
WWE NXT UK Results for 9/9/21 Wolfgang vs Sam Gradwell, Symbiosis in Action!

Symbiosis take on the patchwork team of Carter, Smith, and Huxley at 3pm EST on Peacock!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage for today’s edition of WWE NXT UK!

Heritage Cup Championship Number One Contender Tournament First Round Match
Wolfgang vs Sam Gradwell

Round 1

Round one starts off with the two exchanging standing switches and wrist locks before Wolfgang sends Sam out of the ring with a shoulder block. Sam takes his time getting back into the ring snaps the arm of Wolfgang into the ropes before hitting a dive off of the apron as Wolfgang gets back inside as the time counts down and the round comes to a close.

Round 2

Round two starts off with Wolfgang hitting a kitchen sink before rocking Sam with an uppercut and Sam goes back to the injured arm of Wolfgang before grounding him with a straight armbar. Wolfgang gets to his feet and hits a back drop before hitting a senton and Sam slaps him before escaping the ring as the round ends.

Round 3

Round three starts with Wolfgang rushing Sam before Sam drops him with a knee for the first fall to end the round in less than thirty seconds.

Round 4

Round four starts with Sam going back to the shoulder of Wolfgang before Wolfgang suplexes Sam for the pin to even things one fall a piece.

Round 5

Round five starts with Wolfgang laying into Sam with strikes before Sam drops him with a discus forearm for two before dodging a spear twice and Wolfgang hits a spear on the third attempt for the pin, third fall, and the win.

Winner: Wolfgang defeats Sam Gradwell via pinfall to advance to the next round of the tournament.

– We get a video package for what Blair Davenport did to Sid Scala last week before we go to Sid who says that NXT management have suspended her from competition effective immediately.

– We get a video package for the tournament match between Noam Dar and Kenny Williams next week.

– Gallus versus Pretty Deadly for the NXT UK Tag Team titles is announced for next week’s show.

– Backstage Gallus are celebrating Wolfgang’s win before Joe shoves Jordan Devin who just got out of the sauna.

Ashton Smith, Oliver Carter & Saxon Huxley vs Symbiosis

Saxon and Primate start the match off before T-Bone comes in Saxon suplexes him before tagging in Oliver and Ashton before Eddie distracts Ashton and T-Bone suplexes him. T-Bone hits Ashton with forearms to the small of the back before Oliver comes back in and clotheslines Primate repeatedly before hitting an ax kick. Oliver hits an asai moonsault before hitting a scorpion knee and an enzuigiri before Primate comes back and Eddie gets the blind tag before Symbiosis isolate Oliver. Oliver comes back with a superkick before getting the hot tag to Saxon who clotheslines Eddie and hits a kitchen sink into an elbow drop for two before going up top and getting distracted by Primate before hitting a diving clothesline for a deep two count. Ashton and Saxon double up on Eddie before Primate distracts the referee and T-Bone hits Ashton from the apron before hitting a black hole slam for a near fall. T-Bone the hits a running powerslam before Primate hits a diving headbutt for a near fall before Ashton and Oliver hit Primate with an doomsday cutter for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ashton Smith, Oliver Carter, and Saxon Huxley defeat Symbiosis via pinfall.

– We get a backstage interview with Stevie Turner who says that she’s got the blueprint to defeat Meiko Satomura before she’s interrupted and mocked by Amelia McKenzie as we go to commercial.

– We get a backstage promo by Pretty Deadly ahead of their title defense against Gallus next week.

– We then end the show with a complete match replay of the NXT UK title match from Takeover 36 where Ilja Dragunov defeated WALTER to become the new champion with various WWE Superstars doing commenting on the match at various points as we go off the air.

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