
WWE Payback 2020: Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton Result

Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Orton getting Lee in a headlock, Lee gets free and the two collide in the middle of the ring. Lee recovers and he nails a charging Orton with a cross body block, Orton leaves the ring and he eventually gets back in while trash talking and attacking Lee with chops. Lee sends Orton into the corner before landing Grizzly Magnum, Orton fights back and he sends a charging Lee into the ring post. Lee falls out of the ring and Orton follows him out there before dropping him on the announce table, Lee gets back in the ring and Orton stomps away on him. Orton then nails a downed Lee with a knee drop for a near fall, Orton keeps Lee down while holding him in a chin lock. Lee gets free and he knocks Orton out of the ring with a pounce, Lee goes after Orton and he drops him on the announce table. Lee gets Orton back in the ring and Orton kicks him as he tried getting back in, Orton then nails Lee with an elevated DDT. Orton sets up for the RKO and Lee avoids it to land a Spirit Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Keith Lee

Keep up with everything happening on WWE Payback with Fightful’s ongoing coverage. Also, check out the post-show podcast for a full review by clicking here

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