riddle then lands Bro To Sleep on Corbin. Riddle then nails Corbin with a Floating Bro for a three count.

Winner: Matt Riddle

Keep up with everything happening on WWE Payback with Fightful’s ongoing coverage. Also, check out the post-show podcast for a full review by clicking here

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