
WWE Payback ‘20 Results: 3 New Champions Are Crowned, Keith Lee Beats The Legend Killer & More!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Payback ‘20. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

WWE Universal Championship
No Holds Barred Match

Roman Reigns def. ‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt (c) & Braun Strowman to win the title

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax def. Sasha Banks & Bayley (c) to win the titles

WWE United States Championship
Boobby Lashley def. Apollo Crews (c) to win the title

Keith Lee def. Randy Orton

Dominik Mysterio & Rey Mysterio def. Seth Rollins & Murphy

Matt Riddle def. King Corbin

Big E def. Sheamus

The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan) def. The IIconics (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce)

– The kickoff show panel consists of Charly Caruso, Booker T, Jerry Lawler, John “Bradshaw” Layfield and Peter Rosenberg.

– The panel goes over the card for tonight’s event.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman and Roman Reigns, followed by analysis from the panel.

– Highlights are shown of Randy Orton landing three punts on Drew McIntyre this past week on WWE Raw, followed by what went down afterwards between Orton and Keith Lee.

– A video package airs highlighting The Golden Role Models time as the women’s tag team champions, followed by some analysis from the panel on tonight’s tag team title match.

– Highlights are shown of the Arm Wrestling Challenge from Raw between Apollo Crews and Bobby Lashley, followed by The Hurt Business destroying people on Raw Underground.

– R-Truth invades the panel thinking that it’s time for Raw Talk, before offering some advice for Apollo Crews.

– A video package airs showing Big E’s appearance on Talking Smack, followed by the panel talking about Big E’s future as a singles wrestler.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Seth Rollins, Murphy and The Mysterio Family, followed by analysis from the panel.

– The panel also looks at the feud between King Corbin and Matthew Riddle.

The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan) vs. The IIconics (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce)

The match begins with Riott avoiding a kick from Kay before landing a few strikes, Morgan tags in and Kay throws Riott into her. Kay rolls up Morgan before dropping her with a forearm strike, Royce tags in and she double teams Morgan with Kay. Morgan fights back and Riott tags herself into the match, Riott lands a few strikes before refusing to tag Morgan in. Kay lands a knee strike on Riott before tagging Royce in, Riott chases Royce out of the ring before Kay lands Shades Of Kay on her. Kay tags in and she gets Riott in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Kay also chokes Riott on the bottom rope before tagging Royce back in. Riott fights back and Royce drops her with a clothesline, Kay tags in and she double teams Riott with Royce. Kay keeps Riott down while pulling back on both of her arms, Kay releases the hold to hit Riott with a few more strikes. Kay nails Riott with a kick to the midsection before tagging Royce in, Riott looks for a tag and Royce nails her with an elbow drop. Royce keeps Riott down while applying a chin lock to her, Riott gets free and Royce knocks Morgan off the ring apron.

Royce then nails Riott with a spin kick to the head before tagging Kay in, Kay and Royce nail Riott with a double front suplex. Riott recovers and she nails Kay with an enziguri, Morgan and Royce are tagged in by their respective partners. Morgan quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Morgan drops Royce before landing a double stomp for a near fall. Riott tags in and Royce sends Morgan out of the ring, Kay tags in and The IIconics hit Riott with Déjà Vu for a near fall. Morgan tags in and she fights back against both opponents, Morgan then nails Royce with Oblivion before tagging Riott in. Riott nails Kay with a Riott Kick for a three count.

Winners: The Riott Squad (Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan)

– The Riott Squad join the kickoff show panel to talk about their win over The IIconics, they make up for what has happened over the last few weeks and Ruby Riott says tonight was just the beginning for them.

– A video package airs highlighting the feud between Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre and Keith Lee, followed by analysis from the panel.

WWE United States Championship
Apollo Crews (c) vs. Bobby Lashley w/MVP & Shelton Benjamin

The match begins with Lashley backing Crews into the corner before letting him go free, Lashley scores a takedown on Crews and Crews gets up before getting taken down again. Crews gets Lashley in a headlock and Lashley gets free before landing a shoulder block, Crews recovers and he nails Lashley with a drop kick. Lashley fights back and he nails Crews with a knee strike to the midsection, Lashley corners Crews before grinding his face. Crews gets free and he knocks Lashley out of the ring, Crews gets to the ring apron and he nails Lashley with a moonsault. MVP and Benjamin block Crews from attacking Lashley further, Lashley returns and Crews gets him back in the ring. Lashley corners Crews again before dropping him on the top rope to send Crews crashing to the arena floor, Lashley goes after Crews and he sends him face first into the ring post. Lashley gets Crews back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt, Lashley keeps Crews down while applying a chin lock to him. Lashley transitions to a reverse bear hug on a downed Crews, Lashley gets up and he nails Crews with a fall away slam. Lashley corners Crews again before landing a corner spear, Crews recovers and he nails Lashley with an enziguri.

Lashley quickly recovers and he nails Crews with the Dominator for a near fall, Lashley goes for a spear and Crews sends him out of the ring. Lashley gets back in the ring and Crews nails him with a middle rope cross body block, Crews gets up first and he corners Lashley before landing shoulder thrusts. Crews follows up by nailing Lashley with an avalanche and a spine buster, Crews then hits Lashley with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Lashley escapes the grasp of Crews and Crews still sends him into the corner, Crews then hits Lashley with a few release German suplexes. Crews goes to the top rope and he lands a frog splash on Lashley for a near fall, Crews gets Lashley into the corner while landing a ton of strikes. Lashley recovers and he nails a charging Crews with a spine buster, Lashley gets Crews in the Full Lashley and a tap out follows.

Winner: Bobby Lashley w/MVP & Shelton Benjamin, your new WWE United States Champion

After the match, Apollo Crews attacks Bobby Lashley.

– Highlights are shown of Paul Heyman being shown beside Roman Reigns on WWE Smackdown.

– Kayla Braxton is outside of Roman Reigns locker room when Paul Heyman arrives, Heyman says he doesn’t have to recite his resume. Heyman says he believes that Reigns will sign the contract for the match tonight.

– Keith Lee is shown warming up backstage when John “Bradshaw” Layfield approaches him, JBL offers Lee his services to manage Lee’s money. JBL says there is a lot of pressure on Lee tonight when he faces Randy Orton, JBL says Lee shouldn’t be ashamed if he loses tonight.

Big E vs. Sheamus

The match begins with Sheamus and E battling into the corner before separating, Sheamus grabs E’s arm and he starts wrenching away on it. E looks for a waist lock and Sheamus gets free after landing a few elbow strikes, Sheamus looks for a waist lock and E tosses him away. Sheamus gets E in a headlock and he drags him to the ground, E gets free and he drops Sheamus with a back elbow strike. Sheamus recovers and he sends E out of the ring, E gets on the ring apron and Sheamus cracks him with a ton of strikes to knock him back to the arena floor. Sheamus looks to leave the ring and E trips him up before landing a few strikes, E goes for the big splash and Sheamus avoids it to send him crashing to the arena floor. E gets back in the ring and Sheamus stomps away on his knee, Sheamus drops E again before landing seated sentons to the injured knee. E tries fighting back and Sheamus drops him before wrenching away on the injured knee, Sheamus releases the hold before landing kicks and stomps on a downed E.

Sheamus again keeps E down while wrenching away on the injured leg, E gets free and Sheamus nails him with the Irish Curse Back Breaker for a near fall. Sheamus follows up by applying a single leg crab to E, E fights his way free and Sheamus kicks him right in the face. Sheamus goes to the top rope and E catches him as he leaps off to land a few belly to belly suplexes, E then hits a charging Sheamus with a uranage for a near fall. Sheamus prevents the spear from E before landing a slingshot shoulder tackle, E recovers and he hits Sheamus with another belly to belly suplex, E looks for a hold and Sheamus counters with an Alabama slam for a near fall. Sheamus and E have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Sheamus ends the exchange by getting E in a modified sharp shooter. E eventually gets to the ropes to break the submission from Sheamus, E recovers and he dumps a charging Sheamus out of thee ring. Sheamus gets back to the ring apron and E nails him with a spear, E gets Sheamus back in the ring and Sheamus counters The Big Ending attempt to get E in a heel hook.

E lands a few strikes on Sheamus to break the submission attempt, Sheamus gets up and he nails E with a knee strike for a near fall. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick and E counters with a power bomb, E then hits Sheamus with The Big Ending for a three count.

Winner: Big E

– Matt Riddle is interviewed and he says that he’ll defeat King Corbin tonight, Riddle gets angry when the interviewer brings up Corbin’s tweet about him being a failure.

– Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax are arguing backstage about who should be leading their team tonight.

King Corbin vs. Matt Riddle

The match begins with Corbin nailing Riddle with a clothesline before the bell sounded, the bell rings and Corbin cracks Riddle with more strikes. Corbin drops Riddle and he stomps away on him, Corbin gets Riddle up and he quickly tosses him out of the ring. Corbin gets Riddle on the announce table before nailing him with more strikes, Corbin gets Riddle back in the ring to get a near fall on a pin attempt. Corbin keeps Riddle down while landing strikes and applying a chin lock to him, Corbin releases the hold and he cracks Riddle with more strikes. Riddle fights back and he nails Corbin with a few kicks, Riddle goes for a jumping kimura on Corbin and Corbin gets free by landing a slam. Riddle then applies the sleeper hold to Corbin and Corbin falls backwards to get free, Riddle reapplies the sleeper hold and he lands some strikes on Corbin as Corbin tries getting up. Riddle reapplies the sleeper hold and Corbin snap mares him to get free, Corbin recovers to hit Riddle with a clothesline for a near fall. Corbin corners Riddle again before landing more strikes, Corbin follows up by choking Riddle on the middle rope.

Riddle tries fighting back and Corbin nails him with more strikes, Corbin also reapplies the modified chin lock to Riddle. Riddle gets free and Corbin nails him with a side slam for a near fall, Corbin gets Riddle back up before landing a forearm strike. Corbin starts trash talking and Riddle attacks him with a bunch of strikes, Corbin recovers and he nails a charging Riddle with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Corbin trips up a kicking Riddle and he briefly gets him in a single leg crab, Riddle gets free and he nails a charging Corbin with a head kick that knocks him out of the ring. Riddle leaves the ring and Corbin backs him into the ringside edge, Corbin gets Riddle back in the ring and Riddle lands a kick followed by running forearm strikes. Riddle drops Corbin before landing a senton and penalty kick for a near fall, Corbin gets to his knees and Riddle nails him with some kicks. Corbin and Riddle get into a striking exchange after Corbin gets to his feet, both go down to end the exchange. Corbin gets Riddle on the top rope and Riddle creates some space before leaping off the ropes, Corbin manages to hit Riddle with a Deep Six for a near fall.

Corbin keeps Riddle down while mounting him and landing more strikes, Riddle fights back and he lands strikes while on his back. Riddle catches Corbin in a triangle choke and Corbin powers his way to freedom, Riddle then lands Bro To Sleep on Corbin. Riddle then nails Corbin with a Floating Bro for a three count.

Winner: Matt Riddle

– Matt Riddle is interviewed backstage after the win and he is attacked by King Corbin.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship
Sasha Banks & Bayley (c) vs. Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler

The match begins with Baszler tagging herself into the match, Baszler quickly drops Banks with a few strikes. Banks recovers and she nails Baszler with a drop kick, Baszler traps a charging Banks in the corner before landing some head kicks. Baszler looks for the arm stomp and Banks gets free to tag Bayley in, Baszler gets Bayley down while working over her arm. Baszler looks for a tag and Banks knocks Jax off the ring apron after some help from Bayley, Banks tags in and she nails Baszler with a snap mare for a near fall. Banks keeps Baszler down while applying a modified abdominal stretch to her, Banks releases the hold to hit Baszler with a few suplexes. Bayley tags in and she lands a double slam on Baszler alongside Banks, Bayley then hits Baszler with a sliding clothesline for a near fall. Bayley goes after Jax and Jax sends her into the barricade, Banks leaps off the ring apron and Jax catches her before sending her into the barricade. Jax tags in and she quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Jax nails Bayley with an elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley fights back and she attacks Baszler, Banks nails Jax with a chop block behind the referee’s back.

Banks tags in and she cracks Jax with a series of running knee strikes, Banks mounts a downed Jax while landing some strikes. Banks follows up by nailing Jax with a drop kick, Bayley tags in and she nails a downed Jax with some strikes. Bayley leaves the ring to smash Jax’s injured knee on the ringside edge, Jax gets up and she catches a leaping Bayley before slamming her. Jax looks for a Samoan drop and Banks saves Bayley, Jax nails Banks with a Samoan drop onto a downed Bayley. Baszler tags in and she nails a downed Bayley with a series of strikes, Baszler corners Bayley before landing a series of knee strikes on both opponents. Baszler hits Bayley with a gut wrench suplex followed by a knee strike for a near fall, Banks tags in and Baszler nails her with a gut wrench suplex. Jax tags in and she double teams the opposition alongside Baszler, Jax goes for a power bomb and Banks counters with a face buster. Bayley tags in and Banks tags back in after Bayley lands a top rope elbow drop, Banks then hits Jax with a top rope frog splash for a near fall. Banks then hits Jax with a knee strike for another near fall, Banks cracks Jax with another near strike before tagging Bayley in.

Jax avoids the double team as Baszler tags into the match, Bayley and Banks nail Jax with a double back body drop. Baszler locks both opponents in a double submission hold and Bayley taps out.

Winners: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, your new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

After the match, Charly Caruso interviews Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, Jax celebrates like crazy while Baszler says they still aren’t friends.

Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton

The match begins with Orton getting Lee in a headlock, Lee gets free and the two collide in the middle of the ring. Lee recovers and he nails a charging Orton with a cross body block, Orton leaves the ring and he eventually gets back in while trash talking and attacking Lee with chops. Lee sends Orton into the corner before landing Grizzly Magnum, Orton fights back and he sends a charging Lee into the ring post. Lee falls out of the ring and Orton follows him out there before dropping him on the announce table, Lee gets back in the ring and Orton stomps away on him. Orton then nails a downed Lee with a knee drop for a near fall, Orton keeps Lee down while holding him in a chin lock. Lee gets free and he knocks Orton out of the ring with a pounce, Lee goes after Orton and he drops him on the announce table. Lee gets Orton back in the ring and Orton kicks him as he tried getting back in, Orton then nails Lee with an elevated DDT. Orton sets up for the RKO and Lee avoids it to land a Spirit Bomb for a three count.

Winner: Keith Lee

– Paul Heyman is shown backstage and he is approached by Kayla Braxton, Heyman says Roman Reigns is here tonight and he will compete in the triple threat main event tonight and become the new WWE Universal Champion.

Dominik Mysterio & Rey Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins & Murphy

The match begins with Dominik knocking Rollins off the ring apron before battling him on the arena floor, Murphy joins the battle and Dominik nails him with a modified 619. Rollins tags in and he cracks Dominik with a kick before applying a headlock, Dominik gets free and Rollins gets him to the ring apron. Dominik recovers and he knocks Rollins out of the ring with a springboard arm drag, Murphy tags in and Dominik drops him with a few arm drags. Rey tags in and he double teams Murphy with Dominik for a near fall, Rollins tags in and a striking exchange breaks out between them. Rey ends the exchange and he nails Rollins with a seated senton for a near fall, Rollins recovers and he nails Rey with a gut buster. Murphy tags in and Rey knocks him to the arena floor, Rollins interferes and he sends Rey out of the ring and onto the knees of Murphy. Murphy cracks Rey with a few strikes before getting him back in the ring for a near fall, Rollins tags in and he double teams Rey with Murphy. Murphy tags in and he again double teams Rey with Rollins, Rollins tags back in and Rey avoids his charge before nailing Murphy with a bulldog.

Dominik tags in and he quickly eats an assisted falcon arrow from Rollins for a near fall, Rollins keeps Dominik down while stomping away on him. Murphy tags in and he attacks Dominik with a few strikes, Murphy corners Dominik while attacking him with more strikes. Murphy then hits Dominik with a suplex for a near fall, Murphy follows up by applying the abdominal stretch to Dominik. Dominik gets free and Murphy manages to tag Rollins back in, Rollins nails Dominik with a slam before stomping on his hands. Dominik tries fighting back and Rollins dumps him out of the ring, Murphy goes after Dominik and Dominik sends him into the barricade. Rollins leaps off the ring apron and Dominik avoids him to send him into the barricade, Rollins returns to the ring and he prevents Dominik from making a tag. Dominik gets free and he tags Rey into the match, Rey quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Rey nails Rollins with a top rope moonsault for a near fall, Rey misses the 619 and he still manages to land a head kick afterwards for a near fall. Murphy hits the ring and Dominik nails him with a tornado DDT, Rollins recovers and he nails Dominik with a sling blade.

Rey returns and he nails Rollins with a top rope seated senton, Rollins fights back and he nails a charging Rey with a back breaker. Rollins and Rey battle in the ring while Dominik and Murphy battle on the arena floor, Rey then takes out Murphy with a suicide dive. Rey goes to the top rope and Rollins lands a gut buster on him as he leaps off, Rollins then hits Rey with a thrust kick for a near fall. Rollins sets up for The Stomp and Rey avoids it before getting slammed face first for a near fall, Dominik gets back in the ring and he sends an interfering Murphy out of it. Rollins knocks Dominik out of the ring before double teaming him with Murphy, Rollins drags Rey out of the ring before sending him into the barricade. Rollins gets Rey back in the ring and he tags Murphy into the match, Murphy accidentally kicks Rollins in the head after their double team fails. Rey tags Dominik in and Dominik nails Murphy with a 619, Rey then takes out Rollins with a suicide dive. Dominik follows up with a top rope frog splash onto Murphy for a three count.

Winners: Dominik Mysterio & Rey Mysterio

– The Hurt Business are shown leaving the arena.

WWE Universal Championship
No Holds Barred Match
‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt (c) vs. Braun Strowman vs. Roman Reigns

The match begins with Strowman attacking Wyatt during his entrance and the referee sounds the bell, Strowman then hits Wyatt with an avalanche and power slam for a near fall. Wyatt gets up and Strowman attacks him with more strikes, Wyatt recovers to hit Strowman with a cross body block and Sister Abigail for a near fall. Strowman leaves the ring and Wyatt follows him out there, Wyatt and Strowman exchange some strikes before Wyatt puts Strowman through the announce table with a uranage. Alexa Bliss is shown watching the match backstage, Wyatt grabs an oversized mallet and Strowman throws an office chair at him. Strowman knocks Wyatt onto the ring steps after landing a strike, Strowman grabs the mallet and Wyatt fights back to knock it out of his hands. Wyatt grabs Strowman and he throws him into the barricade, Wyatt gets the mallet and he hits Strowman with it. Wyatt follows up on that by sending Strowman into the ring steps and snapping his neck, Wyatt grabs a portion of the ring steps and he attacks Strowman with them.

Wyatt grabs Strowman again and he sends him into the barricade again, Wyatt drags Strowman up the entrance ramp before landing another neck snap. Strowman recovers and he sends Wyatt into the LED screen, Wyatt fights back and he exchanges some strikes with Strowman. Strowman charges at Wyatt and they both fall off the stage and go through some tables, Strowman gets up and he gets Wyatt back into the ring. Strowman goes to the top rope and Wyatt recovers to crotch him, Wyatt climbs up the ropes and he breaks the ring after landing a superplex. Reigns makes his way to the ring with Paul Heyman and a steel chair, Reigns signs the contract before getting in the ring. Reigns tries pinning Wyatt and he gets a near fall when a new referee comes out, Reigns also gets a near fall on Strowman. Reigns leaves the ring and he returns with a steel chair, Reigns attacks Strowman with a ton of chair shots for another near fall. Reigns gets the chair again and Wyatt attacks him with a mandible claw, Reigns gets free after kicking Wyatt in the balls. Reigns then hits Strowman with a spear for a three count.

Winner: Roman Reigns, your new WWE Universal Champion

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