
WWE NXT UK Results for 12/5/19 Jordan Devlin vs A-Kid, Banks vs Ligero vs Conners

The Irish Ace takes on the newcomer A-Kid and Travis Banks, Ligero and Joseph Conners square off in a triple threat match at 3PM on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, it’s time for NXT UK headlined by a highly anticipated match between the undefeated upstart A-Kid and Jordan Devlin!

-We see Gallus and Imperium entering the arena earlier today ahead of their negotiation meeting before Toni Storm comes out to the ring for her match against Killer Kelly.

Toni Storm vs Killer Kelly

Toni catches a kick and sweeps Kelly before hitting a flying knee and dropping her with a boot. Kelly puts Toni in a rear chin lock before Toni hits a lariat and a German suplex. Toni then hits Storm Zero for the pin and the win.

Winner: Toni Storm defeats Killer Kelly with Storm Zero.

-NXT UK Women’s champion Kay Lee Ray attacks Toni after the match before she’s saved by Piper Niven who runs Ray off before Storm walks right past her and leaves to the back.

-We go backstage to an interview with South Wales Subculture where they say that they agree with Grizzled Young Veterans over the interference by Gallus before saying that they aren’t a one hit wonder or a fluke before saying that they want a title match at NXT UK Takeover:Blackpool next month as we go to commercial.

-We return to Piper and Toni arguing backstage before Toni tells Piper that she doesn’t need her help and to leave her alone.

The Hunt vs The Outliers (Riddick Moss & Dorian Mak)

Mark and Moss start things off before he and Primate start tagging in and out before Moss hits a running shoulder tackle to the Wild Boar in the corner before yelling at him and playing to the crowd. Mak comes in and drops Boar with knees to the midsection before Moss beats Boar down in the corner with forearms and stomps. Mak knocks Primate off of the apron and locks in a bear hug before hitting a choke breaker for a near fall before Primate gets the tag and brawls with Mak before dropping him with a shotgun dropkick. Primate hits running clotheslines in opposite corners before hitting a fall away slam to Moss and Boar hits a diving splash off of the apron to Moss. The Hunt then hit a series of diving headbutts for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Hunt defeat The Outliers via pinfall when they pin Mak with double diving headbutts.

Jordan Devlin vs A-Kid

A takes Jordan down before Jordan rocks him with a forearm and Kid hits a dropkick before sending Jordan out of the ring and Jordan drives Kid’s knee into the mat. Jordan focuses on the leg and knee of Kid to ground the high flyer before Tyler Bate comes out to ringside and cheers on Kid at ringside. Jordan pins Kid’s shoulders to the mat for a few quick two counts before Kid hits a springboard DDT and a diving cross body before hitting a northern lights suplex for a two count. Jordan hits a slingshot cutter before Kid counters the Devlin Side into a Canadian destroyer before Jordan falls out of the ring and Kid hits a moonsault to Jordan at ringside. Kid gets back in at the count of seven before Jordan nearly knocks him out with a kick to the face and hits Kawada kicks before hitting Devil Inside for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Devlin defeats A-Kid via pinfall with Devil Inside.

-After the match Jinny and Jazzy cut a promo backstage about Piper Niven.

Travis Banks vs Ligero vs Joseph Conners

Ligero and Banks immediately go after Conners before taking turns beating on the Scott until they superkick him out of the ring. Ligero and Travis exchange quick pin attempts before Joseph gets a double two count and immediately gets dropped for his troubles. Ligero hits Travis with an enzuigiri before hitting a huricanrrana onto the floor and Travis hits him with a diving stomp before taking out Joseph with a suicide dive. Back in the ring Travis hits a seated senton for a two count before hitting Joseph with a shotgun dropkick and Ligero hits a cannonball in the corner. Ligero gets a near fall off of a roll up before Joseph hits a slingshot DDT into a double neck snap for a double near fall before hitting a lariat for another near fall.

Travis and Ligero exchange chops on the apron before Ligero sends Travis down onto the floor and Joseph stomps Ligero down on top of the ring steps. Travis nearly knocks Joseph out with an uppercut when he goes for a suicide dive before rolling him back into the ring and hitting A Slice of Heaven into the Kiwi Crusher. Ligero hits C4L before Joseph hits Don’t Look Down before Travis breaks up the near fall with a diving stomp before Travis and Ligero exchange chops. Joseph then sends Ligero out of the ring before sending Travis into Ligero when he gets back up onto the apron when he counters the Kiwi Crusher and hits Travis with Don’t Look Down for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joseph Conners defeats Travis Banks and Ligero via pinfall when he pins Travis with Don’t Look Down.

-We get a promo by Kassius Ohno who says that he’s no longer the Knockout Artist and the rolling elbows and knockout punches are gone and that they will be replaced by traditional wrestling moves. Ohno then says that he’s the greatest British wrestler alive before we throw to NXT UK General Manager Johnny Saint and Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala who introduce the leader of Gallus Joe Coffey and the leader of Imperium, NXT UK champion WALTER.

-WALTER sits down while Joe stands before Joe says that he wants the NXT UK Championship and WALTER says that he will accept any challenge before saying that he wants Wolfgang and Mark Coffey to defend their tag titles and that Ilja Dragunov has to face Alexander Wolfe in a No Disqualification Match. Joe says that he doesn’t run with Ilja and has no influence on his decisions before Ilja comes out to the ring and says that Joe should make the agreement. Joe then says that they have a deal before the tag title match is announced for next week and that Ilja and Wolfe will face off at a later date before ending the meeting by announcing the NXT UK Championship match between Joe Coffey and WALTER at NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool.

-WALTER then lures Ilja to the ring before he’s attacked and taken out by the rest of Imperium before putting him through a table as we go off the air.

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