
WWE NXT UK Results for 5/15/19 Dave Mastiff vs Wolfgang, Jordan Devlin vs Ligero

Dave Mastiff squares off with Wolfgang and Jordan Devlin and Ligero go head to head today at 3PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, we hope your day is going well! It’s time for NXT UK with two huge matches with potential championship opportunities in play!

Piper Niven vs Jamie Hayter

Jamie locks in a straight armbar headlock that Piper muscles out of and locks in a cravat before Jamie slaps her. Piper drops Jamie and hits a running cross body into a cannonball and a Michinoku driver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Piper Niven defeats Jamie Hayter via pinfall with a Michinoku driver.

NXT UK Championship Fatal Four Way Match Qualifying Match

Jordan Devlin vs Ligero

Ligero hits an arm drag and Jordan puts him in a headlock before pinning his shoulders down to the mat for a series of two counts. Ligero gets a two count off of a sunset flip before Jordan drops him with a shoulder block and Ligero hits a monkey flip into a dropkick that sends Jordan out of the ring. Ligero hits a springboard cross body and tosses Jordan back into the ring for a two count before Jordan drops him with a back elbow. Jordan hits a variation of a suplex and Ligero dropkicks him for a quick two count before getting a near fall off of a rolling crucifix. Jordan gets his knees up when Ligero hits a diving splash for a near fall before Ligero gets his feet up when Jordan goes for a moonsault. Ligero then hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall before Jordan counters a tornado DDT into a Saito suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Devlin defeats Ligero via pinfall with a Saito suplex to gain entry to the NXT UK Championship Fatal Four Way Match.

Ilja Dragunov vs Jack Starz

Ilja hits a clothesline in the corner and beats Jack down in the corner before he drops him with a forearm to the back and hits a running clothesline into a lariat. Ilja then hits a slingshot lariat and a senton into a running European uppercut he calls Torpedo Moscow for the pin and the win.

Winner: ilja Dragunov defeats Jack Starz via pinfall with Torpedo Moscow.

Killer Kelly vs Xia Brookside

They go back and forth to start the match before Xia takes Kelly down with a side headlock takeover that she turns into a head scissor. Xia stands on her head to get free and hops up before Kelly takes her down with a side headlock and Xia puts her in a head scissor. Kelly then flips her way out of the head scissor before they’re interrupted by Jinny and the debuting Jazzy Gabert who gets in the ring and Kelly leaves before Jazzy attacks her for the disqualification.

Winner: Xia Brookside defeats Killer Kelly via disqualification when Jazzy Gabert interferes.

NXT UK Championship Fatal Four Way Qualifying Match

Dave Mastiff vs Wolfgang

Dave knocks Wolfgang over and slams him to the mat for a quick two count before Wolfgang elbows his way out of a waist lock and puts Dave in a full nelson. Dave powers his way free and hits a running senton before Wolfgang slams him down to the mat and misses a flipping senton off of the top. Dave then hits a running cross body and a German suplex into the corner before Dave hits Into the Void for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dave Mastiff defeats Wolfgang via pinfall with Into the Void to gain entry into the NXT UK Championship Fatal Four Way Match.

-Gallus then lay out Dave after the match as we go off the air.

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